Hannu Nyman 859e435378 timezone data: update to 2016c
Update timezone data to 2016c.


   Changes affecting future time stamps

     New zones Europe/Astrakhan and Europe/Ulyanovsk for Astrakhan and
     Ulyanovsk Oblasts, Russia, both of which will switch from +03 to +04
     on 2016-03-27 at 02:00 local time.  They need distinct zones since
     their post-1970 histories disagree.  New zone Asia/Barnaul for Altai
     Krai and Altai Republic, Russia, which will switch from +06 to +07
     on the same date and local time.  Also, Asia/Sakhalin moves from +10
     to +11 on 2016-03-27 at 02:00.

     As a trial of a new system that needs less information to be made up,
     the new zones use numeric time zone abbreviations like "+04"
     instead of invented abbreviations like "ASTT".

     Haiti will not observe DST in 2016.

     Palestine's spring-forward transition on 2016-03-26 is at 01:00,
     not 00:00. Guess future transitions will be March's last Saturday
     at 01:00, not March's last Friday at 24:00.


   Changes affecting future time stamps

     Azerbaijan no longer observes DST.

     Chile reverts from permanent to seasonal DST.
     Guess that future transitions are August's and May's second
     Saturdays at 24:00 mainland time.  Also, call the period from
     2014-09-07 through 2016-05-14 daylight saving time instead of
     standard time, as that seems more appropriate now.

Note for Openwrt usage:

Either musl or busybox does not like the new timezone format.
Although the rule looks ok in /etc/TZ, timezone is interpreted wrongly
by date, uptime etc. "Old timezones" are handle correctly, but these
new "<+04>-4" style zones do not work. Example below:

 root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/TZ
 root@OpenWrt:~# uptime
  11:00:52 up 18:17,  load average: 0.43, 0.13, 0.11
 root@OpenWrt:~# date
 Wed Mar 30 11:00:55 EEST 2016

 ( Time is showed as GMT instead of the correct zone and
   zone name is parsed wrongly )
 root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/TZ
 root@OpenWrt:~# uptime
  08:02:52 up 18:19,  load average: 0.17, 0.18, 0.13
 root@OpenWrt:~# date
 Wed Mar 30 08:02:59 +04>-4 2016

Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>
2016-03-30 11:35:18 +03:00

