include $(TOPDIR)/ PKG_NAME:=cni PKG_VERSION:=1.1.2 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_LICENSE:=Apache-2.0 PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=LICENSE PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=$(PKG_NAME)/archive/v$(PKG_VERSION) PKG_HASH:=7d4bcaf83acdd54b3dc216f7aa5b5e1b32cb797d9c6af601a2c26b97470ed743 PKG_MAINTAINER:=Daniel Golle , Paul Spooren , Oskari Rauta PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=golang/host PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/ include ../../lang/golang/ PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0 GO_PKG_BUILD_VARS += GO111MODULE=auto define Package/cni SECTION:=utils CATEGORY:=Utilities TITLE:=cni URL:= DEPENDS:=$(GO_ARCH_DEPENDS) endef define Package/cni/description CNI (Container Network Interface), a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, consists of a specification and libraries for writing plugins to configure network interfaces in Linux containers, along with a number of supported plugins. CNI concerns itself only with network connectivity of containers and removing allocated resources when the container is deleted. Because of this focus, CNI has a wide range of support and the specification is simple to implement. endef define Package/cni/install $(call GoPackage/Package/Install/Bin,$(1)) endef $(eval $(call GoBinPackage,cni)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,cni))