Enrique Giraldo 5e1f2a1b58 Closes #741: Can't delete disabled wireless networks
When a wireless network is disabled it can't be removed. From
wifi_overview.htm the delete call is generated as wlan0, wlan1 or
whatever. This wlan is not working because it is disabled, then LuCI
deletes the virtual radio which really is named as wlan0.
2016-06-16 15:08:36 +02:00

470 lines
15 KiB

Copyright 2008-2009 Steven Barth <>
Copyright 2008-2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
local ip = require "luci.ip"
local fs = require "nixio.fs"
local utl = require "luci.util"
local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
local ntm = require ""
local has_iwinfo = pcall(require, "iwinfo")
function guess_wifi_hw(dev)
local bands = ""
local ifname = dev:name()
local name, idx = ifname:match("^([a-z]+)(%d+)")
idx = tonumber(idx)
if has_iwinfo then
local bl = dev.iwinfo.hwmodelist
if bl and next(bl) then
if bl.a then bands = bands .. "a" end
if bl.b then bands = bands .. "b" end
if bl.g then bands = bands .. "g" end
if bl.n then bands = bands .. "n" end
if then bands = bands .. "ac" end
local hw = dev.iwinfo.hardware_name
if hw then
return "%s 802.11%s" %{ hw, bands }
-- wl.o
if name == "wl" then
local name = translatef("Broadcom 802.11%s Wireless Controller", bands)
local nm = 0
local fd ="/proc/bus/pci/devices", "r")
if fd then
local ln
for ln in fd:linesource() do
if ln:match("wl$") then
if nm == idx then
local version = ln:match("^%S+%s+%S%S%S%S([0-9a-f]+)")
name = translatef(
"Broadcom BCM%04x 802.11 Wireless Controller",
tonumber(version, 16)
nm = nm + 1
return name
-- madwifi
elseif name == "ath" or name == "wifi" then
return translatef("Atheros 802.11%s Wireless Controller", bands)
-- ralink
elseif name == "ra" then
return translatef("RaLink 802.11%s Wireless Controller", bands)
-- hermes
elseif name == "eth" then
return translate("Hermes 802.11b Wireless Controller")
-- hostap
elseif name == "wlan" and fs.stat("/proc/net/hostap/" .. ifname, "type") == "dir" then
return translate("Prism2/2.5/3 802.11b Wireless Controller")
-- dunno yet
return translatef("Generic 802.11%s Wireless Controller", bands)
local devices = ntm:get_wifidevs()
local netlist = { }
local netdevs = { }
local dev
for _, dev in ipairs(devices) do
local net
for _, net in ipairs(dev:get_wifinets()) do
netlist[#netlist+1] = net:id()
netdevs[net:id()] = dev:name()
<% if not has_iwinfo then %>
<div class="errorbox">
<strong><%:Package libiwinfo required!%></strong><br />
<%_The <em>libiwinfo-lua</em> package is not installed. You must install this component for working wireless configuration!%>
<% end %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/cbi.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var wifidevs = <%=luci.http.write_json(netdevs)%>;
var is_reconnecting = false;
function nowrap(s) {
return s.replace(/ /g, '&#160;');
function wifirate(bss, rx) {
var p = rx ? 'rx_' : 'tx_',
s = '%.1f <%:Mbit/s%>, %d<%:MHz%>'
.format(bss[p+'rate'] / 1000, bss[p+'mhz']),
ht = bss[p+'ht'], vht = bss[p+'vht'],
mhz = bss[p+'mhz'], nss = bss[p+'nss'],
mcs = bss[p+'mcs'], sgi = bss[p+'short_gi'];
if (ht || vht) {
if (vht) s += ', VHT-MCS %d'.format(mcs);
if (nss) s += ', VHT-NSS %d'.format(nss);
if (ht) s += ', MCS %s'.format(mcs);
if (sgi) s += ', <%:Short GI%>';
return s;
function wifi_shutdown(id, toggle) {
var reconnect = (toggle.getAttribute('active') == 'false');
if (!reconnect && !confirm(String.format('<%:Really shut down network?\nYou might lose access to this device if you are connected via this interface.%>')))
