The SSID is used as the VAP-SSID so we have to use sth. different for the ad-hoc SSID.. ATM 02:d1:11:37:fc:38 - why not using 02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE...
45 lines
1.1 KiB
45 lines
1.1 KiB
config 'community' 'profile'
option 'name' 'Freifunk Freiburg'
option 'homepage' ''
option 'ssid' '02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE'
option 'mesh_network' ''
option 'latitude' '47.994841'
option 'longitude' '7.849772'
option 'suffix' ''
option 'vap' '1'
option 'adhoc_dhcp_when_vap' '0'
config 'defaults' 'interface'
option 'netmask' ''
config 'defaults' 'bssidscheme'
option '1' '02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE'
option '40' '02:40:CA:FF:EE:EE'
config 'defaults' 'wifi_device'
option 'country' 'DE'
config 'defaults' 'wifi_iface'
option 'mcast_rate' '6000'
config 'defaults' 'olsrd'
option 'LinkQualityAlgorithm' 'etx_ff'
config widget 'customindex'
option enabled '1'
option width '50%'
option paddingright '5%'
option template 'html'
config widget 'rssbundesweit'
option cache '3600'
option width '50%'
option title 'bundesweiter Freifunk Blog'
option template 'rssfeed'
option enabled '1'
option max '10'
option url ''
config widget 'clear1'
option template 'clear'
option enabled '1'