* add 'status_service' as workaround to init for 19.07
* fix 'wifionice' auto-login script
* fix autologin script matching
* change wifi scanning to logical interface name,
no longer use the radio device
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* some init tweaks
* use the usual wifi wrapper for reloads
* compatibility fix for latest wifi-related changes
in master (dynamic wireless radio reconfiguration)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* print to stdout if 'logger' is not available
* add support to set the service nice level (default is 0)
* small fixes / polish up for forthcoming 19.07 release
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
This can be helpful for example in hotels where you need to
enter a new user/password combination every week.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Rothe <mail@johannes-rothe.de>
* automatically add open uplinks to your wireless config,
e.g. hotel captive portals (disabled by default)
* shift net status check in a separate function
* (s)hellcheck cosmetics
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* add missing dnsmasq dependency
* add a captive portal auto-login hook (configurable via uci/LuCI),
you could reference an external auto-login script - see readme
* provide an auto-login script for german ICE hotspots
(/etc/travelmate/wifionice.login), requires 'curl'
* small fixes
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* fix a corner case issue with auto expiry of the
'Faulty Station' list (the last run information was not updated)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* optimize the main scan/iwinfo call (performance & system load):
- remove a needless f_trim function call
- remove a redundant awk call
- reduce the scan buffer size and
make it configurable (trm_scanbuffer, default 1024 bytes)
* cosmetics
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* add a 'Net Error Check' which treats a missing
internet availability as an error (disabled by default)
* add a 'List Auto Expiry' which automatically resets
the 'Faulty Stations' list after n minutes,
default is '0' which means no expiry (old behaviour).
* rework major parts of the check subroutine
* add both features to LuCI frontend (separate PR/commit)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* fix a json related ressource leak
* add a reload trigger when the wireless config gets changed
* set an interface default 'trm_wwan' (like the LuCI frontend)
* reordered nested loops to optimize the connection handling
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* fix for #8357
* fix unexpectedy calling option_cb() during wireless config_load
* react immediately when the current active uplink connection
gets deleted
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* add captive portal domains automatically to the related
domain whitelist (dhcp option 'rebind_domain'),
if rebind protection/RFC1918 is enabled
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* remove the "--spider" download option from captive portal
detection to make the heartbeat function more robust.
Keep the uplink connection 'alive' with all sorts of portals.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* proactively scan and switch to a higher prioritized uplink,
despite of an already existing connection,
this is configurable via 'trm_proactive' option
(default '1', enabled)
* fix some minor list trim issues
* optimize wlan scanning behavior
* refine debug messages
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* with the config option 'trm_radio' you can now restrict travelmate
to a single radio (e.g. 'radio1') or change the overall
scanning order (e.g. 'radio1 radio2 radio0')
* LuCI: show QR codes now inline on the overview page
(collapsed by default)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* remove needless third status "not connected", use only "running / not
connected" and "connected"
* change indentation from spaces to tabs (saves 4kb)
* small fixes
* update readme
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* fix restart behaviour after successful connection
* fix labeling of faulty stations
* optimize re-connect behaviour at locations where multiple uplinks with
the same SSID are in range
* use procd pidfile handling
* refine logging
* small fixes
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* no longer rename faulty uplinks in /etc/config/wireless, but save
uplink state in json runtime information. To reset the saved state
simply restart travelmate processing.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* union 'automatic' and 'trigger' mode, now much more responsive
if an uplink suddenly disappears
* tidy up (disable) travelmate related uplink connections
if you disable the service
* change default config ('trm_automatic' removal)
* documentation update
* LuCI: remove needless 'automatic' and 'trigger' options
plus small fixes
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* checks continuously the signal quality for conditional
uplink (dis-) connections
* captive portal detection with internet online check and
a 'heartbeat' function to keep the uplink connection up & running
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* corner case fix with multiple (partly disabled) radios
* LuCI: BSSID will be ignored by default in 'wireless add' dialog
* LuCI: Textarea 'autoscroll down' in logfile view
* LuCI: refine logfile search term
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* limit sta interface selection/handling
to defined travelmate interface (trm_iface) only
* check eap capabilities and ignore enterprise uplinks
as long as eap support is not available
* documentation update
* cosmetics
* LuCI: various cleanups
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* backend/frontend: supports a Connection Limit ('trm_maxretry')
of '0', to disable this feature (unlimited retries)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* load procd reload trigger only in 'manual' mode
* documentation update
* further optimized Station Overview & Scan page,
especially for mobile devices
* add a "Rescan" button in manual mode on overview page
* XHTML fixes
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* handle errors due to misconfigured uplinks
* various bugfixes
luci frontend:
* add a powerful wireless station manager to edit and delete existing
interfaces or scan for new uplinks
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* wait for hostapd comes up during boot
* remove needless ubus call during script startup
* remove needless iwinfo check (covered by package dependency)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* use iwinfo instead iw for wlan scanning,
scanning now works on radio-level
* enhance multiple radio support:
* support STA-only radio configurations,
e.g first radio with local AP, second radio
with a bunch of STAs (without APs)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
* always update the connection status, even in case of an error
* merge multiple ubus network calls in central check routine
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>