`ss-redir`. The REDIRECT and TPROXY part are to be provided by `ss-rules` script. REDIRECT is for tcp traffic (`SO_ORIGINAL_DST` only supports TCP). TPROXY is for udp messages, but it's only available in the PREROUTING chain and as such cannot proxy local out traffic.
Option names are the same as those used in json config files. Check `validate_xxx` func definition of the [service script](files/shadowsocks-libev.init) and shadowsocks-libev's own documentation for supported options and expected value types. A [sample config file](files/shadowsocks-libev.config) is also provided for reference.
Every section have a `disabled` option to temporarily turn off the component instance or component instances referring to it.
Section type `server` is for definition of remote shadowsocks servers. They will be referred to from other component sections and as such should be named (as compared to anonymous section).
Section type `ss_local`, `ss_redir`, `ss_tunnel` are for specification of shadowsocks-libev components. They share mostly a common set of options like `local_port`, `verbose`, `fast_open`, `timeout`, etc.
We can have multiple instances of component and `server` sections. The relationship between them is many-to-one. This will have the following implications
- It's possible to have both `ss_local` and `ss_redir` referring to the same `server` definition
- It's possible to have multiple instances of `ss_redir` listening on the same address:port with `reuse_port` enabled referring to the same or different `server` sections
`ss_rules` section is for configuring the behaviour of `ss-rules` script. There can only exist at most one such section with the name also being `ss_rules`
redir_tcp name of ss_redir section with mode tcp_only or tcp_and_udp
redir_udp name of ss_redir section with mode udp_only or tcp_and_udp
Bool option `dst_forward_recentrst` requires iptables/netfilter `recent` match module (`opkg install iptables-mod-conntrack-extra`). When enabled, `ss-rules` will setup iptables rules to forward through `ss-redir` those packets whose destination have recently sent to us multiple tcp-rst.
ss-rules uses kernel ipset mechanism for storing addresses/networks. Those ipsets are also part of the API and can be populated by other programs, e.g. dnsmasq with builtin ipset support. For more details please read output of `ss-rules --help`
Note also that `src_ips_xx` and `dst_ips_xx` actually also accepts cidr network representation. Option names are retained in its current form for backward compatibility coniderations
# set uci config option verbose to 1, restart the service and follow the log
logread -f
ss-redir needs to open a new socket and setsockopt IP_TRANSPARENT when sending udp reply to client. This requires `CAP_NET_ADMIN` and as such the process cannot run as `nobody`
ss-local, ss-redir, etc. supports specifying an array of remote ss server, but supporting this in uci seems to be overkill. The workaround can be defining multiple `server` sections and multiple `ss-redir` instances with `reuse_port` enabled
This will setup firewall rules to forward almost all incoming tcp/udp and locally generated tcp traffic (excluding those to private addresses like etc.) through remote shadowsocks server
Install components.
Retry each command till it succeed
opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-redir
opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-rules
opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-tunnel
Edit uci config `/etc/config/shadowsocks-libev`.
Replace `config server 'sss0'` section with parameters of your own remote shadowsocks server.
As for other options, change them only when you know the effect.
config server 'sss0'
option disabled 0
option server '_sss_addr_'
option server_port '_sss_port_'
option password '********'
option method 'aes-256-cfb'
config ss_tunnel
option disabled 0
option server 'sss0'
option local_address ''
option local_port '8053'
option tunnel_address ''
option mode 'tcp_and_udp'
config ss_redir ssr0
option disabled 0
option server 'sss0'
option local_address ''
option local_port '1100'
option mode 'tcp_and_udp'
option reuse_port 1
config ss_rules 'ss_rules'
option disabled 0
option redir_tcp 'ssr0'
option redir_udp 'ssr0'
option src_default 'checkdst'
option dst_default 'forward'
option local_default 'forward'
Restart shadowsocks-libev components
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-libev restart
Check if things are in place
iptables-save | grep ss_rules
netstat -lntp | grep -E '8053|1100'
ps ww | grep ss-
Edit `/etc/config/dhcp`, add a line to the first dnsmasq section like the following to let it use local tunnel endpoint for upstream dns query