commit 64a7cbf4ea3276b72ffb121acab676542cebde1b
Author: Willy Tarreau <>
Date:   Tue Nov 20 04:47:38 2018 +0100

    BUG/MEDIUM: hpack: fix encoding of "accept-ranges" field
    James Brown reported that when an "accept-ranges" header field is sent
    through haproxy and converted from HTTP/1.1 to H2, it's mis-encoded as
    "accept-language". It happens that it's one of the few very common header
    fields encoded using its index value and that this index value was misread
    in the spec as 17 instead of 18, resulting in the wrong name being sent.
    Thanks to Lukas for spotting the issue in the HPACK encoder itself.
    This fix must be backported to 1.8.
    (cherry picked from commit 4bf194cbdbcda8ec4ce83d7f12d2fe9b08483c94)
    [wla: buffer API edit]
    Signed-off-by: William Lallemand <>

diff --git a/src/hpack-enc.c b/src/hpack-enc.c
index d1f68c58..99c73103 100644
--- a/src/hpack-enc.c
+++ b/src/hpack-enc.c
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ int hpack_encode_header(struct chunk *out, const struct ist n, const struct ist
 	else if (isteq(n, ist("last-modified")))
 		out->str[len++] = 0x6c; // literal with indexing -- name="last-modified" (idx 44)
 	else if (isteq(n, ist("accept-ranges")))
-		out->str[len++] = 0x51; // literal with indexing -- name="accept-ranges" (idx 17)
+		out->str[len++] = 0x52; // literal with indexing -- name="accept-ranges" (idx 18)
 	else if (isteq(n, ist("cache-control")))
 		out->str[len++] = 0x58; // literal with indexing -- name="cache-control" (idx 24)
 	else if (isteq(n, ist("content-length")))