is_reconnecting = true;
var s = document.getElementById('iw-rc-status');
if (s)
{ = 'block';
s.innerHTML = '<%:Waiting for changes to be applied...%>';
for (var net in wifidevs)
var st = document.getElementById(net + '-iw-status');
if (st)
st.innerHTML = '<em><%:Wireless is restarting...%></em>';
(new XHR()).post('<%=url('admin/network')%>/wireless_' + (reconnect ? 'reconnect' : 'shutdown') + '/' + id, { token: '<%=token%>' },
if (s)
s.innerHTML = reconnect
? '<%:Wireless restarted%>'
: '<%:Wireless shut down%>';
window.setTimeout(function() { = 'none';
is_reconnecting = false;
}, 1000);
function wifi_delete(id) {
if (!confirm('<%:Really delete this wireless network? The deletion cannot be undone!\nYou might lose access to this device if you are connected via this network.%>'))
(new XHR()).post('<%=url('admin/network/wireless_delete')%>/' + id, { token: '<%=token%>' },
function(x) {
location.href = '<%=url('admin/network/wireless')%>';
var hosts = <%=luci.http.write_json(>;
XHR.poll(5, '<%=url('admin/network/wireless_status', table.concat(netlist, ","))%>', null,
function(x, st)
if (st)
var assoctable = document.getElementById('iw-assoclist');
if (assoctable)
while (assoctable.rows.length > 1)
var devup = { };
var rowstyle = 1;
for( var i = 0; i < st.length; i++ )
var iw = st[i];
var is_assoc = (iw.bssid && iw.bssid != '00:00:00:00:00:00' && && iw.mode != 'Unknown' && !iw.disabled);
var p = iw.quality;
var q = is_assoc ? p : -1;
var icon;
if (q < 0)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-none.png";
else if (q == 0)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-0.png";
else if (q < 25)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-0-25.png";
else if (q < 50)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-25-50.png";
else if (q < 75)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-50-75.png";
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-75-100.png";
if (!devup[wifidevs[]])
devup[wifidevs[]] = is_assoc;
var sig = document.getElementById( + '-iw-signal');
if (sig)
sig.innerHTML = String.format(
'<span class="ifacebadge" title="<%:Signal%>: %d <%:dBm%> / <%:Noise%>: %d <%:dBm%>"><img src="%s" /> %d%%</span>',
iw.signal, iw.noise, icon, p
var toggle = document.getElementById( + '-iw-toggle');
if (toggle)
if (!iw.disabled)
toggle.className = 'cbi-button cbi-button-reset';
toggle.value = '<%:Disable%>';
toggle.title = '<%:Shutdown this network%>';
toggle.className = 'cbi-button cbi-button-reload';
toggle.value = '<%:Enable%>';
toggle.title = '<%:Activate this network%>';
toggle.setAttribute('active', !iw.disabled);
var info = document.getElementById( + '-iw-status');
if (info)
if (is_assoc)
info.innerHTML = String.format(
'<strong><%:SSID%>:</strong> %h | ' +
'<strong><%:Mode%>:</strong> %s<br />' +
'<strong><%:BSSID%>:</strong> %s | ' +
'<strong><%:Encryption%>:</strong> %s',
iw.ssid, iw.mode, iw.bssid,
iw.encryption ? iw.encryption : '<%:None%>'
info.innerHTML = String.format(
'<strong><%:SSID%>:</strong> %h | ' +
'<strong><%:Mode%>:</strong> %s<br />' +
iw.ssid || '?', iw.mode,
? '<em><%:Wireless is restarting...%></em>'
: '<em><%:Wireless is disabled or not associated%></em>'
var dev = document.getElementById(wifidevs[] + '-iw-devinfo');
if (dev)
if (is_assoc)
dev.innerHTML = String.format(
'<strong><%:Channel%>:</strong> %s (%s <%:GHz%>) | ' +
'<strong><%:Bitrate%>:</strong> %s <%:Mbit/s%>', ? : '?',
iw.frequency ? iw.frequency : '?',
iw.bitrate ? iw.bitrate : '?'
