#!/bin/sh # to enable this script uncomment the case loop at the bottom # to report mwan3 status on interface hotplug ifup/ifdown events modify the lines in the send_alert function send_alert() { # variable "$1" stores the mwan3 status information # insert your code here to send the contents of "$1" } gather_event_info() { # create event information message local EVENT_INFO="Interface [ "$INTERFACE" ($DEVICE) ] on router [ "$(uci get -p /var/state system.@system[0].hostname)" ] has triggered a hotplug [ "$ACTION" ] event on "$(date +"%a %b %d %Y %T %Z")"" # get current interface, policy and rule status local CURRENT_STATUS="$(/usr/sbin/mwan3 status)" # get last 50 mwan3 systemlog messages local MWAN3_LOG="$(echo -e "Last 50 MWAN3 systemlog entries. Newest entries sorted at the top:\n$(logread | grep mwan3 | tail -n 50 | sed 'x;1!H;$!d;x')")" # pass event info to send_alert function send_alert "$(echo -e "$EVENT_INFO\n\n$CURRENT_STATUS\n\n$MWAN3_LOG")" } #case "$ACTION" in # ifup) # gather_event_info # ;; # # ifdown) # gather_event_info # ;; #esac exit 0