Add GO111MODULE=auto to GO_PKG_BUILD_VARS to allow the package to be
built in non-module mode.
Module-aware mode will be mandatory in the next golang release.
Signed-off-by: Eneas U de Queiroz <>
Dockerd start too early will conflict with other net config.
After boot must manually restart dockerd, Or some container will not run.
Signed-off-by: Yuhang Qin <>
* SELinux and Seccomp are now enabled via the kernel options themselves
* now uses CGroupsV2 by default but optionally allows V1
Signed-off-by: Gerard Ryan <>
The source is being deprecated and split into the CLI and engine/daemon
repositories, So `docker-ce` will now be the `dockerd` and a separate
package will be made for the `docker` CLI.
Signed-off-by: Gerard Ryan <>