if PACKAGE_privoxy

	comment "Shared libraries settings"

	config PRIVOXY_disable-pthread
		bool "Don't use POSIX libpthread (-5489b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-dynamic-pcre
		bool "Use the built-in, static pcre, even if libpcre is available (+25669b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-zlib
		bool "Don't use zlib to decompress data before filtering. (-1336b)"
		default n

	comment "Config options. Overwrites/ignore configuration file settings"

	config PRIVOXY_disable-toggle
		bool "Don't support temporary disable (+2797b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-force
		bool "Don't allow single-page disable (-434b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-fast-redirects
		bool "Don't support fast redirects (-1393b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-stats
		bool "Don't keep statistics (+2870b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-ie-images
		bool "Enable MS IE image handling. !Read help! (+2694b)"
			Enable a quick but not always reliable auto-detect whether
			requests from MS Internet Explorer are for an image or not.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-image-blocking
		bool "Don't check for image request - assume HTML (-655b)"
			Don't try to figure out whether a request is
			for an image or HTML - assume HTML.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-acl-support
		bool "Disable ACL access control (-3496b)"
			Prevents the use of ACLs to control access to Privoxy by IP address.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-trust-files
		bool "Prevents the use of trust files. (-1302b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_disable-editor
		bool "Disable web-based editor. !Read help! (-44979b)"
			Prevents the use of the web-based actions file
			editor and web-based temporary disable setting.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-no-gifs
		bool "Use politically correct PNG format. !Read help! (+112b)"
			Use politically correct PNG format instead of GIF
			for built-in images. May not work with all browsers.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-graceful-termination
		bool "Allow to shutdown Privoxy through the webinterface. (+1685b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-extended-host-patterns
		bool "Enable and require PCRE syntax in host patterns. !Read help! (-1329b)"
			Enable and require PCRE syntax in host patterns. This feature hasn't
			been announced yet and it's not clear if it's a good idea. It's expected
			to work, but undocumented. You should only enable it if you know what
			PCRE is and are sure that you need it for your host patterns. You can
			use tools/url-pattern-translator.pl to convert existing action files to
			use PCRE host patterns. Please don't enable this option when creating
			packages for others that may not be expecting it.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-external-filters
		bool "Allow to filter content with scripts and programs. Experimental. (+4821b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-accept-filter
		bool "Try to use accf_http(9) if supported. (+-0b)"
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-strptime-sanity-checks
		bool "Only trust strptime() results if ... !Read help! (+407b)"
			Only trust strptime() results if an additional strftime()/strptime()
			conversion doesn't change the result. Can be useful if strptime() is
			known or suspected to be broken.
		default n

	config PRIVOXY_enable-compression
		bool "Allow Privoxy to compress buffered content. (+1275b)"
			Allow Privoxy to compress buffered content 
			if the client supports it. Requires zlib support.
		depends on !PRIVOXY_no_zlib
		default n
