Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 18.0% (38 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.5% (1517 of 1714 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 4.7% (10 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (211 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 11.3% (5 of 44 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ser2net Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (44 of 44 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ser2net Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (25 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ksmbd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 20.0% (5 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ksmbd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (28 of 28 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vnstat2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (94 of 94 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpn-policy-routing Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/omcproxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (52 of 52 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ttyd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpnbypass Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (186 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/udpxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (169 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (108 of 108 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/simple-adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (13 of 13 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shairplay Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (81 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (116 of 116 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (125 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (123 of 123 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (57 of 57 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/lxc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (20 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dump1090 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (49 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bmx7 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (193 of 193 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (169 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 11.2% (19 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 10.5% (13 of 123 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 12.2% (7 of 57 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 12.5% (6 of 48 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 35.0% (7 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 19.3% (6 of 31 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dynapoint Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 3.5% (2 of 56 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dump1090 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 9.2% (6 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dnscrypt-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 16.3% (8 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bmx7 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 25.0% (3 of 12 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bcp38 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 7.5% (13 of 173 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 8.4% (5 of 59 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (59 of 59 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (23 of 23 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 8.8% (10 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (113 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 6.0% (8 of 133 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (102 of 102 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 34.8% (68 of 195 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (74 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 41.8% (80 of 191 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (16 of 16 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (341 of 341 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 45.9% (17 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (1714 of 1714 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 4.6% (9 of 193 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 19.5% (8 of 41 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/attendedsysupgrade Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (195 of 195 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 9.8% (10 of 102 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (49 of 49 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 13.5% (10 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (16 of 16 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (212 of 212 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (72 of 72 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 7.3% (25 of 341 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 15.8% (13 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 13.5% (5 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 92.2% (1582 of 1714 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (1714 of 1714 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frps Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 22.7% (10 of 44 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ser2net Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (25 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ksmbd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/yggdrasil Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 28.7% (27 of 94 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpn-policy-routing Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/omcproxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (18 of 18 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nextdns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32.6% (17 of 52 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ttyd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 8.0% (15 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (17 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/udpxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 20.1% (34 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 28.7% (31 of 108 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/simple-adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 18.5% (15 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 25.8% (30 of 116 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (125 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (13 of 13 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/pagekitec Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (57 of 57 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (164 of 164 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mwan3 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (48 of 48 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (24 of 24 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/lxc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (20 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (59 of 59 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 17.3% (4 of 23 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 15.0% (17 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (133 of 133 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (44 of 44 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (48 of 48 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.6% (17 of 49 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (195 of 195 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (191 of 191 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 10.8% (8 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (212 of 212 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 13.4% (11 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 13.5% (5 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 25.4% (436 of 1714 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marco Mihai Condrache <> Co-authored-by: Thorfin89 <> Co-authored-by: khorwood <> Co-authored-by: semih <> Co-authored-by: Никита Сластихин <> Signed-off-by: Marco Mihai Condrache <> Signed-off-by: Thorfin89 <> Signed-off-by: semih <> Signed-off-by: Никита Сластихин <> Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ahcp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/firewall Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/fwknopd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/minidlna Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nut Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openvpn Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/opkg Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/polipo Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale2 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/rp-pppoe-server Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/samba4 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/splash Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/statistics Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/transmission Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/uhttpd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/upnp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vnstat Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/wol Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-mod-battstatus
