Some applications only support ipv4 so add ipv4only option to host and hostport datatypes so that for thos applications that when an IP address is specified only and ipv4 ip address gets accepted.
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254 lines
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-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
local ipc = require "luci.ip"
m = Map("dhcp", translate("DHCP and DNS"),
translate("Dnsmasq is a combined <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" ..
"\">DHCP</abbr>-Server and <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-" ..
"Forwarder for <abbr title=\"Network Address Translation\">NAT</abbr> " ..
s = m:section(TypedSection, "dnsmasq", translate("Server Settings"))
s.anonymous = true
s.addremove = false
s:tab("general", translate("General Settings"))
s:tab("files", translate("Resolv and Hosts Files"))
s:tab("tftp", translate("TFTP Settings"))
s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings"))
s:taboption("general", Flag, "domainneeded",
translate("Domain required"),
translate("Don't forward <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Requests without " ..
"<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Name"))
s:taboption("general", Flag, "authoritative",
translate("This is the only <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</" ..
"abbr> in the local network"))
s:taboption("files", Flag, "readethers",
translate("Use <code>/etc/ethers</code>"),
translate("Read <code>/etc/ethers</code> to configure the <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host " ..
"Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Server"))
s:taboption("files", Value, "leasefile",
translate("file where given <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</" ..
"abbr>-leases will be stored"))
s:taboption("files", Flag, "noresolv",
translate("Ignore resolve file")).optional = true
rf = s:taboption("files", Value, "resolvfile",
translate("Resolve file"),
translate("local <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> file"))
rf:depends("noresolv", "")
rf.optional = true
s:taboption("files", Flag, "nohosts",
translate("Ignore <code>/etc/hosts</code>")).optional = true
s:taboption("files", DynamicList, "addnhosts",
translate("Additional Hosts files")).optional = true
s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "boguspriv",
translate("Filter private"),
translate("Do not forward reverse lookups for local networks"))
s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "filterwin2k",
translate("Filter useless"),
translate("Do not forward requests that cannot be answered by public name servers"))
s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "localise_queries",
translate("Localise queries"),
translate("Localise hostname depending on the requesting subnet if multiple IPs are available"))
s:taboption("general", Value, "local",
translate("Local server"),
translate("Local domain specification. Names matching this domain are never forwarded and are resolved from DHCP or hosts files only"))
s:taboption("general", Value, "domain",
translate("Local domain"),
translate("Local domain suffix appended to DHCP names and hosts file entries"))
s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "expandhosts",
translate("Expand hosts"),
translate("Add local domain suffix to names served from hosts files"))
s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "nonegcache",
translate("No negative cache"),
translate("Do not cache negative replies, e.g. for not existing domains"))
s:taboption("advanced", Value, "serversfile",
translate("Additional servers file"),
translate("This file may contain lines like 'server=/domain/' or 'server=' for"..
"domain-specific or full upstream <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> servers."))
s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "strictorder",
translate("Strict order"),
translate("<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> servers will be queried in the " ..
"order of the resolvfile")).optional = true
bn = s:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "bogusnxdomain", translate("Bogus NX Domain Override"),
translate("List of hosts that supply bogus NX domain results"))
bn.optional = true
bn.placeholder = ""
s:taboption("general", Flag, "logqueries",
translate("Log queries"),
translate("Write received DNS requests to syslog")).optional = true
df = s:taboption("general", DynamicList, "server", translate("DNS forwardings"),
translate("List of <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> " ..
"servers to forward requests to"))
df.optional = true
df.placeholder = "/"
rp = s:taboption("general", Flag, "rebind_protection",
translate("Rebind protection"),
translate("Discard upstream RFC1918 responses"))
rp.rmempty = false
rl = s:taboption("general", Flag, "rebind_localhost",
translate("Allow localhost"),
translate("Allow upstream responses in the range, e.g. for RBL services"))
rl:depends("rebind_protection", "1")
rd = s:taboption("general", DynamicList, "rebind_domain",
translate("Domain whitelist"),
translate("List of domains to allow RFC1918 responses for"))
rd:depends("rebind_protection", "1")
rd.datatype = "host(1)"
rd.placeholder = ""
pt = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "port",
translate("<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> server port"),
translate("Listening port for inbound DNS queries"))
pt.optional = true
pt.datatype = "port"
pt.placeholder = 53
qp = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "queryport",
translate("<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> query port"),
translate("Fixed source port for outbound DNS queries"))
qp.optional = true
qp.datatype = "port"
qp.placeholder = translate("any")
lm = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "dhcpleasemax",
translate("<abbr title=\"maximal\">Max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration " ..
"Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> leases"),
translate("Maximum allowed number of active DHCP leases"))
lm.optional = true
lm.datatype = "uinteger"
lm.placeholder = translate("unlimited")
em = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "ednspacket_max",
translate("<abbr title=\"maximal\">Max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms for " ..
"Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> packet size"),
translate("Maximum allowed size of EDNS.0 UDP packets"))
em.optional = true
em.datatype = "uinteger"
em.placeholder = 1280
cq = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "dnsforwardmax",
translate("<abbr title=\"maximal\">Max.</abbr> concurrent queries"),
translate("Maximum allowed number of concurrent DNS queries"))
cq.optional = true
cq.datatype = "uinteger"
cq.placeholder = 150
s:taboption("tftp", Flag, "enable_tftp",
translate("Enable TFTP server")).optional = true
tr = s:taboption("tftp", Value, "tftp_root",
translate("TFTP server root"),
translate("Root directory for files served via TFTP"))
tr.optional = true
tr:depends("enable_tftp", "1")
tr.placeholder = "/"
db = s:taboption("tftp", Value, "dhcp_boot",
translate("Network boot image"),
translate("Filename of the boot image advertised to clients"))
db.optional = true
db:depends("enable_tftp", "1")
db.placeholder = "pxelinux.0"
m:section(SimpleSection).template = "admin_network/lease_status"
s = m:section(TypedSection, "host", translate("Static Leases"),
translate("Static leases are used to assign fixed IP addresses and symbolic hostnames to " ..
"DHCP clients. They are also required for non-dynamic interface configurations where " ..
"only hosts with a corresponding lease are served.") .. "<br />" ..
translate("Use the <em>Add</em> Button to add a new lease entry. The <em>MAC-Address</em> " ..
"indentifies the host, the <em>IPv4-Address</em> specifies to the fixed address to " ..
"use and the <em>Hostname</em> is assigned as symbolic name to the requesting host."))
s.addremove = true
s.anonymous = true
s.template = "cbi/tblsection"
name = s:option(Value, "name", translate("Hostname"))
name.datatype = "hostname"
name.rmempty = true
mac = s:option(Value, "mac", translate("<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address"))
mac.datatype = "list(macaddr)"
mac.rmempty = true
ip = s:option(Value, "ip", translate("<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Address"))
ip.datatype = "or(ip4addr,'ignore')"
hostid = s:option(Value, "hostid", translate("<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Suffix (hex)"))
ipc.neighbors({ family = 4 }, function(n)
if n.mac and n.dest then
mac:value(n.mac, "%s (%s)" %{ n.mac, n.dest:string() })
function ip.validate(self, value, section)
local m = mac:formvalue(section) or ""
local n = name:formvalue(section) or ""
if value and #n == 0 and #m == 0 then
return nil, translate("One of hostname or mac address must be specified!")
return Value.validate(self, value, section)
return m