The try/catch is meant for the `res.json()` call and should apply to that. As it was before, an exception inside the poll callback would cause the callback to be reinvoked without the JSON parameter, which is an odd behaviour. Moreover, it makes it hard to debug because it is completely hidden from the browser console. We now differentiate between exceptions thrown due to bad JSON in `responseText` from exceptions generated inside the callback itself, which are let through for browser console logging. Signed-off-by: Giovanni Giacobbi <>
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* @class LuCI
* @classdesc
* This is the LuCI base class. It is automatically instantiated and
* accessible using the global `L` variable.
* @param {Object} env
* The environment settings to use for the LuCI runtime.
(function(window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
var env = {};
/* Object.assign polyfill for IE */
if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') {
Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {
value: function assign(target, varArgs) {
if (target == null)
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
var to = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++)
if (arguments[index] != null)
for (var nextKey in arguments[index])
if ([index], nextKey))
to[nextKey] = arguments[index][nextKey];
return to;
writable: true,
configurable: true
/* Promise.finally polyfill */
if (typeof Promise.prototype.finally !== 'function') {
Promise.prototype.finally = function(fn) {
var onFinally = function(cb) {
return Promise.resolve(;
return this.then(
function(result) { return, function() { return result }) },
function(reason) { return, function() { return Promise.reject(reason) }) }
* Class declaration and inheritance helper
var toCamelCase = function(s) {
return s.replace(/(?:^|[\. -])(.)/g, function(m0, m1) { return m1.toUpperCase() });
* @class baseclass
* @hideconstructor
* @memberof LuCI
* @classdesc
* `LuCI.baseclass` is the abstract base class all LuCI classes inherit from.
* It provides simple means to create subclasses of given classes and
* implements prototypal inheritance.
var superContext = {}, classIndex = 0, Class = Object.assign(function() {}, {
* Extends this base class with the properties described in
* `properties` and returns a new subclassed Class instance
* @memberof LuCI.baseclass
* @param {Object<string, *>} properties
* An object describing the properties to add to the new
* subclass.
* @returns {LuCI.baseclass}
* Returns a new LuCI.baseclass sublassed from this class, extended
* by the given properties and with its prototype set to this base
* class to enable inheritance. The resulting value represents a
* class constructor and can be instantiated with `new`.
extend: function(properties) {
var props = {
__id__: { value: classIndex },
__base__: { value: this.prototype },
__name__: { value: properties.__name__ || 'anonymous' + classIndex++ }
var ClassConstructor = function() {
if (!(this instanceof ClassConstructor))
throw new TypeError('Constructor must not be called without "new"');
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('__init__')) {
if (typeof(this.__init__) != 'function')
throw new TypeError('Class __init__ member is not a function');
this.__init__.apply(this, arguments)
else {
this.super('__init__', arguments);
for (var key in properties)
if (!props[key] && properties.hasOwnProperty(key))
props[key] = { value: properties[key], writable: true };
ClassConstructor.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype, props);
ClassConstructor.prototype.constructor = ClassConstructor;
Object.assign(ClassConstructor, this);
ClassConstructor.displayName = toCamelCase(props.__name__.value + 'Class');
return ClassConstructor;
* Extends this base class with the properties described in
* `properties`, instantiates the resulting subclass using
* the additional optional arguments passed to this function
* and returns the resulting subclassed Class instance.
* This function serves as a convenience shortcut for
* {@link LuCI.baseclass.extend Class.extend()} and subsequent
* `new`.
* @memberof LuCI.baseclass
* @param {Object<string, *>} properties
* An object describing the properties to add to the new
* subclass.
* @param {...*} [new_args]
* Specifies arguments to be passed to the subclass constructor
* as-is in order to instantiate the new subclass.
* @returns {LuCI.baseclass}
* Returns a new LuCI.baseclass instance extended by the given
* properties with its prototype set to this base class to
* enable inheritance.
singleton: function(properties /*, ... */) {
return Class.extend(properties)
.instantiate(Class.prototype.varargs(arguments, 1));
* Calls the class constructor using `new` with the given argument
* array being passed as variadic parameters to the constructor.
* @memberof LuCI.baseclass
* @param {Array<*>} params
* An array of arbitrary values which will be passed as arguments
* to the constructor function.
* @param {...*} [new_args]
* Specifies arguments to be passed to the subclass constructor
* as-is in order to instantiate the new subclass.
* @returns {LuCI.baseclass}
* Returns a new LuCI.baseclass instance extended by the given
* properties with its prototype set to this base class to
* enable inheritance.
instantiate: function(args) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(this,
Class.prototype.varargs(args, 0, null)))();
/* unused */
call: function(self, method) {
if (typeof(this.prototype[method]) != 'function')
throw new ReferenceError(method + ' is not defined in class');
return this.prototype[method].apply(self, self.varargs(arguments, 1));
* Checks whether the given class value is a subclass of this class.
* @memberof LuCI.baseclass
* @param {LuCI.baseclass} classValue
* The class object to test.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` when the given `classValue` is a subclass of this
* class or `false` if the given value is not a valid class or not
* a subclass of this class'.
isSubclass: function(classValue) {
return (classValue != null &&
typeof(classValue) == 'function' &&
classValue.prototype instanceof this);
prototype: {
* Extract all values from the given argument array beginning from
* `offset` and prepend any further given optional parameters to
* the beginning of the resulting array copy.
* @memberof LuCI.baseclass
* @instance
* @param {Array<*>} args
* The array to extract the values from.
* @param {number} offset
* The offset from which to extract the values. An offset of `0`
* would copy all values till the end.
* @param {...*} [extra_args]
* Extra arguments to add to prepend to the resultung array.
* @returns {Array<*>}
* Returns a new array consisting of the optional extra arguments
* and the values extracted from the `args` array beginning with
* `offset`.
varargs: function(args, offset /*, ... */) {
return, 2)
.concat(, offset));
* Walks up the parent class chain and looks for a class member
* called `key` in any of the parent classes this class inherits
* from. Returns the member value of the superclass or calls the
* member as function and returns its return value when the
* optional `callArgs` array is given.
* This function has two signatures and is sensitive to the
* amount of arguments passed to it:
* - `super('key')` -
* Returns the value of `key` when found within one of the
* parent classes.
* - `super('key', ['arg1', 'arg2'])` -
* Calls the `key()` method with parameters `arg1` and `arg2`
* when found within one of the parent classes.
* @memberof LuCI.baseclass
* @instance
* @param {string} key
* The name of the superclass member to retrieve.
* @param {Array<*>} [callArgs]
* An optional array of function call parameters to use. When
* this parameter is specified, the found member value is called
* as function using the values of this array as arguments.
* @throws {ReferenceError}
* Throws a `ReferenceError` when `callArgs` are specified and
* the found member named by `key` is not a function value.
* @returns {*|null}
* Returns the value of the found member or the return value of
* the call to the found method. Returns `null` when no member
* was found in the parent class chain or when the call to the
* superclass method returned `null`.
super: function(key, callArgs) {
if (key == null)
return null;
var slotIdx = this.__id__ + '.' + key,
symStack = superContext[slotIdx],
protoCtx = null;
for (protoCtx = Object.getPrototypeOf(symStack ? symStack[0] : Object.getPrototypeOf(this));
protoCtx != null && !protoCtx.hasOwnProperty(key);
protoCtx = Object.getPrototypeOf(protoCtx)) {}
if (protoCtx == null)
return null;
var res = protoCtx[key];
if (arguments.length > 1) {
if (typeof(res) != 'function')
throw new ReferenceError(key + ' is not a function in base class');
if (typeof(callArgs) != 'object')
callArgs = this.varargs(arguments, 1);
if (symStack)
superContext[slotIdx] = [ protoCtx ];
res = res.apply(this, callArgs);
if (symStack && symStack.length > 1)
delete superContext[slotIdx];
return res;
* Returns a string representation of this class.
* @returns {string}
* Returns a string representation of this class containing the
* constructor functions `displayName` and describing the class
* members and their respective types.
toString: function() {
var s = '[' + this.constructor.displayName + ']', f = true;
for (var k in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
s += (f ? ' {\n' : '') + ' ' + k + ': ' + typeof(this[k]) + '\n';
f = false;
return s + (f ? '' : '}');
* @class headers
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `Headers` class is an internal utility class exposed in HTTP
* response objects using the `response.headers` property.
var Headers = Class.extend(/** @lends LuCI.headers.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.headers',
__init__: function(xhr) {
var hdrs = this.headers = {};
xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split(/\r\n/).forEach(function(line) {
var m = /^([^:]+):(.*)$/.exec(line);
if (m != null)
hdrs[m[1].trim().toLowerCase()] = m[2].trim();
* Checks whether the given header name is present.
* Note: Header-Names are case-insensitive.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.headers
* @param {string} name
* The header name to check
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the header name is present, `false` otherwise
has: function(name) {
return this.headers.hasOwnProperty(String(name).toLowerCase());
* Returns the value of the given header name.
