* rename wan6_trigger to procd_trigger_wan6
* rename update_dnsmasq_config to dnsmasq_config_update
* add the uci-defaults file to run sed on config file
* update Makefile to include uci-defaults file
Signed-off-by: Stan Grishin <stangri@melmac.ca>
* add setting to enable/disable blocking access to iCloud Private Relay resolvers
* add setting to enable/disable blocking access to Mozilla resolvers
* rename variables loaded from config in the init script
Signed-off-by: Stan Grishin <stangri@melmac.ca>
* Added optional ipv4 resolvers UCI config option
* Added logging to logd
* Refactored verbosity UCI config option
* Filtered out any address from being added to dnsmasq
Signed-off-by: Gerard Ryan <G.M0N3Y.2503@gmail.com>