Jo-Philipp Wich 7b04d0bbcf luci-base: introduce luci.dispatcher.lookup()
The lookup function takes multiple, possibly malformed path fragments,
splits them on slashes, constructs a temporary path and looks up the
result in the dispatch tree.

If a matching node has been found, the function will return both the
node reference and the canonical url to it.

If no corresponding node is found, the function returns nil.

Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
2018-04-05 23:03:01 +02:00

229 lines
4 KiB

LuCI web dispatcher.
module "luci.dispatcher"
Build the URL relative to the server webroot from given virtual path.
@class function
@name build_url
@param ... Virtual path
@return Relative URL
Check whether a dispatch node shall be visible
@class function
@name node_visible
@param node Dispatch node
@return Boolean indicating whether the node should be visible
Return a sorted table of visible childs within a given node
@class function
@name node_childs
@param node Dispatch node
@return Ordered table of child node names
Send a 404 error code and render the "error404" template if available.
@class function
@name error404
@param message Custom error message (optional)
@return false
Send a 500 error code and render the "error500" template if available.
@class function
@name error500
@param message Custom error message (optional)#
@return false
Dispatch an HTTP request.
@class function
@name httpdispatch
@param request LuCI HTTP Request object
Dispatches a LuCI virtual path.
@class function
@name dispatch
@param request Virtual path
Generate the dispatching index using the native file-cache based strategy.
@class function
@name createindex
Create the dispatching tree from the index.
Build the index before if it does not exist yet.
@class function
@name createtree
Register a tree modifier.
@class function
@name modifier
@param func Modifier function
@param order Modifier order value (optional)
Clone a node of the dispatching tree to another position.
@class function
@name assign
@param path Virtual path destination
@param clone Virtual path source
@param title Destination node title (optional)
@param order Destination node order value (optional)
@return Dispatching tree node
Create a new dispatching node and define common parameters.
@class function
@name entry
@param path Virtual path
@param target Target function to call when dispatched.
@param title Destination node title
@param order Destination node order value (optional)
@return Dispatching tree node
Fetch or create a dispatching node without setting the target module or
enabling the node.
@class function
@name get
@param ... Virtual path
@return Dispatching tree node
Fetch or create a new dispatching node.
@class function
@name node
@param ... Virtual path
@return Dispatching tree node
Lookup node in dispatching tree.
@class function
@name lookup
@param ... Virtual path
@return Node object, canonical url or nil if the path was not found.
Alias the first (lowest order) page automatically
@class function
@name firstchild
Create a redirect to another dispatching node.
@class function
@name alias
@param ... Virtual path destination
Rewrite the first x path values of the request.
@class function
@name rewrite
@param n Number of path values to replace
@param ... Virtual path to replace removed path values with
Create a function-call dispatching target.
@class function
@name call
@param name Target function of local controller
@param ... Additional parameters passed to the function
Create a template render dispatching target.
@class function
@name template
@param name Template to be rendered
Create a CBI model dispatching target.
@class function
@name cbi
@param model CBI model to be rendered
Create a combined dispatching target for non argv and argv requests.
@class function
@name arcombine
@param trg1 Overview Target
@param trg2 Detail Target
Create a CBI form model dispatching target.
@class function
@name form
@param model CBI form model tpo be rendered
Access the luci.i18n translate() api.
@class function
@name translate
@param text Text to translate
No-op function used to mark translation entries for menu labels.
This function does not actually translate the given argument but
is used by build/ to find translatable entries.
@class function
@name _