* Note: Header-Names are case-insensitive.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.headers
* @param {string} name
* The header name to read
* @returns {string|null}
* The value of the given header name or `null` if the header isn't present.
get: function(name) {
var key = String(name).toLowerCase();
return this.headers.hasOwnProperty(key) ? this.headers[key] : null;
* @class response
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `Response` class is an internal utility class representing HTTP responses.
var Response = Class.extend({
__name__: 'LuCI.response',
__init__: function(xhr, url, duration, headers, content) {
* Describes whether the response is successful (status codes `200..299`) or not
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @name ok
* @type {boolean}
this.ok = (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299);
* The numeric HTTP status code of the response
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @name status
* @type {number}
this.status = xhr.status;
* The HTTP status description message of the response
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @name statusText
* @type {string}
this.statusText = xhr.statusText;
* The HTTP headers of the response
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @name headers
* @type {LuCI.headers}
this.headers = (headers != null) ? headers : new Headers(xhr);
* The total duration of the HTTP request in milliseconds
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @name duration
* @type {number}
this.duration = duration;
* The final URL of the request, i.e. after following redirects.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @name url
* @type {string}
this.url = url;
/* privates */
this.xhr = xhr;
if (content instanceof Blob) {
this.responseBlob = content;
this.responseJSON = null;
this.responseText = null;
else if (content != null && typeof(content) == 'object') {
this.responseBlob = null;
this.responseJSON = content;
this.responseText = null;
else if (content != null) {
this.responseBlob = null;
this.responseJSON = null;
this.responseText = String(content);
else {
this.responseJSON = null;
if (xhr.responseType == 'blob') {
this.responseBlob = xhr.response;
this.responseText = null;
else {
this.responseBlob = null;
this.responseText = xhr.responseText;
* Clones the given response object, optionally overriding the content
* of the cloned instance.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @param {*} [content]
* Override the content of the cloned response. Object values will be
* treated as JSON response data, all other types will be converted
* using `String()` and treated as response text.
* @returns {LuCI.response}
* The cloned `Response` instance.
clone: function(content) {
var copy = new Response(this.xhr, this.url, this.duration, this.headers, content);
copy.ok = this.ok;
copy.status = this.status;
copy.statusText = this.statusText;
return copy;
* Access the response content as JSON data.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @throws {SyntaxError}
* Throws `SyntaxError` if the content isn't valid JSON.
* @returns {*}
* The parsed JSON data.
json: function() {
if (this.responseJSON == null)
this.responseJSON = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
return this.responseJSON;
* Access the response content as string.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @returns {string}
* The response content.
text: function() {
if (this.responseText == null && this.responseJSON != null)
this.responseText = JSON.stringify(this.responseJSON);
return this.responseText;
* Access the response content as blob.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.response
* @returns {Blob}
* The response content as blob.
blob: function() {
return this.responseBlob;
var requestQueue = [];
function isQueueableRequest(opt) {
if (!classes.rpc)
return false;
if (opt.method != 'POST' || typeof(opt.content) != 'object')
return false;
if (opt.nobatch === true)
return false;
var rpcBaseURL = Request.expandURL(classes.rpc.getBaseURL());
return (rpcBaseURL != null && opt.url.indexOf(rpcBaseURL) == 0);
function flushRequestQueue() {
if (!requestQueue.length)
var reqopt = Object.assign({}, requestQueue[0][0], { content: [], nobatch: true }),
batch = [];
for (var i = 0; i < requestQueue.length; i++) {
batch[i] = requestQueue[i];
reqopt.content[i] = batch[i][0].content;
requestQueue.length = 0;
Request.request(rpcBaseURL, reqopt).then(function(reply) {
var json = null, req = null;
try { json = reply.json() }
catch(e) { }
while ((req = batch.shift()) != null)
if (Array.isArray(json) && json.length)
req[2].call(reqopt, reply.clone(json.shift()));
req[1].call(reqopt, new Error('No related RPC reply'));
}).catch(function(error) {
var req = null;
while ((req = batch.shift()) != null)
req[1].call(reqopt, error);
* @class request
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `Request` class allows initiating HTTP requests and provides utilities
* for dealing with responses.
var Request = Class.singleton(/** @lends LuCI.request.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.request',
interceptors: [],
* Turn the given relative URL into an absolute URL if necessary.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @param {string} url
* The URL to convert.
* @returns {string}
* The absolute URL derived from the given one, or the original URL
* if it already was absolute.
expandURL: function(url) {
if (!/^(?:[^/]+:)?\/\//.test(url))
url = location.protocol + '//' + + url;
return url;
* @typedef {Object} RequestOptions
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @property {string} [method=GET]
* The HTTP method to use, e.g. `GET` or `POST`.
* @property {Object<string, Object|string>} [query]
* Query string data to append to the URL. Non-string values of the
* given object will be converted to JSON.
* @property {boolean} [cache=false]
* Specifies whether the HTTP response may be retrieved from cache.
* @property {string} [username]
* Provides a username for HTTP basic authentication.
* @property {string} [password]
* Provides a password for HTTP basic authentication.
* @property {number} [timeout]
* Specifies the request timeout in seconds.
* @property {boolean} [credentials=false]
* Whether to include credentials such as cookies in the request.
* @property {string} [responseType=text]
* Overrides the request response type. Valid values or `text` to
* interpret the response as UTF-8 string or `blob` to handle the
* response as binary `Blob` data.
* @property {*} [content]
* Specifies the HTTP message body to send along with the request.
* If the value is a function, it is invoked and the return value
* used as content, if it is a FormData instance, it is used as-is,
* if it is an object, it will be converted to JSON, in all other
* cases it is converted to a string.
* @property {Object<string, string>} [header]
* Specifies HTTP headers to set for the request.
* @property {function} [progress]
* An optional request callback function which receives ProgressEvent
* instances as sole argument during the HTTP request transfer.
* Initiate an HTTP request to the given target.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @param {string} target
* The URL to request.
* @param {LuCI.request.RequestOptions} [options]
* Additional options to configure the request.
* @returns {Promise<LuCI.response>}
* The resulting HTTP response.
request: function(target, options) {
var state = { xhr: new XMLHttpRequest(), url: this.expandURL(target), start: },
opt = Object.assign({}, options, state),
content = null,
contenttype = null,
callback = this.handleReadyStateChange;
return new Promise(function(resolveFn, rejectFn) {
opt.xhr.onreadystatechange = callback.bind(opt, resolveFn, rejectFn);
opt.method = String(opt.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
if ('query' in opt) {
var q = (opt.query != null) ? Object.keys(opt.query).map(function(k) {
if (opt.query[k] != null) {
var v = (typeof(opt.query[k]) == 'object')
? JSON.stringify(opt.query[k])
: String(opt.query[k]);
return '%s=%s'.format(encodeURIComponent(k), encodeURIComponent(v));
else {
return encodeURIComponent(k);
}).join('&') : '';
if (q !== '') {
switch (opt.method) {
case 'GET':
case 'HEAD':
case 'OPTIONS':
opt.url += ((/\?/).test(opt.url) ? '&' : '?') + q;
if (content == null) {
content = q;
contenttype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
if (!opt.cache)
opt.url += ((/\?/).test(opt.url) ? '&' : '?') + (new Date()).getTime();
if (isQueueableRequest(opt)) {
requestQueue.push([opt, rejectFn, resolveFn]);
if ('username' in opt && 'password' in opt)
|, opt.url, true, opt.username, opt.password);
|, opt.url, true);
opt.xhr.responseType = opt.responseType || 'text';
if ('overrideMimeType' in opt.xhr)
if ('timeout' in opt)
opt.xhr.timeout = +opt.timeout;
if ('credentials' in opt)
opt.xhr.withCredentials = !!opt.credentials;
if (opt.content != null) {
switch (typeof(opt.content)) {
case 'function':
content = opt.content(xhr);
case 'object':
if (!(opt.content instanceof FormData)) {
content = JSON.stringify(opt.content);
contenttype = 'application/json';
else {
content = opt.content;
content = String(opt.content);
if ('headers' in opt)
for (var header in opt.headers)
if (opt.headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
if (header.toLowerCase() != 'content-type')
opt.xhr.setRequestHeader(header, opt.headers[header]);
contenttype = opt.headers[header];
if ('progress' in opt && 'upload' in opt.xhr)
opt.xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', opt.progress);
if (contenttype != null)
opt.xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contenttype);
try {
catch (e) {
|, e);
handleReadyStateChange: function(resolveFn, rejectFn, ev) {
var xhr = this.xhr,
duration = - this.start;
if (xhr.readyState !== 4)
if (xhr.status === 0 && xhr.statusText === '') {
if (duration >= this.timeout)
|, new Error('XHR request timed out'));
|, new Error('XHR request aborted by browser'));
else {
var response = new Response(
xhr, xhr.responseURL || this.url, duration);
Promise.all( { return fn(response) }))
.then(resolveFn.bind(this, response))
* Initiate an HTTP GET request to the given target.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @param {string} target
* The URL to request.
* @param {LuCI.request.RequestOptions} [options]
* Additional options to configure the request.
* @returns {Promise<LuCI.response>}
* The resulting HTTP response.
get: function(url, options) {
return this.request(url, Object.assign({ method: 'GET' }, options));
* Initiate an HTTP POST request to the given target.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @param {string} target
* The URL to request.
* @param {*} [data]
* The request data to send, see {@link LuCI.request.RequestOptions} for details.
