Jo-Philipp Wich f141433f5e luci-base: rpc.js: revamp error handling, add interceptor support
Add two new functions L.rpc.addInterceptor() and L.rpc.removeInterceptor()
which allow to register and remove interceptor functions which are invoked
before the rpc reply result promise is fulfilled.

Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
2019-09-11 09:25:11 +02:00

215 lines
5 KiB

'use strict';
var rpcRequestID = 1,
rpcSessionID = L.env.sessionid || '00000000000000000000000000000000',
rpcBaseURL = L.url('admin/ubus'),
rpcInterceptorFns = [];
return L.Class.extend({
call: function(req, cb) {
var q = '';
if (Array.isArray(req)) {
if (req.length == 0)
return Promise.resolve([]);
for (var i = 0; i < req.length; i++)
q += '%s%s.%s'.format(
q ? ';' : '/',
else {
q += '/%s.%s'.format(req.params[1], req.params[2]);
return + q, req, {
timeout: (L.env.rpctimeout || 5) * 1000,
credentials: true
handleListReply: function(req, msg) {
var list = msg.result;
/* verify message frame */
if (typeof(msg) != 'object' || msg.jsonrpc != '2.0' || ! || !Array.isArray(list))
list = [ ];
parseCallReply: function(req, res) {
var msg = null;
try {
if (!res.ok)
L.raise('RPCError', 'RPC call to %s/%s failed with HTTP error %d: %s',
req.object, req.method, res.status, res.statusText || '?');
msg = res.json();
catch (e) {
return req.reject(e);
* The interceptor args are intentionally swapped.
* Response is passed as first arg to align with Request class interceptors
Promise.all( { return fn(msg, req) }))
.then(this.handleCallReply.bind(this, req, msg))
handleCallReply: function(req, msg) {
var type = Object.prototype.toString,
ret = null;
try {
/* verify message frame */
if (!L.isObject(msg) || msg.jsonrpc != '2.0')
L.raise('RPCError', 'RPC call to %s/%s returned invalid message frame',
req.object, req.method);
/* check error condition */
if (L.isObject(msg.error) && msg.error.code && msg.error.message)
L.raise('RPCError', 'RPC call to %s/%s failed with error %d: %s',
req.object, req.method, msg.error.code, msg.error.message || '?');
catch (e) {
return req.reject(e);
if (Array.isArray(msg.result)) {
ret = (msg.result.length > 1) ? msg.result[1] : msg.result[0];
if (req.expect) {
for (var key in req.expect) {
if (ret != null && key != '')
ret = ret[key];
if (ret == null || !=[key]))
ret = req.expect[key];
/* apply filter */
if (typeof(req.filter) == 'function') {
req.priv[0] = ret;
req.priv[1] = req.params;
ret = req.filter.apply(this, req.priv);
list: function() {
var msg = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: rpcRequestID++,
method: 'list',
params: arguments.length ? this.varargs(arguments) : undefined
return, this.handleListReply);
declare: function(options) {
return, options) {
var args = this.varargs(arguments, 2);
return new Promise(function(resolveFn, rejectFn) {
/* build parameter object */
var p_off = 0;
var params = { };
if (Array.isArray(options.params))
for (p_off = 0; p_off < options.params.length; p_off++)
params[options.params[p_off]] = args[p_off];
/* all remaining arguments are private args */
var priv = [ undefined, undefined ];
for (; p_off < args.length; p_off++)
/* store request info */
var req = {
expect: options.expect,
filter: options.filter,
resolve: resolveFn,
reject: rejectFn,
params: params,
priv: priv,
object: options.object,
method: options.method
/* build message object */
var msg = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: rpcRequestID++,
method: 'call',
params: [
/* call rpc */, rpc.parseCallReply.bind(rpc, req));
}, this, this, options);
getSessionID: function() {
return rpcSessionID;
setSessionID: function(sid) {
rpcSessionID = sid;
getBaseURL: function() {
return rpcBaseURL;
setBaseURL: function(url) {
rpcBaseURL = url;
getStatusText: function(statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case 0: return _('Command OK');
case 1: return _('Invalid command');
case 2: return _('Invalid argument');
case 3: return _('Method not found');
case 4: return _('Resource not found');
case 5: return _('No data received');
case 6: return _('Permission denied');
case 7: return _('Request timeout');
case 8: return _('Not supported');
case 9: return _('Unspecified error');
case 10: return _('Connection lost');
default: return _('Unknown error code');
addInterceptor: function(interceptorFn) {
if (typeof(interceptorFn) == 'function')
return interceptorFn;
removeInterceptor: function(interceptorFn) {
var oldlen = rpcInterceptorFns.length, i = oldlen;
while (i--)
if (rpcInterceptorFns[i] === interceptorFn)
rpcInterceptorFns.splice(i, 1);
return (rpcInterceptorFns.length < oldlen);