Some /etc/config-destined files are in files/ and suffixed with
.conf while others are in files/etc/config/ which isn't consistent.
Put everything in files/ and call it good.
Signed-off-by: Philip Prindeville <>
Convert init-script to procd and allow to configure
isc-dhcp-server via UCI. Allow most by-network and by-host options
supported by dnsmasq.
User-defined dhcp-options are not supported yet, neither are tags.
Existing configurations with use-edited /etc/dhcpd.conf are still
respected, hence to enjoy the new features you have to migrate
your configuration to UCI and delete /etc/dhcpd.conf.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Version bumped to 4.3.5. Separated out compile/install steps since
compiling with $DESTDIR yields bogus results. Removed rfc-3527 patch
as something similar (better) is now upstream (well, more complete
error checking anyway). Change relay scripts from '-l ifname' to
'-U ifname' to correspond to upstream changes.
Signed-off-by: Philip Prindeville <>