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-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
-- Copyright 2016 Eric Luehrsen <ericluehrsen@hotmail.com>
-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
m = Map("unbound", translate("Recursive DNS"),
translate("Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver."))
s = m:section(TypedSection, "unbound", translate("Unbound Settings"))
s.addremove = false
s.anonymous = true
s:tab("service", translate("Unbound Service"))
s:tab("resource", translate("Unbound Resources"))
s:tab("dnsmasq", translate("Dnsmasq Link"))
--Enable Unbound
e = s:taboption("service", Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable Unbound:"),
translate("Enable the initialization scripts for Unbound"))
e.rmempty = false
function e.cfgvalue(self, section)
return luci.sys.init.enabled("unbound") and self.enabled or self.disabled
function e.write(self, section, value)
if value == "1" then
luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/unbound start >/dev/null")
luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/unbound stop >/dev/null")
return Flag.write(self, section, value)
--Service Tab
mcf = s:taboption("service", Flag, "manual_conf", translate("Manual Conf:"),
translate("Skip UCI and use /etc/unbound/unbound.conf"))
mcf.rmempty = false
lsv = s:taboption("service", Flag, "localservice", translate("Local Service:"),
translate("Accept queries only from local subnets"))
lsv.rmempty = false
qry = s:taboption("service", Flag, "query_minimize", translate("Query Minimize:"),
translate("Break down query components for small added privacy"))
qry.rmempty = false
rlh = s:taboption("service", Flag, "rebind_localhost", translate("Block Localhost Rebind:"),
translate("Prevent upstream response of"))
rlh.rmempty = false
rpv = s:taboption("service", Flag, "rebind_protection", translate("Block Private Rebind:"),
translate("Prevent upstream response of RFC1918 ranges"))
rpv.rmempty = false
vld = s:taboption("service", Flag, "validator", translate("Enable DNSSEC:"),
translate("Enable the DNSSEC validator module"))
vld.rmempty = false
nvd = s:taboption("service", Flag, "validator_ntp", translate("DNSSEC NTP Fix:"),
translate("Break the loop where DNSSEC needs NTP and NTP needs DNS"))
nvd.rmempty = false
eds = s:taboption("service", Value, "edns_size", translate("EDNS Size:"),
translate("Limit extended DNS packet size"))
eds.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(512),max(4096))"
eds.rmempty = false
prt = s:taboption("service", Value, "listen_port", translate("Listening Port:"),
translate("Choose Unbounds listening port"))
prt.datatype = "port"
prt.rmempty = false
tlm = s:taboption("service", Value, "ttl_min", translate("TTL Minimum:"),
translate("Prevent excessively short cache periods"))
tlm.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0),max(600))"
tlm.rmempty = false
--Resource Tuning Tab
rsn = s:taboption("resource", ListValue, "recursion", translate("Recursion Strength:"),
translate("Recursion activity affects memory growth and CPU load"))
rsn:value("aggressive", translate("Aggressive"))
rsn:value("default", translate("Default"))
rsn:value("passive", translate("Passive"))
rsn.rmempty = false
rsc = s:taboption("resource", ListValue, "resource", translate("Memory Resource:"),
translate("Use menu System/Processes to observe any memory growth"))
rsc:value("large", translate("Large"))
rsc:value("medium", translate("Medium"))
rsc:value("small", translate("Small"))
rsc:value("tiny", translate("Tiny"))
rsc.rmempty = false
age = s:taboption("resource", Value, "root_age", translate("Root DSKEY Age:"),
translate("Limit days between RFC5011 to reduce flash writes"))
age.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(1),max(99))"
age:value("14", "14")
age:value("28", "28 ("..translate("default")..")")
age:value("45", "45")
age:value("90", "90")
age:value("99", "99 ("..translate("never")..")")
--Dnsmasq Link Tab
dld = s:taboption("dnsmasq", Flag, "dnsmasq_link_dns", translate("Link dnsmasq:"),
translate("Forward queries to dnsmasq for local clients"))
dld.rmempty = false
dgn = s:taboption("dnsmasq", Flag, "dnsmsaq_gate_name", translate("Local Gateway Name:"),
translate("Also query dnsmasq for this hosts outbound gateway"))
dgn.rmempty = false
--TODO: Read only repective dnsmasq options and inform user of link requirements.
--TODO: dnsmasq needs to not reference resolve-file and get off port 53.
return m