dev.innerHTML = '';
if (assoctable)
var assoclist = [ ];
for( var bssid in iw.assoclist )
assoclist[assoclist.length-1].bssid = bssid;
assoclist.sort(function(a, b) { a.bssid < b.bssid });
for( var j = 0; j < assoclist.length; j++ )
var tr = assoctable.insertRow(-1);
tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-' + rowstyle;
var icon;
var q = (-1 * (assoclist[j].noise - assoclist[j].signal)) / 5;
if (q < 1)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-0.png";
else if (q < 2)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-0-25.png";
else if (q < 3)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-25-50.png";
else if (q < 4)
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-50-75.png";
icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-75-100.png";
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = String.format(
'<span class="ifacebadge" title="%q"><img src="<%=resource%>/icons/wifi.png" /> %h</span>',, iw.ifname
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = nowrap(String.format('%h', iw.ssid ? iw.ssid : '?'));
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = assoclist[j].bssid;
var host = hosts[assoclist[j].bssid];
if (host)
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = String.format(
'<div style="max-width:200px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis">%s</div>',
(( && (host.ipv4 || host.ipv6))
? '%h (%s)'.format(, host.ipv4 || host.ipv6)
: '%h'.format( || host.ipv4 || host.ipv6)).nobr()
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = '?';
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = String.format(
'<span class="ifacebadge" title="<%:Signal%>: %d <%:dBm%> / <%:Noise%>: %d <%:dBm%> / <%:SNR%>: %d"><img src="%s" /> %d / %d <%:dBm%></span>',
assoclist[j].signal, assoclist[j].noise, assoclist[j].signal - assoclist[j].noise,
assoclist[j].signal, assoclist[j].noise
tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = nowrap(wifirate(assoclist[j], true)) + '<br />' + nowrap(wifirate(assoclist[j], false));
rowstyle = (rowstyle == 1) ? 2 : 1;
if (assoctable && assoctable.rows.length == 1)
var tr = assoctable.insertRow(-1);
tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row';
var td = tr.insertCell(-1);
td.colSpan = 8;
td.innerHTML = '<br /><em><%:No information available%></em>';
for (var dev in devup)
var img = document.getElementById(dev + '-iw-upstate');
if (img)
img.src = '<%=resource%>/icons/wifi_big' + (devup[dev] ? '' : '_disabled') + '.png';
<h2 name="content"><%:Wireless Overview%></h2>
<fieldset class="cbi-section" style="display:none">
<legend><%:Reconnecting interface%></legend>
<img src="<%=resource%>/icons/loading.gif" alt="<%:Loading%>" style="vertical-align:middle" />
<span id="iw-rc-status"><%:Waiting for changes to be applied...%></span>
<div class="cbi-map">
<% for _, dev in ipairs(devices) do local nets = dev:get_wifinets() %>
<!-- device <%=dev:name()%> -->
<fieldset class="cbi-section">
<table class="cbi-section-table" style="margin:10px; empty-cells:hide">
<!-- physical device -->
<td style="width:34px"><img src="<%=resource%>/icons/wifi_big_disabled.png" style="float:left; margin-right:10px" id="<%=dev:name()%>-iw-upstate" /></td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align:left">
<big><strong><%=guess_wifi_hw(dev)%> (<%=dev:name()%>)</strong></big><br />
<span id="<%=dev:name()%>-iw-devinfo"></span>
<td style="width:310px;text-align:right">
<form action="<%=url('admin/network/wireless_join')%>" method="post" class="inline">
<input type="hidden" name="device" value="<%=dev:name()%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<%=token%>" />
<input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-find" style="width:100px" title="<%:Find and join network%>" value="<%:Scan%>" />
<form action="<%=url('admin/network/wireless_add')%>" method="post" class="inline">
<input type="hidden" name="device" value="<%=dev:name()%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<%=token%>" />
<input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" style="width:100px" title="<%:Provide new network%>" value="<%:Add%>" />
<!-- /physical device -->
<!-- network list -->
<% if #nets > 0 then %>
<% for i, net in ipairs(nets) do %>
<tr class="cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-<%=1 + ((i-1) % 2)%>">
<td class="cbi-value-field" style="vertical-align:middle; padding:3px" id="<%=net:id()%>-iw-signal">
<span class="ifacebadge" title="<%:Not associated%>"><img src="<%=resource%>/icons/signal-none.png" /> 0%</span>
<td class="cbi-value-field" style="vertical-align:middle; text-align:left; padding:3px" id="<%=net:id()%>-iw-status">
<em><%:Collecting data...%></em>
<td class="cbi-value-field" style="width:310px;text-align:right">
<input id="<%=net:id()%>-iw-toggle" type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-reload" style="width:100px" onclick="wifi_shutdown('<%=net:id()%>', this)" title="<%:Delete this network%>" value="<%:Enable%>" />
<input type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-edit" style="width:100px" onclick="location.href='<%=net:adminlink()%>'" title="<%:Edit this network%>" value="<%:Edit%>" />
<input type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-remove" style="width:100px" onclick="wifi_delete('<%=net:id()%>')" title="<%:Delete this network%>" value="<%:Remove%>" />
<% end %>
<% else %>
<tr class="cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-2">
<td colspan="3" class="cbi-value-field" style="vertical-align:middle; text-align:left; padding:3px">
<em><%:No network configured on this device%></em>
<% end %>
<!-- /network list -->
<!-- /device <%=dev:name()%> -->
<% end %>
<h2><%:Associated Stations%></h2>
<fieldset class="cbi-section">
<table class="cbi-section-table valign-middle" style="margin:10px" id="iw-assoclist">
<tr class="cbi-section-table-titles">
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:SSID%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:MAC-Address%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Host%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Signal%> / <%:Noise%></th>
<th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:RX Rate%> / <%:TX Rate%></th>
<tr class="cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-2">
<td class="cbi-value-field" colspan="6">
<em><%:Collecting data...%></em>