* @param {LuCI.request.RequestOptions} [options]
* Additional options to configure the request.
* @returns {Promise<LuCI.response>}
* The resulting HTTP response.
post: function(url, data, options) {
return this.request(url, Object.assign({ method: 'POST', content: data }, options));
* Interceptor functions are invoked whenever an HTTP reply is received, in the order
* these functions have been registered.
* @callback LuCI.request.interceptorFn
* @param {LuCI.response} res
* The HTTP response object
* Register an HTTP response interceptor function. Interceptor
* functions are useful to perform default actions on incoming HTTP
* responses, such as checking for expired authentication or for
* implementing request retries before returning a failure.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @param {LuCI.request.interceptorFn} interceptorFn
* The interceptor function to register.
* @returns {LuCI.request.interceptorFn}
* The registered function.
addInterceptor: function(interceptorFn) {
if (typeof(interceptorFn) == 'function')
return interceptorFn;
* Remove an HTTP response interceptor function. The passed function
* value must be the very same value that was used to register the
* function.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @param {LuCI.request.interceptorFn} interceptorFn
* The interceptor function to remove.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if any function has been removed, else `false`.
removeInterceptor: function(interceptorFn) {
var oldlen = this.interceptors.length, i = oldlen;
while (i--)
if (this.interceptors[i] === interceptorFn)
this.interceptors.splice(i, 1);
return (this.interceptors.length < oldlen);
* @class
* @memberof LuCI.request
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `Request.poll` class provides some convience wrappers around
* {@link LuCI.poll} mainly to simplify registering repeating HTTP
* request calls as polling functions.
poll: {
* The callback function is invoked whenever an HTTP reply to a
* polled request is received or when the polled request timed
* out.
* @callback LuCI.request.poll~callbackFn
* @param {LuCI.response} res
* The HTTP response object.
* @param {*} data
* The response JSON if the response could be parsed as such,
* else `null`.
* @param {number} duration
* The total duration of the request in milliseconds.
* Register a repeating HTTP request with an optional callback
* to invoke whenever a response for the request is received.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request.poll
* @param {number} interval
* The poll interval in seconds.
* @param {string} url
* The URL to request on each poll.
* @param {LuCI.request.RequestOptions} [options]
* Additional options to configure the request.
* @param {LuCI.request.poll~callbackFn} [callback]
* {@link LuCI.request.poll~callbackFn Callback} function to
* invoke for each HTTP reply.
* @throws {TypeError}
* Throws `TypeError` when an invalid interval was passed.
* @returns {function}
* Returns the internally created poll function.
add: function(interval, url, options, callback) {
if (isNaN(interval) || interval <= 0)
throw new TypeError('Invalid poll interval');
var ival = interval >>> 0,
opts = Object.assign({}, options, { timeout: ival * 1000 - 5 });
var fn = function() {
return Request.request(url, options).then(function(res) {
if (!
var res_json = null;
try {
res_json = res.json();
catch (err) {}
callback(res, res_json, res.duration);
return (Poll.add(fn, ival) ? fn : null);
* Remove a polling request that has been previously added using `add()`.
* This function is essentially a wrapper around
* {@link LuCI.poll.remove LuCI.poll.remove()}.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request.poll
* @param {function} entry
* The poll function returned by {@link LuCI.request.poll#add add()}.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if any function has been removed, else `false`.
remove: function(entry) { return Poll.remove(entry) },
* Alias for {@link LuCI.poll.start LuCI.poll.start()}.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request.poll
start: function() { return Poll.start() },
* Alias for {@link LuCI.poll.stop LuCI.poll.stop()}.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request.poll
stop: function() { return Poll.stop() },
* Alias for {@link}.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.request.poll
active: function() { return }
* @class poll
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `Poll` class allows registering and unregistering poll actions,
* as well as starting, stopping and querying the state of the polling
* loop.
var Poll = Class.singleton(/** @lends LuCI.poll.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.poll',
queue: [],
* Add a new operation to the polling loop. If the polling loop is not
* already started at this point, it will be implicitely started.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.poll
* @param {function} fn
* The function to invoke on each poll interval.
* @param {number} interval
* The poll interval in seconds.
* @throws {TypeError}
* Throws `TypeError` when an invalid interval was passed.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the function has been added or `false` if it
* already is registered.
add: function(fn, interval) {
if (interval == null || interval <= 0)
interval = env.pollinterval || null;
if (isNaN(interval) || typeof(fn) != 'function')
throw new TypeError('Invalid argument to LuCI.poll.add()');
for (var i = 0; i < this.queue.length; i++)
if (this.queue[i].fn === fn)
return false;
var e = {
r: true,
i: interval >>> 0,
fn: fn
if (this.tick != null && !
return true;
* Remove an operation from the polling loop. If no further operatons
* are registered, the polling loop is implicitely stopped.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.poll
* @param {function} fn
* The function to remove.
* @throws {TypeError}
* Throws `TypeError` when the given argument isn't a function.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the function has been removed or `false` if it
* wasn't found.
remove: function(fn) {
if (typeof(fn) != 'function')
throw new TypeError('Invalid argument to LuCI.poll.remove()');
var len = this.queue.length;
for (var i = len; i > 0; i--)
if (this.queue[i-1].fn === fn)
this.queue.splice(i-1, 1);
if (!this.queue.length && this.stop())
this.tick = 0;
return (this.queue.length != len);
* (Re)start the polling loop. Dispatches a custom `poll-start` event
* to the `document` object upon successful start.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.poll
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if polling has been started (or if no functions
* where registered) or `false` when the polling loop already runs.
start: function() {
if (
return false;
this.tick = 0;
if (this.queue.length) {
this.timer = window.setInterval(this.step, 1000);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('poll-start'));
return true;
* Stop the polling loop. Dispatches a custom `poll-stop` event
* to the `document` object upon successful stop.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.poll
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if polling has been stopped or `false` if it din't
* run to begin with.
stop: function() {
if (!
return false;
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('poll-stop'));
delete this.timer;
delete this.tick;
return true;
/* private */
step: function() {
for (var i = 0, e = null; (e = Poll.queue[i]) != null; i++) {
if ((Poll.tick % e.i) != 0)
if (!e.r)
e.r = false;
Promise.resolve(e.fn()).finally((function() { this.r = true }).bind(e));
Poll.tick = (Poll.tick + 1) % Math.pow(2, 32);
* Test whether the polling loop is running.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.poll
* @returns {boolean} - Returns `true` if polling is active, else `false`.
active: function() {
return (this.timer != null);
* @class dom
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `dom` class provides convenience method for creating and
* manipulating DOM elements.
* To import the class in views, use `'require dom'`, to import it in
* external JavaScript, use `L.require("dom").then(...)`.
var DOM = Class.singleton(/** @lends LuCI.dom.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.dom',
* Tests whether the given argument is a valid DOM `Node`.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} e
* The value to test.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the value is a DOM `Node`, else `false`.
elem: function(e) {
return (e != null && typeof(e) == 'object' && 'nodeType' in e);
* Parses a given string as HTML and returns the first child node.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {string} s
* A string containing an HTML fragment to parse. Note that only
* the first result of the resulting structure is returned, so an
* input value of `<div>foo</div> <div>bar</div>` will only return
* the first `div` element node.
* @returns {Node}
* Returns the first DOM `Node` extracted from the HTML fragment or
* `null` on parsing failures or if no element could be found.
parse: function(s) {
var elem;
try {
domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
elem = domParser.parseFromString(s, 'text/html').body.firstChild;
catch(e) {}
if (!elem) {
try {
dummyElem = dummyElem || document.createElement('div');
dummyElem.innerHTML = s;
elem = dummyElem.firstChild;
catch (e) {}
return elem || null;
* Tests whether a given `Node` matches the given query selector.
* This function is a convenience wrapper around the standard
* `Node.matches("selector")` function with the added benefit that
* the `node` argument may be a non-`Node` value, in which case
* this function simply returns `false`.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to test the selector against.
* @param {string} [selector]
* The query selector expression to test against the given node.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the given node matches the specified selector
* or `false` when the node argument is no valid DOM `Node` or the
* selector didn't match.
matches: function(node, selector) {
var m = this.elem(node) ? node.matches || node.msMatchesSelector : null;
return m ?, selector) : false;
* Returns the closest parent node that matches the given query
* selector expression.
* This function is a convenience wrapper around the standard
* `Node.closest("selector")` function with the added benefit that
* the `node` argument may be a non-`Node` value, in which case
* this function simply returns `null`.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to find the closest parent for.
* @param {string} [selector]
* The query selector expression to test against each parent.
* @returns {Node|null}
* Returns the closest parent node matching the selector or
* `null` when the node argument is no valid DOM `Node` or the
* selector didn't match any parent.
parent: function(node, selector) {
if (this.elem(node) && node.closest)
return node.closest(selector);
while (this.elem(node))
if (this.matches(node, selector))
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
* Appends the given children data to the given node.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to append the children to.
* @param {*} [children]
* The childrens to append to the given node.
* When `children` is an array, then each item of the array
* will be either appended as child element or text node,
* depending on whether the item is a DOM `Node` instance or
* some other non-`null` value. Non-`Node`, non-`null` values
* will be converted to strings first before being passed as
* argument to `createTextNode()`.
