Update crowdsec-firewall-bouncer to latest upstream release version 0.0.25
Signed-off-by: S. Brusch <ne20002@gmx.ch>
Maintainer: Kerma Gérald <gandalf@gk2.net>
Run tested: ipq40xx/generic, Fritzbox 4040, Openwrt 22.03.3
- now based on uci config file
- create nftables tables and chains in initd script
crowdsec rename the binary from crowdsec-firewall-bouncer to cs-firewall-bouncer
the initd need the correct binary name to start the process
the link for github source need also to be fixed (only the information one)
fix the BuildDate
updated copyright
Signed-off-by: Kerma Gérald <gandalf@gk2.net>
Update crowdsec-firewall-bouncer to latest upstream release version 0.0.21
Makefile rework
- use tagged version for download
- set API_KEY in firewall bouncer config file
Signed-off-by: Kerma Gérald <gandalf@gk2.net>
crowdsec-firewall-bouncer will fetch new and old decisions from
a CrowdSec API to add them in a blocklist used by supported firewalls.
Signed-off-by: Kerma Gérald <gandalf@gk2.net>