Rafał Miłecki 79947af064 treewide: drop MAC and MTU from interfaces (protocols)
Those are L2 options that are not part of interfaces (L3), should not be
set there and don't work. Setting MAC and MTU should be done at device
layer (config device) and is supported for basic types already.

Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
2021-05-28 15:34:41 +02:00

196 lines
6 KiB

'use strict';
'require form';
'require network';
'require validation';
function isCIDR(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) || /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/(\d{1,2}|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/.test(value);
function calculateBroadcast(s, use_cfgvalue) {
var readfn = use_cfgvalue ? 'cfgvalue' : 'formvalue',
addropt = s.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'ipaddr'})[0],
addrvals = addropt ? L.toArray(addropt[readfn](s.section)) : [],
maskopt = s.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'netmask'})[0],
maskval = maskopt ? maskopt[readfn](s.section) : null,
firstsubnet = maskval ? addrvals[0] + '/' + maskval : addrvals.filter(function(a) { return a.indexOf('/') > 0 })[0];
if (firstsubnet == null)
return null;
var addr_mask = firstsubnet.split('/'),
addr = validation.parseIPv4(addr_mask[0]),
mask = addr_mask[1];
if (!isNaN(mask))
mask = validation.parseIPv4(network.prefixToMask(+mask));
mask = validation.parseIPv4(mask);
var bc = [
addr[0] | (~mask[0] >>> 0 & 255),
addr[1] | (~mask[1] >>> 0 & 255),
addr[2] | (~mask[2] >>> 0 & 255),
addr[3] | (~mask[3] >>> 0 & 255)
return bc.join('.');
function validateBroadcast(section_id, value) {
var opt ='broadcast', section_id),
node = opt ?'id', opt[0].cbid(section_id)) : null,
addr = node ? calculateBroadcast(this.section, false) : null;
if (node != null) {
if (addr != null)
node.querySelector('input').setAttribute('placeholder', addr);
return true;
return network.registerProtocol('static', {
CBIIPValue: form.Value.extend({
handleSwitch: function(section_id, option_index, ev) {
var maskopt ='netmask', section_id);
if (maskopt == null || !this.isValid(section_id))
var maskval = maskopt[0].formvalue(section_id),
addrval = this.formvalue(section_id),
prefix = maskval ? network.maskToPrefix(maskval) : 32;
if (prefix == null)
this.datatype = 'or(cidr4,ipmask4)';
var parent = L.dom.parent(, '.cbi-value-field');
L.dom.content(parent, form.DynamicList.prototype.renderWidget.apply(this, [
addrval ? '%s/%d'.format(addrval, prefix) : ''
var masknode ='id', maskopt[0].cbid(section_id));
if (masknode) {
parent = L.dom.parent(masknode, '.cbi-value');
renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) {
var maskopt ='netmask', section_id),
widget = isCIDR(cfgvalue) ? 'DynamicList' : 'Value';
if (widget == 'DynamicList') {
this.datatype = 'or(cidr4,ipmask4)';
this.placeholder = _('Add IPv4 address…');
else {
this.datatype = 'ip4addr("nomask")';
var node = form[widget].prototype.renderWidget.apply(this, [ section_id, option_index, cfgvalue ]);
if (widget == 'Value')
L.dom.append(node, E('button', {
'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-neutral',
'title': _('Switch to CIDR list notation'),
'aria-label': _('Switch to CIDR list notation'),
'click': L.bind(this.handleSwitch, this, section_id, option_index)
}, '…'));
return node;
validate: validateBroadcast
CBINetmaskValue: form.Value.extend({
render: function(option_index, section_id, in_table) {
var addropt = this.section.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'ipaddr' })[0],
addrval = addropt ? addropt.cfgvalue(section_id) : null;
if (addrval != null && isCIDR(addrval))
return E([]);
return form.Value.prototype.render.apply(this, [ option_index, section_id, in_table ]);
validate: validateBroadcast
CBIGatewayValue: form.Value.extend({
datatype: 'ip4addr("nomask")',
render: function(option_index, section_id, in_table) {
return network.getWANNetworks().then(L.bind(function(wans) {
if (wans.length == 1) {
var gwaddr = wans[0].getGatewayAddr();
this.placeholder = gwaddr ? '%s (%s)'.format(gwaddr, wans[0].getName()) : '';
return form.Value.prototype.render.apply(this, [ option_index, section_id, in_table ]);
}, this));
validate: function(section_id, value) {
var addropt = this.section.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'ipaddr' })[0],
addrval = addropt ? L.toArray(addropt.cfgvalue(section_id)) : null;
if (addrval != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < addrval.length; i++) {
var addr = addrval[i].split('/')[0];
if (value == addr)
return _('The gateway address must not be a local IP address');
return true;
CBIBroadcastValue: form.Value.extend({
datatype: 'ip4addr("nomask")',
render: function(option_index, section_id, in_table) {
this.placeholder = calculateBroadcast(this.section, true);
return form.Value.prototype.render.apply(this, [ option_index, section_id, in_table ]);
getI18n: function() {
return _('Static address');
renderFormOptions: function(s) {
var o;
s.taboption('general', this.CBIIPValue, 'ipaddr', _('IPv4 address'));
s.taboption('general', this.CBINetmaskValue, 'netmask', _('IPv4 netmask'));
s.taboption('general', this.CBIGatewayValue, 'gateway', _('IPv4 gateway'));
s.taboption('general', this.CBIBroadcastValue, 'broadcast', _('IPv4 broadcast'));
o = s.taboption('general', form.DynamicList, 'ip6addr', _('IPv6 address'));
o.datatype = 'ip6addr';
o.placeholder = _('Add IPv6 address…');
o.depends('ip6assign', '');
o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ip6gw', _('IPv6 gateway'));
o.datatype = 'ip6addr("nomask")';
o.depends('ip6assign', '');
o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ip6prefix', _('IPv6 routed prefix'), _('Public prefix routed to this device for distribution to clients.'));
o.datatype = 'ip6addr';
o.depends('ip6assign', '');