Note that several of the time zones now use a numeric name
that is quoted with < > (e.g. "<+03>-3")
musl 1.1.15 and earlier have a bug with < > quoted time zone names.
Fix for the bug
* has already been patched in musl upstream with
* has been committed in LEDE with
* has been submitted to Openwrt as pull request
Key changes in 2016d-2016i:
America/Caracas switches from -0430 to -04 on 2016-05-01.
Asia/Magadan switches from +10 to +11 on 2016-04-24.
New zone Asia/Tomsk, split off from Asia/Novosibirsk.
Asia/Novosibirsk switches from +06 to +07 on 2016-07-24.
Asia/Novokuznetsk and Asia/Novosibirsk now use numeric time zone
abbreviations instead of invented ones.
Turkey switched from EET/EEST (+02/+03) to permanent +03,
effective 2016-09-07. Use "+03" rather than an invented
abbreviation for the new time.
Several zones in Antarctica and the former Soviet Union, along
with zones intended for ships at sea that cannot use POSIX TZ
strings, now use numeric time zone abbreviations instead of
invented or obsolete alphanumeric abbreviations.
Asia/Gaza and Asia/Hebron end DST on 2016-10-29, not
2016-10-21. Predict that future fall transitions will
be on the last Saturday of October.
Asia/Colombo now uses numeric time zone abbreviations like "+0530"
instead of alphabetic ones like "IST" and "LKT".
Pacific/Tongatapu begins DST on 2016-11-06, ending on
2017-01-15. Assume future observances in Tonga will be
from the first Sunday in November through the third Sunday in
January, like Fiji. Switch to numeric time zone abbreviations
for this zone.
Northern Cyprus is now +03 year round, causing a split in Cyprus
time zones starting 2016-10-30 at 04:00. This creates a zone
Antarctica/Casey switched from +08 to +11 on 2016-10-22.
Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>
138 lines
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138 lines
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-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
module "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzoffset"
gmt = 0, -- GMT
eat = 10800, -- EAT
cet = 3600, -- CET
wat = 3600, -- WAT
cat = 7200, -- CAT
eet = 7200, -- EET
wet = 0, -- WET
sast = 7200, -- SAST
hst = -36000, -- HST
hdt = -32400, -- HDT
akst = -32400, -- AKST
akdt = -28800, -- AKDT
ast = -14400, -- AST
brt = -10800, -- BRT
art = -10800, -- ART
pyt = -14400, -- PYT
pyst = -10800, -- PYST
est = -18000, -- EST
cst = -21600, -- CST
cdt = -18000, -- CDT
amt = -14400, -- AMT
cot = -18000, -- COT
mst = -25200, -- MST
mdt = -21600, -- MDT
vet = -14400, -- VET
gft = -10800, -- GFT
pst = -28800, -- PST
pdt = -25200, -- PDT
act = -18000, -- ACT
wgt = -10800, -- WGT
wgst = -7200, -- WGST
ect = -18000, -- ECT
gyt = -14400, -- GYT
bot = -14400, -- BOT
pet = -18000, -- PET
pmst = -10800, -- PMST
pmdt = -7200, -- PMDT
uyt = -10800, -- UYT
fnt = -7200, -- FNT
srt = -10800, -- SRT
clt = -14400, -- CLT
clst = -10800, -- CLST
egt = -3600, -- EGT
egst = 0, -- EGST
nst = -12600, -- NST
ndt = -9000, -- NDT
mist = 39600, -- MIST
nzst = 43200, -- NZST
nzdt = 46800, -- NZDT
ict = 25200, -- ICT
bnt = 28800, -- BNT
chot = 28800, -- CHOT
chost = 32400, -- CHOST
bdt = 21600, -- BDT
tlt = 32400, -- TLT
gst = 14400, -- GST
hkt = 28800, -- HKT
hovt = 25200, -- HOVT
hovst = 28800, -- HOVST
wib = 25200, -- WIB
wit = 32400, -- WIT
ist = 7200, -- IST
idt = 10800, -- IDT
aft = 16200, -- AFT
pkt = 18000, -- PKT
npt = 20700, -- NPT
myt = 28800, -- MYT
wita = 28800, -- WITA
pht = 28800, -- PHT
kst = 30600, -- KST
sgt = 28800, -- SGT
irst = 12600, -- IRST
irdt = 16200, -- IRDT
btt = 21600, -- BTT
jst = 32400, -- JST
ulat = 28800, -- ULAT
ulast = 32400, -- ULAST
xjt = 21600, -- XJT
mmt = 23400, -- MMT
azot = -3600, -- AZOT
azost = 0, -- AZOST
cvt = -3600, -- CVT
fkst = -10800, -- FKST
acst = 34200, -- ACST
acdt = 37800, -- ACDT
aest = 36000, -- AEST
acwst = 31500, -- ACWST
lhst = 37800, -- LHST
lhdt = 39600, -- LHDT
awst = 28800, -- AWST
msk = 10800, -- MSK
iot = 21600, -- IOT
cxt = 25200, -- CXT
cct = 23400, -- CCT
sct = 14400, -- SCT
mvt = 18000, -- MVT
mut = 14400, -- MUT
ret = 14400, -- RET
wsst = 46800, -- WSST
wsdt = 50400, -- WSDT
bst = 39600, -- BST
chast = 45900, -- CHAST
chadt = 49500, -- CHADT
chut = 36000, -- CHUT
east = -21600, -- EAST
easst = -18000, -- EASST
vut = 39600, -- VUT
phot = 46800, -- PHOT
tkt = 46800, -- TKT
fjt = 43200, -- FJT
fjst = 46800, -- FJST
tvt = 43200, -- TVT
galt = -21600, -- GALT
gamt = -32400, -- GAMT
sbt = 39600, -- SBT
lint = 50400, -- LINT
kost = 39600, -- KOST
mht = 43200, -- MHT
mart = -34200, -- MART
sst = -39600, -- SST
nrt = 43200, -- NRT
nut = -39600, -- NUT
nft = 39600, -- NFT
nct = 39600, -- NCT
pwt = 32400, -- PWT
pont = 39600, -- PONT
pgt = 36000, -- PGT
ckt = -36000, -- CKT
taht = -36000, -- TAHT
gilt = 43200, -- GILT
wakt = 43200, -- WAKT
wft = 43200, -- WFT