242 lines
9.3 KiB
242 lines
9.3 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-15 14:32+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: semih <>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <"
"Language: tr\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.7-dev\n"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:123
msgid "Absolute maximum range for position decoding"
msgstr "Konum kodu çözme için mutlak maksimum aralık"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:184
msgid "Accuracy of receiver location in json metadata"
msgstr "Json meta verilerinde alıcı konumunun doğruluğu"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:112
msgid "Allow forwarding of received mlat results to output ports"
msgstr ""
"Alınan normal sonuçların çıkış bağlantı noktalarına iletilmesine izin ver"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:193
msgid "Apply a 1Hz DC filter to input data"
msgstr "Veri girişi için 1Hz DC filtre uygulayın"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:172
msgid "Base directory for the internal HTTP server"
msgstr "Dahili HTTP sunucusu için temel dizin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:148
msgid "Collect/show range histogram"
msgstr "Aralık histogramını topla / göster"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:34
msgid "Data file"
msgstr "Veri dosyası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:165
msgid "Debug mode flags"
msgstr "Hata ayıklama modu bayrakları"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:39
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:185
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Varsayılan"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:133
msgid "Disable messages with broken CRC"
msgstr "Bozuk CRC'ye sahip mesajları devre dışı bırakın"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:130
msgid "Disable single-bits error correction using CRC"
msgstr "CRC kullanarak tek bitlik hata düzeltmeyi devre dışı bırakın"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:142
msgid "Display raw messages in Beast ascii mode"
msgstr "Beast ascii modunda ham mesajları görüntüle"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:109
msgid "Do not apply CRC corrections to messages we forward"
msgstr "CRC düzeltmelerini ilettiğimiz iletilere uygulamayın"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:27
msgid "Enable automatic gain control"
msgstr "Otomatik kazanç kontrolünü etkinleştirin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:52
msgid "Enable decoding of SSR Modes 3/A & 3/C"
msgstr "SSR Modları 3/A ve 3/C'nin kodunu çözmeyi etkinleştirin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:58
msgid "Enable just networking, no RTL device or file used"
msgstr ""
"Yalnızca ağ oluşturmayı etkinleştirin, RTL cihazı veya dosya kullanılmaz"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:50
msgid "Enable networking"
msgstr "Ağ oluşturmayı etkinleştirin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:136
msgid "Enable phase enhancement"
msgstr "Faz geliştirmeyi etkinleştirin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:127
msgid "Enable single-bits error correction using CRC"
msgstr "CRC kullanarak tek bitlik hata düzeltmeyi etkinleştirin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:10
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Etkin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:89
msgid "FlightAware TSV output port"
msgstr "FlightAware TSV çıkış bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:30
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frekans"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:23
msgid "Gain (-10 for auto-gain)"
msgstr "Kazanç (otomatik kazanç için -10)"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-app-dump1090.json:3
msgid "Grant UCI access for luci-app-dump1090"
msgstr "luci-app-dump1090 için UCI erişimi verin"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:65
msgid "HTTP server port"
msgstr "HTTP sunucusu bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:61
msgid "IP address to bind to"
msgstr "Bağlanacak IP adresi"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:196
msgid "Measure noise power"
msgstr "Gürültü gücünü ölçün"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:139
msgid "More CPU for more messages"
msgstr "Daha fazla mesaj için daha fazla CPU"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:176
msgid "Periodically write json output to a directory"
msgstr "Bir dizine periyodik olarak json çıktısını yazın"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:145
msgid "Print stats at exit"
msgstr "Çıkışta istatistikleri yazdır"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:19
msgid "RTL device index"
msgstr "RTL cihaz indeksi"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:115
msgid "Reference/receiver latitude for surface posn"
msgstr "Yüzey konumu için referans / alıcı enlemi"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:119
msgid "Reference/receiver longitude for surface posn"
msgstr "Yüzey pozisyonu için referans / alıcı boylamı"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:16
msgid "Respawn"
msgstr "Tekrar başlat"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:38
msgid "Sample format for data file"
msgstr "Veri dosyası için örnek format"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:168
msgid "Set receiver error in parts per million"
msgstr "Alıcı hatasını milyonda parça olarak ayarlayın"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:151
msgid "Show and reset stats every seconds"
msgstr "İstatistikleri her saniyede bir göster ve sıfırla"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:155
msgid "Show only ICAO addresses"
msgstr "Yalnızca ICAO adreslerini göster"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:47
msgid "Show only messages hex values"
msgstr "Yalnızca iletilerin onaltılık değerlerini göster"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:161
msgid "Strip IQ file removing samples"
msgstr "Strip IQ dosyası kaldırma örnekleri"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:77
msgid "TCP BaseStation output listen port"
msgstr "TCP BaseStation çıkışı dinleme bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:81
msgid "TCP Beast input listen port"
msgstr "TCP Beast girişi dinleme bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:85
msgid "TCP Beast output listen port"
msgstr "TCP Beast çıkışı dinleme bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:105
msgid "TCP buffer size 64Kb * (2^n)"
msgstr "TCP arabellek boyutu 64Kb * (2^n)"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:101
msgid "TCP heartbeat rate in seconds"
msgstr "Saniye cinsinden TCP sinyal hızı"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:69
msgid "TCP raw input listen port"
msgstr "TCP ham girişi dinleme bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:55
msgid "TCP raw output in Beast binary format"
msgstr "Beast ikili biçiminde TCP ham çıktı"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:73
msgid "TCP raw output listen port"
msgstr "TCP ham çıktı dinleme bağlantı noktası"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:97
msgid "TCP raw output memory flush rate in seconds"
msgstr "Saniye cinsinden TCP ham çıkış belleği temizleme hızı"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:93
msgid "TCP raw output minimum size"
msgstr "TCP ham çıktı minimum boyutu"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:158
msgid "Use metric units"
msgstr "Metrik birimleri kullan"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:190
msgid "Use the 2.4MHz demodulator"
msgstr "2.4MHz demodülatörü kullan"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:44
msgid "When reading from a file play back in realtime, not at max speed"
msgstr "Bir dosyadan okurken maksimum hızda değil gerçek zamanlı olarak oynat"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:180
msgid "Write json output every t seconds"
msgstr "Her t saniyede bir json çıktısı yaz"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-dump1090.json:3
msgid "dump1090"
msgstr "dump1090"
#: applications/luci-app-dump1090/luasrc/model/cbi/dump1090.lua:4
msgid ""
"dump1090 is a Mode S decoder specifically designed for RTLSDR devices, here "
"you can configure the settings."
msgstr ""
"dump1090, özellikle RTLSDR aygıtları için tasarlanmış bir Mod S kod "
"çözücüdür, burada ayarları yapılandırabilirsiniz."