* When `children` is a function, it will be invoked with
* the passed `node` argument as sole parameter and the `append`
* function will be invoked again, with the given `node` argument
* as first and the return value of the `children` function as
* second parameter.
* When `children` is is a DOM `Node` instance, it will be
* appended to the given `node`.
* When `children` is any other non-`null` value, it will be
* converted to a string and appened to the `innerHTML` property
* of the given `node`.
* @returns {Node|null}
* Returns the last children `Node` appended to the node or `null`
* if either the `node` argument was no valid DOM `node` or if the
* `children` was `null` or didn't result in further DOM nodes.
append: function(node, children) {
if (!this.elem(node))
return null;
if (Array.isArray(children)) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
if (this.elem(children[i]))
else if (children !== null && children !== undefined)
node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + children[i]));
return node.lastChild;
else if (typeof(children) === 'function') {
return this.append(node, children(node));
else if (this.elem(children)) {
return node.appendChild(children);
else if (children !== null && children !== undefined) {
node.innerHTML = '' + children;
return node.lastChild;
return null;
* Replaces the content of the given node with the given children.
* This function first removes any children of the given DOM
* `Node` and then adds the given given children following the
* rules outlined below.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to replace the children of.
* @param {*} [children]
* The childrens to replace into the given node.
* When `children` is an array, then each item of the array
* will be either appended as child element or text node,
* depending on whether the item is a DOM `Node` instance or
* some other non-`null` value. Non-`Node`, non-`null` values
* will be converted to strings first before being passed as
* argument to `createTextNode()`.
* When `children` is a function, it will be invoked with
* the passed `node` argument as sole parameter and the `append`
* function will be invoked again, with the given `node` argument
* as first and the return value of the `children` function as
* second parameter.
* When `children` is is a DOM `Node` instance, it will be
* appended to the given `node`.
* When `children` is any other non-`null` value, it will be
* converted to a string and appened to the `innerHTML` property
* of the given `node`.
* @returns {Node|null}
* Returns the last children `Node` appended to the node or `null`
* if either the `node` argument was no valid DOM `node` or if the
* `children` was `null` or didn't result in further DOM nodes.
content: function(node, children) {
if (!this.elem(node))
return null;
var dataNodes = node.querySelectorAll('[data-idref]');
for (var i = 0; i < dataNodes.length; i++)
delete this.registry[dataNodes[i].getAttribute('data-idref')];
while (node.firstChild)
return this.append(node, children);
* Sets attributes or registers event listeners on element nodes.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to set the attributes or add the event
* listeners for. When the given `node` value is not a valid
* DOM `Node`, the function returns and does nothing.
* @param {string|Object<string, *>} key
* Specifies either the attribute or event handler name to use,
* or an object containing multiple key, value pairs which are
* each added to the node as either attribute or event handler,
* depending on the respective value.
* @param {*} [val]
* Specifies the attribute value or event handler function to add.
* If the `key` parameter is an `Object`, this parameter will be
* ignored.
* When `val` is of type function, it will be registered as event
* handler on the given `node` with the `key` parameter being the
* event name.
* When `val` is of type object, it will be serialized as JSON and
* added as attribute to the given `node`, using the given `key`
* as attribute name.
* When `val` is of any other type, it will be added as attribute
* to the given `node` as-is, with the underlying `setAttribute()`
* call implicitely turning it into a string.
attr: function(node, key, val) {
if (!this.elem(node))
return null;
var attr = null;
if (typeof(key) === 'object' && key !== null)
attr = key;
else if (typeof(key) === 'string')
attr = {}, attr[key] = val;
for (key in attr) {
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(key) || attr[key] == null)
switch (typeof(attr[key])) {
case 'function':
node.addEventListener(key, attr[key]);
case 'object':
node.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(attr[key]));
node.setAttribute(key, attr[key]);
* Creates a new DOM `Node` from the given `html`, `attr` and
* `data` parameters.
* This function has multiple signatures, it can be either invoked
* in the form `create(html[, attr[, data]])` or in the form
* `create(html[, data])`. The used variant is determined from the
* type of the second argument.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} html
* Describes the node to create.
* When the value of `html` is of type array, a `DocumentFragment`
* node is created and each item of the array is first converted
* to a DOM `Node` by passing it through `create()` and then added
* as child to the fragment.
* When the value of `html` is a DOM `Node` instance, no new
* element will be created but the node will be used as-is.
* When the value of `html` is a string starting with `<`, it will
* be passed to `dom.parse()` and the resulting value is used.
* When the value of `html` is any other string, it will be passed
* to `document.createElement()` for creating a new DOM `Node` of
* the given name.
* @param {Object<string, *>} [attr]
* Specifies an Object of key, value pairs to set as attributes
* or event handlers on the created node. Refer to
* {@link LuCI.dom#attr dom.attr()} for details.
* @param {*} [data]
* Specifies children to append to the newly created element.
* Refer to {@link LuCI.dom#append dom.append()} for details.
* @throws {InvalidCharacterError}
* Throws an `InvalidCharacterError` when the given `html`
* argument contained malformed markup (such as not escaped
* `&` characters in XHTML mode) or when the given node name
* in `html` contains characters which are not legal in DOM
* element names, such as spaces.
* @returns {Node}
* Returns the newly created `Node`.
create: function() {
var html = arguments[0],
attr = arguments[1],
data = arguments[2],
if (!(attr instanceof Object) || Array.isArray(attr))
data = attr, attr = null;
if (Array.isArray(html)) {
elem = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++)
else if (this.elem(html)) {
elem = html;
else if (html.charCodeAt(0) === 60) {
elem = this.parse(html);
else {
elem = document.createElement(html);
if (!elem)
return null;
this.attr(elem, attr);
this.append(elem, data);
return elem;
registry: {},
* Attaches or detaches arbitrary data to and from a DOM `Node`.
* This function is useful to attach non-string values or runtime
* data that is not serializable to DOM nodes. To decouple data
* from the DOM, values are not added directly to nodes, but
* inserted into a registry instead which is then referenced by a
* string key stored as `data-idref` attribute in the node.
* This function has multiple signatures and is sensitive to the
* number of arguments passed to it.
* - `` -
* Fetches all data associated with the given node.
* - `, key)` -
* Fetches a specific key associated with the given node.
* - `, key, val)` -
* Sets a specific key to the given value associated with the
* given node.
* - `, null)` -
* Clears any data associated with the node.
* - `, key, null)` -
* Clears the given key associated with the node.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {Node} node
* The DOM `Node` instance to set or retrieve the data for.
* @param {string|null} [key]
* This is either a string specifying the key to retrieve, or
* `null` to unset the entire node data.
* @param {*|null} [val]
* This is either a non-`null` value to set for a given key or
* `null` to remove the given `key` from the specified node.
* @returns {*}
* Returns the get or set value, or `null` when no value could
* be found.
data: function(node, key, val) {
if (!node || !node.getAttribute)
return null;
var id = node.getAttribute('data-idref');
/* clear all data */
if (arguments.length > 1 && key == null) {
if (id != null) {
val = this.registry[id]
delete this.registry[id];
return val;
return null;
/* clear a key */
else if (arguments.length > 2 && key != null && val == null) {
if (id != null) {
val = this.registry[id][key];
delete this.registry[id][key];
return val;
return null;
/* set a key */
else if (arguments.length > 2 && key != null && val != null) {
if (id == null) {
do { id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffffff).toString(16) }
while (this.registry.hasOwnProperty(id));
node.setAttribute('data-idref', id);
this.registry[id] = {};
return (this.registry[id][key] = val);
/* get all data */
else if (arguments.length == 1) {
if (id != null)
return this.registry[id];
return null;
/* get a key */
else if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (id != null)
return this.registry[id][key];
return null;
* Binds the given class instance ot the specified DOM `Node`.
* This function uses the `` facility to attach the
* passed instance of a Class to a node. This is needed for
* complex widget elements or similar where the corresponding
* class instance responsible for the element must be retrieved
* from DOM nodes obtained by `querySelector()` or similar means.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {Node} node
* The DOM `Node` instance to bind the class to.
* @param {Class} inst
* The Class instance to bind to the node.
* @throws {TypeError}
* Throws a `TypeError` when the given instance argument isn't
* a valid Class instance.
* @returns {Class}
* Returns the bound class instance.
bindClassInstance: function(node, inst) {
if (!(inst instanceof Class))
LuCI.prototype.error('TypeError', 'Argument must be a class instance');
return, '_class', inst);
* Finds a bound class instance on the given node itself or the
* first bound instance on its closest parent node.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {Node} node
* The DOM `Node` instance to start from.
* @returns {Class|null}
* Returns the founds class instance if any or `null` if no bound
* class could be found on the node itself or any of its parents.
findClassInstance: function(node) {
var inst = null;
do {
inst =, '_class');
node = node.parentNode;
while (!(inst instanceof Class) && node != null);
return inst;
* Finds a bound class instance on the given node itself or the
* first bound instance on its closest parent node and invokes
* the specified method name on the found class instance.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {Node} node
* The DOM `Node` instance to start from.
* @param {string} method
* The name of the method to invoke on the found class instance.
* @param {...*} params
* Additional arguments to pass to the invoked method as-is.
* @returns {*|null}
* Returns the return value of the invoked method if a class
* instance and method has been found. Returns `null` if either
* no bound class instance could be found, or if the found
* instance didn't have the requested `method`.
callClassMethod: function(node, method /*, ... */) {
var inst = this.findClassInstance(node);
if (inst == null || typeof(inst[method]) != 'function')
return null;
return inst[method].apply(inst, inst.varargs(arguments, 2));
* The ignore callback function is invoked by `isEmpty()` for each
* child node to decide whether to ignore a child node or not.
* When this function returns `false`, the node passed to it is
* ignored, else not.
* @callback LuCI.dom~ignoreCallbackFn
* @param {Node} node
* The child node to test.
* @returns {boolean}
* Boolean indicating whether to ignore the node or not.
* Tests whether a given DOM `Node` instance is empty or appears
* empty.
* Any element child nodes which have the CSS class `hidden` set
* or for which the optionally passed `ignoreFn` callback function
* returns `false` are ignored.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {Node} node
* The DOM `Node` instance to test.
* @param {LuCI.dom~ignoreCallbackFn} [ignoreFn]
* Specifies an optional function which is invoked for each child
* node to decide whether the child node should be ignored or not.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the node does not have any children or if
* any children node either has a `hidden` CSS class or a `false`
* result when testing it using the given `ignoreFn`.
isEmpty: function(node, ignoreFn) {
for (var child = node.firstElementChild; child != null; child = child.nextElementSibling)
if (!child.classList.contains('hidden') && (!ignoreFn || !ignoreFn(child)))
return false;
return true;
* @class session
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `session` class provides various session related functionality.
var Session = Class.singleton(/** @lends LuCI.session.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.session',
* Retrieve the current session ID.
* @returns {string}
* Returns the current session ID.
getID: function() {
return env.sessionid || '00000000000000000000000000000000';
* Retrieve the current session token.
* @returns {string|null}
* Returns the current session token or `null` if not logged in.
getToken: function() {
return env.token || null;
* Retrieve data from the local session storage.
* @param {string} [key]
* The key to retrieve from the session data store. If omitted, all
* session data will be returned.
* @returns {*}
* Returns the stored session data or `null` if the given key wasn't
* found.
getLocalData: function(key) {
try {
var sid = this.getID(),
item = 'luci-session-store',
data = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem(item));
if (!LuCI.prototype.isObject(data) || !data.hasOwnProperty(sid)) {
data = {};
data[sid] = {};
if (key != null)
return data[sid].hasOwnProperty(key) ? data[sid][key] : null;
return data[sid];
catch (e) {
return (key != null) ? null : {};
* Set data in the local session storage.
* @param {string} key
* The key to set in the session data store.
* @param {*} value
* The value to store. It will be internally converted to JSON before
* being put in the session store.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the data could be stored or `false` on error.
setLocalData: function(key, value) {
if (key == null)
return false;
try {
var sid = this.getID(),
item = 'luci-session-store',
data = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem(item));
if (!LuCI.prototype.isObject(data) || !data.hasOwnProperty(sid)) {
data = {};
data[sid] = {};
if (value != null)
data[sid][key] = value;
delete data[sid][key];
window.sessionStorage.setItem(item, JSON.stringify(data));
return true;
catch (e) {
return false;
* @class view
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* The `view` class forms the basis of views and provides a standard
* set of methods to inherit from.
var View = Class.extend(/** @lends LuCI.view.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.view',
__init__: function() {
var vp = document.getElementById('view');
DOM.content(vp, E('div', { 'class': 'spinning' }, _('Loading view…')));
return Promise.resolve(this.load())
.then(LuCI.prototype.bind(this.render, this))
.then(LuCI.prototype.bind(function(nodes) {
var vp = document.getElementById('view');
DOM.content(vp, nodes);
DOM.append(vp, this.addFooter());
}, this)).catch(LuCI.prototype.error);
* The load function is invoked before the view is rendered.
* The invocation of this function is wrapped by
* `Promise.resolve()` so it may return Promises if needed.
* The return value of the function (or the resolved values
* of the promise returned by it) will be passed as first
* argument to `render()`.
* This function is supposed to be overwritten by subclasses,
* the default implementation does nothing.
* @instance
* @abstract
* @memberof LuCI.view
* @returns {*|Promise<*>}
* May return any value or a Promise resolving to any value.
load: function() {},
* The render function is invoked after the
* {@link LuCI.view#load load()} function and responsible
* for setting up the view contents. It must return a DOM
* `Node` or `DocumentFragment` holding the contents to
* insert into the view area.
* The invocation of this function is wrapped by
* `Promise.resolve()` so it may return Promises if needed.
* The return value of the function (or the resolved values
* of the promise returned by it) will be inserted into the
* main content area using
* {@link LuCI.dom#append dom.append()}.
* This function is supposed to be overwritten by subclasses,
* the default implementation does nothing.
* @instance
* @abstract
* @memberof LuCI.view
* @param {*|null} load_results
* This function will receive the return value of the
* {@link LuCI.view#load view.load()} function as first
* argument.
* @returns {Node|Promise<Node>}
* Should return a DOM `Node` value or a `Promise` resolving
* to a `Node` value.
render: function() {},
* The handleSave function is invoked when the user clicks
* the `Save` button in the page action footer.
* The default implementation should be sufficient for most
* views using {@link form#Map form.Map()} based forms - it
* will iterate all forms present in the view and invoke
* the {@link form#Map#save} method on each form.
* Views not using `Map` instances or requiring other special
* logic should overwrite `handleSave()` with a custom
* implementation.
* To disable the `Save` page footer button, views extending
* this base class should overwrite the `handleSave` function
* with `null`.
* The invocation of this function is wrapped by
* `Promise.resolve()` so it may return Promises if needed.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.view
* @param {Event} ev
* The DOM event that triggered the function.
* @returns {*|Promise<*>}
* Any return values of this function are discarded, but
* passed through `Promise.resolve()` to ensure that any
* returned promise runs to completion before the button
* is reenabled.
handleSave: function(ev) {
var tasks = [];
.querySelectorAll('.cbi-map').forEach(function(map) {
tasks.push(DOM.callClassMethod(map, 'save'));
return Promise.all(tasks);
* The handleSaveApply function is invoked when the user clicks
* the `Save & Apply` button in the page action footer.
* The default implementation should be sufficient for most
* views using {@link form#Map form.Map()} based forms - it
* will first invoke
* {@link LuCI.view.handleSave view.handleSave()} and then
* call {@link ui#changes#apply ui.changes.apply()} to start the
* modal config apply and page reload flow.
* Views not using `Map` instances or requiring other special
* logic should overwrite `handleSaveApply()` with a custom
* implementation.
* To disable the `Save & Apply` page footer button, views
* extending this base class should overwrite the
* `handleSaveApply` function with `null`.
* The invocation of this function is wrapped by
* `Promise.resolve()` so it may return Promises if needed.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.view
* @param {Event} ev
* The DOM event that triggered the function.
* @returns {*|Promise<*>}
* Any return values of this function are discarded, but
* passed through `Promise.resolve()` to ensure that any
* returned promise runs to completion before the button
* is reenabled.
handleSaveApply: function(ev, mode) {
return this.handleSave(ev).then(function() {
classes.ui.changes.apply(mode == '0');
* The handleReset function is invoked when the user clicks
* the `Reset` button in the page action footer.
* The default implementation should be sufficient for most
* views using {@link form#Map form.Map()} based forms - it
* will iterate all forms present in the view and invoke
* the {@link form#Map#save Map.reset()} method on each form.
* Views not using `Map` instances or requiring other special
* logic should overwrite `handleReset()` with a custom
* implementation.
* To disable the `Reset` page footer button, views extending
* this base class should overwrite the `handleReset` function
* with `null`.
* The invocation of this function is wrapped by
* `Promise.resolve()` so it may return Promises if needed.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.view
* @param {Event} ev
* The DOM event that triggered the function.
* @returns {*|Promise<*>}
* Any return values of this function are discarded, but
* passed through `Promise.resolve()` to ensure that any
* returned promise runs to completion before the button
* is reenabled.
handleReset: function(ev) {
var tasks = [];
.querySelectorAll('.cbi-map').forEach(function(map) {
tasks.push(DOM.callClassMethod(map, 'reset'));
return Promise.all(tasks);
* Renders a standard page action footer if any of the
* `handleSave()`, `handleSaveApply()` or `handleReset()`
* functions are defined.
* The default implementation should be sufficient for most
* views - it will render a standard page footer with action
* buttons labeled `Save`, `Save & Apply` and `Reset`
* triggering the `handleSave()`, `handleSaveApply()` and
* `handleReset()` functions respectively.
