* option to add open uplinks to your wireless config, e.g. hotel captive portals (disabled by default) Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
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-- Copyright 2017-2019 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org)
-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
local fs = require("nixio.fs")
local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor()
local util = require("luci.util")
local nw = require("luci.model.network").init()
local fw = require("luci.model.firewall").init()
local dump = util.ubus("network.interface", "dump", {})
local trmiface = uci:get("travelmate", "global", "trm_iface") or "trm_wwan"
local uplink = uci:get("network", trmiface) or ""
m = Map("travelmate", translate("Travelmate"),
translate("Configuration of the travelmate package to to enable travel router functionality. ")
.. translatef("For further information "
.. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">"
.. "see online documentation</a>", "https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/travelmate/files/README.md"))
-- Interface Wizard
if uplink == "" then
ds = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Interface Wizard"))
o = ds:option(Value, "trm_iface", translate("Create Uplink interface"),
translate("Create a new wireless wan uplink interface, configure it to use dhcp and ")
.. translate("add it to the wan zone of the firewall. ")
.. translate("This step has only to be done once."))
o.datatype = "and(uciname,rangelength(3,15))"
o.default = trmiface
o.rmempty = false
function o.validate(self, value)
if value then
local nwnet = nw:get_network(value)
local zone = fw:get_zone("wan")
local fwnet = fw:get_zone_by_network(value)
if not nwnet then
nwnet = nw:add_network(value, { proto = "dhcp" })
if zone and not fwnet then
fwnet = zone:add_network(value)
return value
return m
-- Main travelmate options
s = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate")
o1 = s:option(Flag, "trm_enabled", translate("Enable Travelmate"))
o1.default = o1.disabled
o1.rmempty = false
o2 = s:option(Flag, "trm_captive", translate("Captive Portal Detection"),
translate("Check the internet availability, log captive portal redirections and keep the uplink connection 'alive'."))
o2.default = o2.enabled
o2.rmempty = false
o3 = s:option(Flag, "trm_netcheck", translate("Net Error Check"),
translate("Treat missing internet availability as an error."))
o3:depends("trm_captive", 1)
o3.default = o3.disabled
o3.rmempty = false
o4 = s:option(Flag, "trm_proactive", translate("ProActive Uplink Switch"),
translate("Proactively scan and switch to a higher prioritized uplink, despite of an already existing connection."))
o4.default = o4.enabled
o4.rmempty = false
o5 = s:option(Flag, "trm_autoadd", translate("Add Open Uplinks"),
translate("Automatically add open uplinks like hotel captive portals to your wireless config."))
o5.default = o5.disabled
o5.rmempty = false
o6 = s:option(ListValue, "trm_iface", translate("Uplink / Trigger interface"),
translate("Name of the used uplink interface."))
if dump then
local i, v
for i, v in ipairs(dump.interface) do
if v.interface ~= "loopback" and v.interface ~= "lan" then
local device = v.l3_device or v.device or "-"
o6:value(v.interface, v.interface.. " (" ..device.. ")")
o6.default = trmiface
o6.rmempty = false
-- Runtime information
ds = s:option(DummyValue, "_dummy")
ds.template = "travelmate/runtime"
-- Extra options
e = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Extra Options"),
translate("Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you."))
e1 = e:option(Flag, "trm_debug", translate("Enable Verbose Debug Logging"))
e1.default = e1.disabled
e1.rmempty = false
e2 = e:option(Value, "trm_radio", translate("Radio Selection / Order"),
translate("Restrict travelmate to a single radio (e.g. 'radio1') or change the overall scanning order (e.g. 'radio1 radio2 radio0')."))
e2.rmempty = true
e3 = e:option(Value, "trm_listexpiry", translate("List Auto Expiry"),
translate("Automatically resets the 'Faulty Stations' list after n minutes. Default is '0' which means no expiry."))
e3.datatype = "range(0,300)"
e3.default = 0
e3.rmempty = false
e4 = e:option(Value, "trm_triggerdelay", translate("Trigger Delay"),
translate("Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."))
e4.datatype = "range(1,60)"
e4.default = 2
e4.rmempty = false
e5 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxretry", translate("Connection Limit"),
translate("Retry limit to connect to an uplink."))
e5.default = 5
e5.datatype = "range(1,10)"
e5.rmempty = false
e6 = e:option(Value, "trm_minquality", translate("Signal Quality Threshold"),
translate("Minimum signal quality threshold as percent for conditional uplink (dis-) connections."))
e6.default = 35
e6.datatype = "range(20,80)"
e6.rmempty = false
e7 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxwait", translate("Interface Timeout"),
translate("How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan uplink connection."))
e7.default = 30
e7.datatype = "range(20,40)"
e7.rmempty = false
e8 = e:option(Value, "trm_timeout", translate("Overall Timeout"),
translate("Overall retry timeout in seconds."))
e8.default = 60
e8.datatype = "range(30,300)"
e8.rmempty = false
e10 = e:option(Value, "trm_scanbuffer", translate("Scan Buffer Size"),
translate("Buffer size in bytes to prepare nearby scan results."))
e10.default = 1024
e10.datatype = "range(512,4096)"
e10.optional = true
return m