The [Netify Agent]( is a deep-packet inspection server. The Agent is built on top of [nDPI]( (formerly OpenDPI) to detect network protocols and applications. Detections can be saved locally, served over a UNIX or TCP socket, and/or "pushed" (via HTTP POSTs) to a remote third-party server. Flow metadata, network statistics, and detection classifications are stored using JSON encoding.
Optionally, the Netify Agent can be coupled with a [Netify Cloud]( subscription for further cloud processing, historical storage, machine-learning analysis, event notifications, device detection/identification, along with the option (on supported platforms) to take an active role in policing/bandwidth-shaping specific network protocols and applications.
Runtime Requirements
Ensure that the nfnetlink and nf_conntrack_netlink kernel modules are loaded.
Build Requirements
Netify requires the following third-party packages:
- libcurl
- libjson-c
- libmnl
- libnetfilter-conntrack
- libpcap
- zlib
- libtcmalloc (gperftools)
Download Source
When cloning the source tree, ensure you use `--recursive` to include all
Download Packages
Currently you can download binary packages for the following OS distributions: