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## components
`ss-local` provides SOCKS5 proxy.
socks5 ss plain
--------> tcp:udp:local_address:local_port ----> ss server -------> dest
`ss-redir`. The REDIRECT and TPROXY part are to be provided by `ss-rules` script. REDIRECT only works for tcp traffic (see also darkk/redsocks). TPROXY is used to proxy udp messages, but it's only available in the PREROUTING chain and as such cannot proxy local out traffic.
plain plain ss plain
---------> REDIRECT ------> tcp:local_address:local_port ----> ss server -----> original dest
plain plain ss plain
---------> TPROXY -------> udp:local_address:local_port -----> ss server -----> original dest
`ss-tunnel` provides ssh `-L` local-forwarding-like tunnel. Typically it's used to tunnel DNS traffic to the remote.
plain ss plain
---------> tcp|udp:local_address:local_port ------> ss server -------> tunnel_address
`ss-server`, the "ss server" in the above diagram
## uci
Option names are the same as those used in json config files. Check `validate_xxx` func definition of the [service script](files/shadowsocks-libev.init) and shadowsocks-libev's own documentation for supported options and expected value types. A [sample config file](files/shadowsocks-libev.config) is also provided for reference.
Every section have a `disabled` option to temporarily turn off the component instance or component instances referring to it.
Section type `server` is for definition of remote shadowsocks servers. They will be referred to from other component sections and as such should be named (as compared to anonymous section).
Section type `ss_local`, `ss_redir`, `ss_tunnel` are for specification of shadowsocks-libev components. They share mostly a common set of options like `local_port`, `verbose`, `fast_open`, `timeout`, etc.
We can have multiple instances of component and `server` sections. The relationship between them is many-to-one. This will have the following implications
- It's possible to have both `ss_local` and `ss_redir` referring to the same `server` definition
- It's possible to have multiple instances of `ss_redir` listening on the same address:port with `reuse_port` enabled referring to the same or different `server` sections
`ss_rules` section is for configuring the behaviour of `ss-rules` script. There can only exist at most one such section with the name also being `ss_rules`
redir_tcp name of ss_redir section with mode tcp_only or tcp_and_udp
redir_udp name of ss_redir section with mode udp_only or tcp_and_udp
--- incoming packets having source address in
src_ips_bypass will bypass the redir chain
src_ips_forward will always go through the redir chain
src_ips_checkdst will continue to have their destination addresses checked
--- otherwise, the default action can be specified with
src_default bypass, forward, [checkdst]
--- for local out tcp packets, the default action can be specified with
local_default [bypass], forward, checkdst
--- if the previous check result is checkdst,
--- then packets having destination address in
dst_ips_bypass will bypass the redir chain
dst_ips_forward will go through the redir chain
## notes and faq
Useful paths and commands for debugging
# check current running status
ubus call service list '{"name": "shadowsocks-libev"}'
ubus call service list '{"name": "shadowsocks-libev", "verbose": true}'
# dump validate definition
ubus call service validate '{"package": "shadowsocks-libev"}'
ubus call service validate '{"package": "shadowsocks-libev"}' \
| jsonfilter -e '$["shadowsocks-libev"]["ss_tunnel"]'
# check json config
ls -l /var/etc/shadowsocks-libev/
# set uci config option verbose to 1, restart the service and follow the log
logread -f
ss-redir needs to open a new socket and setsockopt IP_TRANSPARENT when sending udp reply to client. This requires `CAP_NET_ADMIN` and as such the process cannot run as `nobody`
ss-local, ss-redir, etc. supports specifying an array of remote ss server, but supporting this in uci seems to be overkill. The workaround can be defining multiple `server` sections and multiple `ss-redir` instances with `reuse_port` enabled