* When any of these `handle*()` functions is overwritten
* with `null` by a view extending this class, the
* corresponding button will not be rendered.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.view
* @returns {DocumentFragment}
* Returns a `DocumentFragment` containing the footer bar
* with buttons for each corresponding `handle*()` action
* or an empty `DocumentFragment` if all three `handle*()`
* methods are overwritten with `null`.
addFooter: function() {
var footer = E([]),
vp = document.getElementById('view'),
hasmap = false,
readonly = true;
vp.querySelectorAll('.cbi-map').forEach(function(map) {
var m = DOM.findClassInstance(map);
if (m) {
hasmap = true;
if (!m.readonly)
readonly = false;
if (!hasmap)
readonly = !LuCI.prototype.hasViewPermission();
var saveApplyBtn = this.handleSaveApply ? new classes.ui.ComboButton('0', {
0: [ _('Save & Apply') ],
1: [ _('Apply unchecked') ]
}, {
classes: {
0: 'btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply important',
1: 'btn cbi-button cbi-button-negative important'
click: classes.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleSaveApply'),
disabled: readonly || null
}).render() : E([]);
if (this.handleSaveApply || this.handleSave || this.handleReset) {
footer.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-page-actions control-group' }, [
saveApplyBtn, ' ',
this.handleSave ? E('button', {
'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-save',
'click': classes.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleSave'),
'disabled': readonly || null
}, [ _('Save') ]) : '', ' ',
this.handleReset ? E('button', {
'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-reset',
'click': classes.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleReset'),
'disabled': readonly || null
}, [ _('Reset') ]) : ''
return footer;
var dummyElem = null,
domParser = null,
originalCBIInit = null,
rpcBaseURL = null,
sysFeatures = null,
preloadClasses = null;
/* "preload" builtin classes to make the available via require */
var classes = {
baseclass: Class,
dom: DOM,
poll: Poll,
request: Request,
session: Session,
view: View
var LuCI = Class.extend(/** @lends LuCI.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI',
__init__: function(setenv) {
document.querySelectorAll('script[src*="/luci.js"]').forEach(function(s) {
if (setenv.base_url == null || setenv.base_url == '') {
var m = (s.getAttribute('src') || '').match(/^(.*)\/luci\.js(?:\?v=([^?]+))?$/);
if (m) {
setenv.base_url = m[1];
setenv.resource_version = m[2];
if (setenv.base_url == null)
this.error('InternalError', 'Cannot find url of luci.js');
setenv.cgi_base = setenv.scriptname.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '');
Object.assign(env, setenv);
var domReady = new Promise(function(resolveFn, rejectFn) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resolveFn);
originalCBIInit = window.cbi_init;
window.cbi_init = function() {};
* Captures the current stack trace and throws an error of the
* specified type as a new exception. Also logs the exception as
* error to the debug console if it is available.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {Error|string} [type=Error]
* Either a string specifying the type of the error to throw or an
* existing `Error` instance to copy.
* @param {string} [fmt=Unspecified error]
* A format string which is used to form the error message, together
* with all subsequent optional arguments.
* @param {...*} [args]
* Zero or more variable arguments to the supplied format string.
* @throws {Error}
* Throws the created error object with the captured stack trace
* appended to the message and the type set to the given type
* argument or copied from the given error instance.
raise: function(type, fmt /*, ...*/) {
var e = null,
msg = fmt ? String.prototype.format.apply(fmt, this.varargs(arguments, 2)) : null,
stack = null;
if (type instanceof Error) {
e = type;
if (msg)
e.message = msg + ': ' + e.message;
else {
try { throw new Error('stacktrace') }
catch (e2) { stack = (e2.stack || '').split(/\n/) }
e = new (window[type || 'Error'] || Error)(msg || 'Unspecified error');
| = type || 'Error';
stack = (stack || []).map(function(frame) {
frame = frame.replace(/(.*?)@(.+):(\d+):(\d+)/g, 'at $1 ($2:$3:$4)').trim();
return frame ? ' ' + frame : '';
if (!/^ at /.test(stack[0]))
if (/\braise /.test(stack[0]))
if (/\berror /.test(stack[0]))
if (stack.length)
e.message += '\n' + stack.join('\n');
if (window.console && console.debug)
throw e;
* A wrapper around {@link LuCI#raise raise()} which also renders
* the error either as modal overlay when `ui.js` is already loaed
* or directly into the view body.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {Error|string} [type=Error]
* Either a string specifying the type of the error to throw or an
* existing `Error` instance to copy.
* @param {string} [fmt=Unspecified error]
* A format string which is used to form the error message, together
* with all subsequent optional arguments.
* @param {...*} [args]
* Zero or more variable arguments to the supplied format string.
* @throws {Error}
* Throws the created error object with the captured stack trace
* appended to the message and the type set to the given type
* argument or copied from the given error instance.
error: function(type, fmt /*, ...*/) {
try {
catch (e) {
if (!e.reported) {
if (classes.ui)
classes.ui.addNotification( || _('Runtime error'),
E('pre', {}, e.message), 'danger');
E('pre', { 'class': 'alert-message error' }, e.message));
e.reported = true;
throw e;
* Return a bound function using the given `self` as `this` context
* and any further arguments as parameters to the bound function.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {function} fn
* The function to bind.
* @param {*} self
* The value to bind as `this` context to the specified function.
* @param {...*} [args]
* Zero or more variable arguments which are bound to the function
* as parameters.
* @returns {function}
* Returns the bound function.
bind: function(fn, self /*, ... */) {
return Function.prototype.bind.apply(fn, this.varargs(arguments, 2, self));
* Load an additional LuCI JavaScript class and its dependencies,
* instantiate it and return the resulting class instance. Each
* class is only loaded once. Subsequent attempts to load the same
* class will return the already instantiated class.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string} name
* The name of the class to load in dotted notation. Dots will
* be replaced by spaces and joined with the runtime-determined
* base URL of LuCI.js to form an absolute URL to load the class
* file from.
* @throws {DependencyError}
* Throws a `DependencyError` when the class to load includes
* circular dependencies.
* @throws {NetworkError}
* Throws `NetworkError` when the underlying {@link LuCI.request}
* call failed.
* @throws {SyntaxError}
* Throws `SyntaxError` when the loaded class file code cannot
* be interpreted by `eval`.
* @throws {TypeError}
* Throws `TypeError` when the class file could be loaded and
* interpreted, but when invoking its code did not yield a valid
* class instance.
* @returns {Promise<LuCI.baseclass>}
* Returns the instantiated class.
require: function(name, from) {
var L = this, url = null, from = from || [];
/* Class already loaded */
if (classes[name] != null) {
/* Circular dependency */
if (from.indexOf(name) != -1)
'Circular dependency: class "%s" depends on "%s"',
name, from.join('" which depends on "'));
return Promise.resolve(classes[name]);
url = '%s/%s.js%s'.format(env.base_url, name.replace(/\./g, '/'), (env.resource_version ? '?v=' + env.resource_version : ''));
from = [ name ].concat(from);
var compileClass = function(res) {
if (!res.ok)
'HTTP error %d while loading class file "%s"', res.status, url);
var source = res.text(),
requirematch = /^require[ \t]+(\S+)(?:[ \t]+as[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_]\S*))?$/,
strictmatch = /^use[ \t]+strict$/,
depends = [],
args = '';
/* find require statements in source */
for (var i = 0, off = -1, prev = -1, quote = -1, comment = -1, esc = false; i < source.length; i++) {
var chr = source.charCodeAt(i);
if (esc) {
esc = false;
else if (comment != -1) {
if ((comment == 47 && chr == 10) || (comment == 42 && prev == 42 && chr == 47))
comment = -1;
else if ((chr == 42 || chr == 47) && prev == 47) {
comment = chr;
else if (chr == 92) {
esc = true;
else if (chr == quote) {
var s = source.substring(off, i),
m = requirematch.exec(s);
if (m) {
var dep = m[1], as = m[2] || dep.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '_');
depends.push(LuCI.prototype.require(dep, from));
args += ', ' + as;
else if (!strictmatch.exec(s)) {
off = -1;
quote = -1;
else if (quote == -1 && (chr == 34 || chr == 39)) {
off = i + 1;
quote = chr;
prev = chr;
/* load dependencies and instantiate class */
return Promise.all(depends).then(function(instances) {
var _factory, _class;
try {
_factory = eval(
'(function(window, document, L%s) { %s })\n\n//# sourceURL=%s\n'
.format(args, source, res.url));
catch (error) {
LuCI.prototype.raise('SyntaxError', '%s\n in %s:%s',
error.message, res.url, error.lineNumber || '?');
_factory.displayName = toCamelCase(name + 'ClassFactory');
_class = _factory.apply(_factory, [window, document, L].concat(instances));
if (!Class.isSubclass(_class))
LuCI.prototype.error('TypeError', '"%s" factory yields invalid constructor', name);
if (_class.displayName == 'AnonymousClass')
_class.displayName = toCamelCase(name + 'Class');
var ptr = Object.getPrototypeOf(L),
parts = name.split(/\./),
instance = new _class();
for (var i = 0; ptr && i < parts.length - 1; i++)
ptr = ptr[parts[i]];
if (ptr)
ptr[parts[i]] = instance;
classes[name] = instance;
return instance;
/* Request class file */
classes[name] = Request.get(url, { cache: true }).then(compileClass);
return classes[name];
/* DOM setup */
probeRPCBaseURL: function() {
if (rpcBaseURL == null)
rpcBaseURL = Session.getLocalData('rpcBaseURL');
if (rpcBaseURL == null) {
var msg = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: 'init',
method: 'list',
params: undefined
var rpcFallbackURL = this.url('admin/ubus');
rpcBaseURL =, msg, { nobatch: true }).then(function(res) {
return (rpcBaseURL = res.status == 200 ? env.ubuspath : rpcFallbackURL);
}, function() {
return (rpcBaseURL = rpcFallbackURL);
}).then(function(url) {
Session.setLocalData('rpcBaseURL', url);
return url;
return Promise.resolve(rpcBaseURL);
probeSystemFeatures: function() {
if (sysFeatures == null)
sysFeatures = Session.getLocalData('features');
if (!this.isObject(sysFeatures)) {
sysFeatures = classes.rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'getFeatures',
expect: { '': {} }
})().then(function(features) {
Session.setLocalData('features', features);
sysFeatures = features;
return features;
return Promise.resolve(sysFeatures);
probePreloadClasses: function() {
if (preloadClasses == null)
preloadClasses = Session.getLocalData('preload');
if (!Array.isArray(preloadClasses)) {
preloadClasses = this.resolveDefault(classes.rpc.declare({
object: 'file',
method: 'list',
params: [ 'path' ],
expect: { 'entries': [] }
})(this.fspath(this.resource('preload'))), []).then(function(entries) {
var classes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
if (entries[i].type != 'file')
var m = entries[i].name.match(/(.+)\.js$/);
if (m)
Session.setLocalData('preload', classes);
preloadClasses = classes;
return classes;
return Promise.resolve(preloadClasses);
* Test whether a particular system feature is available, such as
* hostapd SAE support or an installed firewall. The features are
* queried once at the beginning of the LuCI session and cached in
* `SessionStorage` throughout the lifetime of the associated tab or
* browser window.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string} feature
* The feature to test. For detailed list of known feature flags,
* see `/modules/luci-base/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci`.