169 lines
4 KiB

-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
module "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzoffset"
gmt = 0, -- GMT
eat = 10800, -- EAT
cet = 3600, -- CET
wat = 3600, -- WAT
cat = 7200, -- CAT
eet = 7200, -- EET
wet = 0, -- WET
sast = 7200, -- SAST
hst = -36000, -- HST
hdt = -32400, -- HDT
akst = -32400, -- AKST
akdt = -28800, -- AKDT
ast = -14400, -- AST
brt = -10800, -- BRT
art = -10800, -- ART
pyt = -14400, -- PYT
pyst = -10800, -- PYST
est = -18000, -- EST
cst = -21600, -- CST
cdt = -18000, -- CDT
amt = -14400, -- AMT
cot = -18000, -- COT
mst = -25200, -- MST
mdt = -21600, -- MDT
vet = -16200, -- VET
gft = -10800, -- GFT
pst = -28800, -- PST
pdt = -25200, -- PDT
act = -18000, -- ACT
wgt = -10800, -- WGT
wgst = -7200, -- WGST
ect = -18000, -- ECT
gyt = -14400, -- GYT
bot = -14400, -- BOT
pet = -18000, -- PET
pmst = -10800, -- PMST
pmdt = -7200, -- PMDT
uyt = -10800, -- UYT
fnt = -7200, -- FNT
srt = -10800, -- SRT
clt = -14400, -- CLT
clst = -10800, -- CLST
egt = -3600, -- EGT
egst = 0, -- EGST
nst = -12600, -- NST
ndt = -9000, -- NDT
awst = 28800, -- AWST
davt = 25200, -- DAVT
ddut = 36000, -- DDUT
mist = 39600, -- MIST
mawt = 18000, -- MAWT
nzst = 43200, -- NZST
nzdt = 46800, -- NZDT
rott = -10800, -- ROTT
syot = 10800, -- SYOT
utc = 0, -- UTC
vost = 21600, -- VOST
almt = 21600, -- ALMT
anat = 43200, -- ANAT
aqtt = 18000, -- AQTT
tmt = 18000, -- TMT
azt = 14400, -- AZT
ict = 25200, -- ICT
kgt = 21600, -- KGT
bnt = 28800, -- BNT
yakt = 32400, -- YAKT
chot = 28800, -- CHOT
chost = 32400, -- CHOST
ist = 19800, -- IST
bdt = 21600, -- BDT
tlt = 32400, -- TLT
gst = 14400, -- GST
tjt = 18000, -- TJT
hkt = 28800, -- HKT
hovt = 25200, -- HOVT
hovst = 28800, -- HOVST
irkt = 28800, -- IRKT
wib = 25200, -- WIB
wit = 32400, -- WIT
aft = 16200, -- AFT
pett = 43200, -- PETT
pkt = 18000, -- PKT
npt = 20700, -- NPT
krat = 25200, -- KRAT
myt = 28800, -- MYT
magt = 36000, -- MAGT
wita = 28800, -- WITA
pht = 28800, -- PHT
novt = 21600, -- NOVT
omst = 21600, -- OMST
orat = 18000, -- ORAT
kst = 30600, -- KST
qyzt = 21600, -- QYZT
mmt = 23400, -- MMT
sakt = 39600, -- SAKT
uzt = 18000, -- UZT
sgt = 28800, -- SGT
sret = 39600, -- SRET
get = 14400, -- GET
irst = 12600, -- IRST
irdt = 16200, -- IRDT
btt = 21600, -- BTT
jst = 32400, -- JST
ulat = 28800, -- ULAT
ulast = 32400, -- ULAST
xjt = 21600, -- XJT
vlat = 36000, -- VLAT
yekt = 18000, -- YEKT
azot = -3600, -- AZOT
azost = 0, -- AZOST
cvt = -3600, -- CVT
fkst = -10800, -- FKST
acst = 34200, -- ACST
acdt = 37800, -- ACDT
aest = 36000, -- AEST
acwst = 31500, -- ACWST
lhst = 37800, -- LHST
lhdt = 39600, -- LHDT
msk = 10800, -- MSK
samt = 14400, -- SAMT
iot = 21600, -- IOT
cxt = 25200, -- CXT
cct = 23400, -- CCT
tft = 18000, -- TFT
sct = 14400, -- SCT
mvt = 18000, -- MVT
mut = 14400, -- MUT
ret = 14400, -- RET
wsst = 46800, -- WSST
wsdt = 50400, -- WSDT
bst = 39600, -- BST
chast = 45900, -- CHAST
chadt = 49500, -- CHADT
chut = 36000, -- CHUT
east = -21600, -- EAST
easst = -18000, -- EASST
vut = 39600, -- VUT
phot = 46800, -- PHOT
tkt = 46800, -- TKT
fjt = 43200, -- FJT
fjst = 46800, -- FJST
tvt = 43200, -- TVT
galt = -21600, -- GALT
gamt = -32400, -- GAMT
sbt = 39600, -- SBT
lint = 50400, -- LINT
kost = 39600, -- KOST
mht = 43200, -- MHT
mart = -34200, -- MART
sst = -39600, -- SST
nrt = 43200, -- NRT
nut = -39600, -- NUT
nft = 39600, -- NFT
nct = 39600, -- NCT
pwt = 32400, -- PWT
pont = 39600, -- PONT
pgt = 36000, -- PGT
ckt = -36000, -- CKT
taht = -36000, -- TAHT
gilt = 43200, -- GILT
tot = 46800, -- TOT
wakt = 43200, -- WAKT
wft = 43200, -- WFT