If you’re planning an upcoming vacation or a business trip, taking your laptop, tablet or smartphone give you the ability to connect with friends or complete work on the go. But many hotels don’t have a secure wireless network setup or you’re limited on using a single device at once. Investing in a portable, mini travel router is a great way to connect all of your devices at once while having total control over your own personalized wireless network.
A logical combination of AP+STA mode on one physical radio allows most of OpenWrt/LEDE supported router devices to connect to a wireless hotspot/station (STA) and provide a wireless access point (AP) from that hotspot at the same time. Downside of this solution: whenever the STA interface looses the connection it will go into an active scan cycle which renders the radio unusable for AP mode operation, therefore the AP is taken down if the STA looses its association.
To avoid these kind of deadlocks, travelmate set all station interfaces in an "always off" mode, connects automatically to available hotspots and monitor & change these uplink connections automatically if required.
## Main Features
* STA interfaces operating in an "always off" mode, to make sure that the AP is always accessible
* fast uplink connections
* reliable connection tracking
* easy setup within normal OpenWrt/LEDE environment
* status & debug logging to syslog
* procd init system support
## Prerequisites
* [OpenWrt](https://openwrt.org) or [LEDE](https://www.lede-project.org) trunk
* download the package from a development snapshot package directory, i.e. look [here](https://downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/x86_64/packages/)
**Success:** Sun Oct 9 17:02:21 2016 user.notice root: travelmate-0.2.1[712] info : wlan interface "wwan06" connected to uplink "blackhole.nl"
**Disabled service:** Sun Oct 9 18:06:32 2016 user.notice root: travelmate-0.2.1[2379] info : travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to use this service
**Misconfigured/broken uplink:** Sun Oct 9 18:56:42 2016 user.notice root: travelmate-0.2.1[2435] info : uplink "blackhole.nl" disabled due to permanent connection failures
**Uplink disappeared:** Sun Oct 9 19:00:28 2016 user.notice root: travelmate-0.2.1[3876] info : uplink "Neffos C5L" get lost
## Support
Please join the travelmate discussion in this [forum thread](https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=67697) or contact me by [mail](mailto:dev@brenken.org)
## Removal
* stop the travelmate daemon with _/etc/init.d/travelmate stop_
* optional: remove the travelmate package (_opkg remove travelmate_)