* @param {string} [subfeature]
* Some feature classes like `hostapd` provide sub-feature flags,
* such as `sae` or `11w` support. The `subfeature` argument can
* be used to query these.
* @return {boolean|null}
* Return `true` if the queried feature (and sub-feature) is available
* or `false` if the requested feature isn't present or known.
* Return `null` when a sub-feature was queried for a feature which
* has no sub-features.
hasSystemFeature: function() {
var ft = sysFeatures[arguments[0]];
if (arguments.length == 2)
return this.isObject(ft) ? ft[arguments[1]] : null;
return (ft != null && ft != false);
/* private */
notifySessionExpiry: function() {
classes.ui.showModal(_('Session expired'), [
E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' },
_('A new login is required since the authentication session expired.')),
E('div', { class: 'right' },
E('div', {
class: 'btn primary',
click: function() {
var loc = window.location;
window.location = loc.protocol + '//' + + loc.pathname +;
}, _('To login…')))
LuCI.prototype.raise('SessionError', 'Login session is expired');
/* private */
setupDOM: function(res) {
var domEv = res[0],
uiClass = res[1],
rpcClass = res[2],
formClass = res[3],
rpcBaseURL = res[4];
rpcClass.addInterceptor(function(msg, req) {
if (!LuCI.prototype.isObject(msg) ||
!LuCI.prototype.isObject(msg.error) ||
msg.error.code != -32002)
if (!LuCI.prototype.isObject(req) ||
(req.object == 'session' && req.method == 'access'))
return rpcClass.declare({
'object': 'session',
'method': 'access',
'params': [ 'scope', 'object', 'function' ],
'expect': { access: true }
})('uci', 'luci', 'read').catch(LuCI.prototype.notifySessionExpiry);
Request.addInterceptor(function(res) {
var isDenied = false;
if (res.status == 403 && res.headers.get('X-LuCI-Login-Required') == 'yes')
isDenied = true;
if (!isDenied)
document.addEventListener('poll-start', function(ev) {
uiClass.showIndicator('poll-status', _('Refreshing'), function(ev) {
| ? Request.poll.stop() : Request.poll.start();
document.addEventListener('poll-stop', function(ev) {
uiClass.showIndicator('poll-status', _('Paused'), null, 'inactive');
return Promise.all([
]).finally(LuCI.prototype.bind(function() {
var tasks = [];
if (Array.isArray(preloadClasses))
for (var i = 0; i < preloadClasses.length; i++)
return Promise.all(tasks);
}, this)).finally(this.initDOM);
/* private */
initDOM: function() {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('luci-loaded'));
* The `env` object holds environment settings used by LuCI, such
* as request timeouts, base URLs etc.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
env: env,
* Construct an absolute filesystem path relative to the server
* document root.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {...string} [parts]
* An array of parts to join into a path.
* @return {string}
* Return the joined path.
fspath: function(/* ... */) {
var path = env.documentroot;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
path += '/' + arguments[i];
var p = path.replace(/\/+$/, '').replace(/\/+/g, '/').split(/\//),
res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
if (p[i] == '..')
else if (p[i] != '.')
return res.join('/');
* Construct a relative URL path from the given prefix and parts.
* The resulting URL is guaranteed to only contain the characters
* `a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`, `_`, `.`, `%`, `,`, `;`, and `-` as well
* as `/` for the path separator.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string} [prefix]
* The prefix to join the given parts with. If the `prefix` is
* omitted, it defaults to an empty string.
* @param {string[]} [parts]
* An array of parts to join into an URL path. Parts may contain
* slashes and any of the other characters mentioned above.
* @return {string}
* Return the joined URL path.
path: function(prefix, parts) {
var url = [ prefix || '' ];
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
if (/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_.%,;-]+\/)*[a-zA-Z0-9_.%,;-]+$/.test(parts[i]))
url.push('/', parts[i]);
if (url.length === 1)
return url.join('');
* Construct an URL pathrelative to the script path of the server
* side LuCI application (usually `/cgi-bin/luci`).
* The resulting URL is guaranteed to only contain the characters
* `a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`, `_`, `.`, `%`, `,`, `;`, and `-` as well
* as `/` for the path separator.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string[]} [parts]
* An array of parts to join into an URL path. Parts may contain
* slashes and any of the other characters mentioned above.
* @return {string}
* Returns the resulting URL path.
url: function() {
return this.path(env.scriptname, arguments);
* Construct an URL path relative to the global static resource path
* of the LuCI ui (usually `/luci-static/resources`).
* The resulting URL is guaranteed to only contain the characters
* `a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`, `_`, `.`, `%`, `,`, `;`, and `-` as well
* as `/` for the path separator.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string[]} [parts]
* An array of parts to join into an URL path. Parts may contain
* slashes and any of the other characters mentioned above.
* @return {string}
* Returns the resulting URL path.
resource: function() {
return this.path(env.resource, arguments);
* Construct an URL path relative to the media resource path of the
* LuCI ui (usually `/luci-static/$theme_name`).
* The resulting URL is guaranteed to only contain the characters
* `a-z`, `A-Z`, `0-9`, `_`, `.`, `%`, `,`, `;`, and `-` as well
* as `/` for the path separator.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string[]} [parts]
* An array of parts to join into an URL path. Parts may contain
* slashes and any of the other characters mentioned above.
* @return {string}
* Returns the resulting URL path.
media: function() {
return this.path(, arguments);
* Return the complete URL path to the current view.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @return {string}
* Returns the URL path to the current view.
location: function() {
return this.path(env.scriptname, env.requestpath);
* Tests whether the passed argument is a JavaScript object.
* This function is meant to be an object counterpart to the
* standard `Array.isArray()` function.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {*} [val]
* The value to test
* @return {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the given value is of type object and
* not `null`, else returns `false`.
isObject: function(val) {
return (val != null && typeof(val) == 'object');
* Return an array of sorted object keys, optionally sorted by
* a different key or a different sorting mode.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {object} obj
* The object to extract the keys from. If the given value is
* not an object, the function will return an empty array.
* @param {string} [key]
* Specifies the key to order by. This is mainly useful for
* nested objects of objects or objects of arrays when sorting
* shall not be performed by the primary object keys but by
* some other key pointing to a value within the nested values.
* @param {string} [sortmode]
* May be either `addr` or `num` to override the natural
* lexicographic sorting with a sorting suitable for IP/MAC style
* addresses or numeric values respectively.
* @return {string[]}
* Returns an array containing the sorted keys of the given object.
sortedKeys: function(obj, key, sortmode) {
if (obj == null || typeof(obj) != 'object')
return [];
return Object.keys(obj).map(function(e) {
var v = (key != null) ? obj[e][key] : e;
switch (sortmode) {
case 'addr':
v = (v != null) ? v.replace(/(?:^|[.:])([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})/g,
function(m0, m1) { return ('000' + m1.toLowerCase()).substr(-4) }) : null;
case 'num':
v = (v != null) ? +v : null;
return [ e, v ];
}).filter(function(e) {
return (e[1] != null);
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return (a[1] > b[1]);
}).map(function(e) {
return e[0];
* Converts the given value to an array. If the given value is of
* type array, it is returned as-is, values of type object are
* returned as one-element array containing the object, empty
* strings and `null` values are returned as empty array, all other
* values are converted using `String()`, trimmed, split on white
* space and returned as array.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {*} val
* The value to convert into an array.
