Hsing-Wang Liao c88aea6277 luci-app-aria2: Add package
LuCI Support for Aria2

Signed-off-by: Hsing-Wang Liao <>
2016-05-30 21:27:22 +08:00

176 lines
3.4 KiB

msgid "Aria2"
msgstr ""
msgid "Aria2 is a multi-protocol &amp; multi-source download utility, here you can configure the settings."
msgstr "Aria2 是一个支持多协议多线程的下载器, 你可以在这里对其进行配置."
msgid "Aria2 Status"
msgstr "Aria2 状态"
msgid "Open YAAW"
msgstr "打开YAAW"
msgid "Open WebUI-Aria2"
msgstr "打开WebUI-Aria2"
msgid "The Aria2 service is running."
msgstr "Aria2 正在运行"
msgid "The Aria2 service is not running."
msgstr "Aria2 未运行"
msgid "Aria2 Settings"
msgstr "Aria2 配置"
msgid "General settings"
msgstr "一般设置"
msgid "Files and Locations"
msgstr "文件和目录"
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "启用"
msgid "Task Settings"
msgstr "任务设置"
msgid "BitTorrent Settings"
msgstr "BT设置"
msgid "Run daemon as user"
msgstr "以此用户权限运行"
msgid "RPC port"
msgstr "RPC端口"
msgid "RPC authentication method"
msgstr "RPC认证方式"
msgid "No Authentication"
msgstr "无认证"
msgid "Username & Password"
msgstr "用户名与密码"
msgid "Token"
msgstr "令牌"
msgid "RPC username"
msgstr "RPC用户名"
msgid "RPC password"
msgstr "RPC密码"
msgid "RPC Token"
msgstr "RPC令牌"
msgid "Generate Randomly"
msgstr "随机生成"
msgid "Config file directory"
msgstr "配置文件目录"
msgid "Default download directory"
msgstr "默认下载目录"
msgid "Disk cache"
msgstr "磁盘缓存"
msgid "in bytes, You can append K or M."
msgstr "单位 B, 你可以在数字后跟上 K 或 M."
msgid "Preallocation"
msgstr "磁盘预分配"
msgid "Off"
msgstr "关闭"
msgid "Prealloc"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trunc"
msgstr ""
msgid "Falloc"
msgstr ""
msgid "\"Falloc\" is not available in all cases."
msgstr "\"Falloc\" 并不是在所有情况下都可用."
msgid "Overall speed limit enabled"
msgstr "启用全局限速"
msgid "Overall download limit"
msgstr "全局下载限速"
msgid "in bytes/sec, You can append K or M."
msgstr "单位 B/s, 你可以在数字后跟上 K 或 M."
msgid "Overall upload limit"
msgstr "全局上传限速"
msgid "Per task speed limit enabled"
msgstr "启用单任务限速"
msgid "Per task download limit"
msgstr "单任务下载限速"
msgid "Per task upload limit"
msgstr "单任务上传限速"
msgid "Max concurrent downloads"
msgstr "最大同时下载任务数"
msgid "Max connection per server"
msgstr "单服务器最大连接数"
msgid "Min split size"
msgstr "最小文件分片大小"
msgid "Max number of split"
msgstr "单文件最大线程数"
msgid "Autosave session interval"
msgstr "定时保存会话间隔"
msgid "Sec"
msgstr "秒"
msgid "User agent value"
msgstr "用户代理(UA)"
msgid "<abbr title=\"Distributed Hash Table\">DHT</abbr> enabled"
msgstr "启用<abbr title=\"分布式哈希表\">DHT</abbr>"
msgid "<abbr title=\"Local Peer Discovery\">LPD</abbr> enabled"
msgstr "启用<abbr title=\"本地节点发现\">LPD</abbr>"
msgid "Follow torrent"
msgstr "自动添加下载的种子"
msgid "BitTorrent listen port"
msgstr "BT监听端口"
msgid "Max number of peers per torrent"
msgstr "单个种子最大连接数"
msgid "Additional Bt tracker enabled"
msgstr "添加额外的Tracker"
msgid "List of additional Bt tracker"
msgstr "附加Tracker列表"
msgid "Prefix of peer ID"
msgstr "Peer ID前缀"
msgid "Extra Settings"
msgstr "附加选项"
msgid "List of extra settings"
msgstr "附加选项列表"
msgid "View Json-RPC URL"
msgstr "查看 Json-RPC URL"
msgid "Use WebSocket"
msgstr "使用WebSocket"