vpn-policy-routing: bugfixes: killall and tmpfs params

* bugfix: change killall param from -HUP to -s HUP
* bugfix: change tmpfs param from status to gateway

Signed-off-by: Stan Grishin <stangri@melmac.net>
(cherry picked from commit 2b6c8d8273)
This commit is contained in:
Stan Grishin 2021-10-19 05:24:34 +00:00
parent c8c12fdadc
commit 4d08672100

View file

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ is_domain() { str_contains "$1" '[a-zA-Z]'; }
is_phys_dev() { [ "${1:0:1}" = "@" ] && ip l show | grep -E -q "^\\d+\\W+${1:1}"; }
is_turris() { /bin/ubus -S call system board | /bin/grep 'Turris' | /bin/grep -q '15.05'; }
is_chaos_calmer() { ubus -S call system board | grep -q 'Chaos Calmer'; }
dnsmasq_kill() { killall -q -HUP dnsmasq; }
dnsmasq_kill() { killall -q -s HUP dnsmasq; }
dnsmasq_restart() { output 3 'Restarting DNSMASQ '; if /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1; then output_okn; else output_failn; fi; }
is_default_dev() { [ "$1" = "$(ip -4 r | grep -m1 'dev' | grep -Eso 'dev [^ ]*' | awk '{print $2}')" ]; }
is_supported_iface_dev() {
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ start_service() {
is_wan_up || return 1
iptables -t 'mangle' --list 'VPR_PREROUTING' >/dev/null 2>&1 || unset reloadedIface
[ -n "$(tmpfs get status)" ] || unset reloadedIface
[ -n "$(tmpfs get gateway)" ] || unset reloadedIface
if [ -s "$dnsmasqFile" ]; then
dnsmasqStoredHash="$(md5sum $dnsmasqFile | awk '{ print $1; }')"