* @return {Array<*>}
* Returns the resulting array.
toArray: function(val) {
if (val == null)
return [];
else if (Array.isArray(val))
return val;
else if (typeof(val) == 'object')
return [ val ];
var s = String(val).trim();
if (s == '')
return [];
return s.split(/\s+/);
* Returns a promise resolving with either the given value or or with
* the given default in case the input value is a rejecting promise.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {*} value
* The value to resolve the promise with.
* @param {*} defvalue
* The default value to resolve the promise with in case the given
* input value is a rejecting promise.
* @returns {Promise<*>}
* Returns a new promise resolving either to the given input value or
* to the given default value on error.
resolveDefault: function(value, defvalue) {
return Promise.resolve(value).catch(function() { return defvalue });
* The request callback function is invoked whenever an HTTP
* reply to a request made using the `L.get()`, `` or
* `L.poll()` function is timed out or received successfully.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @callback LuCI.requestCallbackFn
* @param {XMLHTTPRequest} xhr
* The XMLHTTPRequest instance used to make the request.
* @param {*} data
* The response JSON if the response could be parsed as such,
* else `null`.
* @param {number} duration
* The total duration of the request in milliseconds.
* Issues a GET request to the given url and invokes the specified
* callback function. The function is a wrapper around
* {@link LuCI.request#request Request.request()}.
* @deprecated
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string} url
* The URL to request.
* @param {Object<string, string>} [args]
* Additional query string arguments to append to the URL.
* @param {LuCI.requestCallbackFn} cb
* The callback function to invoke when the request finishes.
* @return {Promise<null>}
* Returns a promise resolving to `null` when concluded.
get: function(url, args, cb) {
return this.poll(null, url, args, cb, false);
* Issues a POST request to the given url and invokes the specified
* callback function. The function is a wrapper around
* {@link LuCI.request#request Request.request()}. The request is
* sent using `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` encoding and will
* contain a field `token` with the current value of `LuCI.env.token`
* by default.
* @deprecated
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {string} url
* The URL to request.
* @param {Object<string, string>} [args]
* Additional post arguments to append to the request body.
* @param {LuCI.requestCallbackFn} cb
* The callback function to invoke when the request finishes.
* @return {Promise<null>}
* Returns a promise resolving to `null` when concluded.
post: function(url, args, cb) {
return this.poll(null, url, args, cb, true);
* Register a polling HTTP request that invokes the specified
* callback function. The function is a wrapper around
* {@link LuCI.request.poll#add Request.poll.add()}.
* @deprecated
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {number} interval
* The poll interval to use. If set to a value less than or equal
* to `0`, it will default to the global poll interval configured
* in `LuCI.env.pollinterval`.
* @param {string} url
* The URL to request.
* @param {Object<string, string>} [args]
* Specifies additional arguments for the request. For GET requests,
* the arguments are appended to the URL as query string, for POST
* requests, they'll be added to the request body.
* @param {LuCI.requestCallbackFn} cb
* The callback function to invoke whenever a request finishes.
* @param {boolean} [post=false]
* When set to `false` or not specified, poll requests will be made
* using the GET method. When set to `true`, POST requests will be
* issued. In case of POST requests, the request body will contain
* an argument `token` with the current value of `LuCI.env.token` by
* default, regardless of the parameters specified with `args`.
* @return {function}
* Returns the internally created function that has been passed to
* {@link LuCI.request.poll#add Request.poll.add()}. This value can
* be passed to {@link LuCI.poll.remove Poll.remove()} to remove the
* polling request.
poll: function(interval, url, args, cb, post) {
if (interval !== null && interval <= 0)
interval = env.pollinterval;
var data = post ? { token: env.token } : null,
method = post ? 'POST' : 'GET';
if (!/^(?:\/|\S+:\/\/)/.test(url))
url = this.url(url);
if (args != null)
data = Object.assign(data || {}, args);
if (interval !== null)
return Request.poll.add(interval, url, { method: method, query: data }, cb);
return Request.request(url, { method: method, query: data })
.then(function(res) {
var json = null;
if (/^application\/json\b/.test(res.headers.get('Content-Type')))
try { json = res.json() } catch(e) {}
cb(res.xhr, json, res.duration);
* Check whether a view has sufficient permissions.
* @return {boolean|null}
* Returns `null` if the current session has no permission at all to
* load resources required by the view. Returns `false` if readonly
* permissions are granted or `true` if at least one required ACL
* group is granted with write permissions.
hasViewPermission: function() {
if (!this.isObject(env.nodespec) || !env.nodespec.satisfied)
return null;
return !env.nodespec.readonly;
* Deprecated wrapper around {@link LuCI.poll.remove Poll.remove()}.
* @deprecated
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @param {function} entry
* The polling function to remove.
* @return {boolean}
* Returns `true` when the function has been removed or `false` if
* it could not be found.
stop: function(entry) { return Poll.remove(entry) },
* Deprecated wrapper around {@link LuCI.poll.stop Poll.stop()}.
* @deprecated
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @return {boolean}
* Returns `true` when the polling loop has been stopped or `false`
* when it didn't run to begin with.
halt: function() { return Poll.stop() },
* Deprecated wrapper around {@link LuCI.poll.start Poll.start()}.
* @deprecated
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @return {boolean}
* Returns `true` when the polling loop has been started or `false`
* when it was already running.
run: function() { return Poll.start() },
* Legacy `L.dom` class alias. New view code should use `'require dom';`
* to request the `LuCI.dom` class.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @deprecated
dom: DOM,
* Legacy `L.view` class alias. New view code should use `'require view';`
* to request the `LuCI.view` class.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @deprecated
view: View,
* Legacy `L.Poll` class alias. New view code should use `'require poll';`
* to request the `LuCI.poll` class.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @deprecated
Poll: Poll,
* Legacy `L.Request` class alias. New view code should use `'require request';`
* to request the `LuCI.request` class.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @deprecated
Request: Request,
* Legacy `L.Class` class alias. New view code should use `'require baseclass';`
* to request the `LuCI.baseclass` class.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI
* @deprecated
Class: Class
* @class xhr
* @memberof LuCI
* @deprecated
* @classdesc
* The `LuCI.xhr` class is a legacy compatibility shim for the
* functionality formerly provided by `xhr.js`. It is registered as global
* `window.XHR` symbol for compatibility with legacy code.
* New code should use {@link LuCI.request} instead to implement HTTP
* request handling.
var XHR = Class.extend(/** @lends LuCI.xhr.prototype */ {
__name__: 'LuCI.xhr',
__init__: function() {
if (window.console && console.debug)
console.debug('Direct use XHR() is deprecated, please use L.Request instead');
_response: function(cb, res, json, duration) {
if (
cb(res, json, duration);
* This function is a legacy wrapper around
* {@link LuCI#get LuCI.get()}.
* @instance
* @deprecated
* @memberof LuCI.xhr
* @param {string} url
* The URL to request
* @param {Object} [data]
* Additional query string data
* @param {LuCI.requestCallbackFn} [callback]
* Callback function to invoke on completion
* @param {number} [timeout]
* Request timeout to use
* @return {Promise<null>}
get: function(url, data, callback, timeout) {
| = true;
LuCI.prototype.get(url, data, this._response.bind(this, callback), timeout);
* This function is a legacy wrapper around
* {@link LuCI#post}.
* @instance
* @deprecated
* @memberof LuCI.xhr
* @param {string} url
* The URL to request
* @param {Object} [data]
* Additional data to append to the request body.
* @param {LuCI.requestCallbackFn} [callback]
* Callback function to invoke on completion
* @param {number} [timeout]
* Request timeout to use
* @return {Promise<null>}
post: function(url, data, callback, timeout) {
| = true;
|, data, this._response.bind(this, callback), timeout);
* Cancels a running request.
* This function does not actually cancel the underlying
* `XMLHTTPRequest` request but it sets a flag which prevents the
* invocation of the callback function when the request eventually
* finishes or timed out.
* @instance
* @deprecated
* @memberof LuCI.xhr
cancel: function() { delete },
* Checks the running state of the request.
* @instance
* @deprecated
* @memberof LuCI.xhr
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the request is still running or `false` if it
* already completed.
busy: function() { return ( === true) },
* Ignored for backwards compatibility.
* This function does nothing.
* @instance
* @deprecated
* @memberof LuCI.xhr
abort: function() {},
* Existing for backwards compatibility.
* This function simply throws an `InternalError` when invoked.
* @instance
* @deprecated
* @memberof LuCI.xhr
* @throws {InternalError}
* Throws an `InternalError` with the message `Not implemented`
* when invoked.
send_form: function() { LuCI.prototype.error('InternalError', 'Not implemented') },
XHR.get = function() { return LuCI.prototype.get.apply(LuCI.prototype, arguments) };
| = function() { return, arguments) };
XHR.poll = function() { return LuCI.prototype.poll.apply(LuCI.prototype, arguments) };
XHR.stop = Request.poll.remove.bind(Request.poll);
XHR.halt = Request.poll.stop.bind(Request.poll);
| = Request.poll.start.bind(Request.poll);
XHR.running =;
window.XHR = XHR;
window.LuCI = LuCI;
})(window, document);