If Unbound was disabled and at later time enabled, then it
would operate in DNSSEC less-secure mode. When NTP hotplug
was called, the timestamp file was not updated. This was
found testing Unbound vs other tools (bind, dnsmasq).
Signed-off-by: Eric Luehrsen <ericluehrsen@hotmail.com>
- UCI option dnsmasq_gate_name typo in few locations
- NTP hotplug to check /etc/init.d/unbound not ..dnsmasq
Signed-off-by: Eric Luehrsen <ericluehrsen@hotmail.com>
-DNSSEC needs time, time needs ntp, or power off RTC
-Many consumer routers are cost thrifted without RTC
-Conf "val-override-date: -1" disables time inside DNSSEC
-Need restart as option is not dynamically switchable
-hotplug/ntp is used to set file /var/lib/unbound/unbound.time
-UCI will add or remove option depending on flag-like-file
Signed-off-by: Eric Luehrsen <ericluehrsen@hotmail.com>