Jo-Philipp Wich 227fae8a37 luci-base: network.js: extend ifnameOf() and expose as getIfnameOf()
Extend the ifnameOf() helper function to cover all object types used by
network.js and expose it as public getIfnameOf() api function for use by
other modules.

Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
2019-08-14 22:58:15 +02:00

2109 lines
49 KiB

'use strict';
'require uci';
'require rpc';
'require validation';
var proto_errors = {
CONNECT_FAILED: _('Connection attempt failed'),
INVALID_ADDRESS: _('IP address in invalid'),
INVALID_GATEWAY: _('Gateway address is invalid'),
INVALID_LOCAL_ADDRESS: _('Local IP address is invalid'),
MISSING_ADDRESS: _('IP address is missing'),
MISSING_PEER_ADDRESS: _('Peer address is missing'),
NO_DEVICE: _('Network device is not present'),
NO_IFACE: _('Unable to determine device name'),
NO_IFNAME: _('Unable to determine device name'),
NO_WAN_ADDRESS: _('Unable to determine external IP address'),
NO_WAN_LINK: _('Unable to determine upstream interface'),
PEER_RESOLVE_FAIL: _('Unable to resolve peer host name'),
PIN_FAILED: _('PIN code rejected')
var iface_patterns_ignore = [
var iface_patterns_wireless = [
var iface_patterns_virtual = [ ];
var callNetworkWirelessStatus = rpc.declare({
object: 'network.wireless',
method: 'status'
var callLuciNetdevs = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'netdevs'
var callLuciIfaddrs = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'ifaddrs',
expect: { result: [] }
var callLuciBoardjson = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'boardjson'
var callIwinfoInfo = rpc.declare({
object: 'iwinfo',
method: 'info',
params: [ 'device' ]
var callNetworkInterfaceStatus = rpc.declare({
object: 'network.interface',
method: 'dump',
expect: { 'interface': [] }
var callNetworkDeviceStatus = rpc.declare({
object: 'network.device',
method: 'status',
expect: { '': {} }
var _cache = {},
_flush = true,
_state = null,
_protocols = {};
function getWifiState(flush) {
if (_cache.wifi == null || flush)
return callNetworkWirelessStatus().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return (_cache.wifi = state);
}).catch(function() {
return (_cache.wifi = {});
return Promise.resolve(_cache.wifi);
function getInterfaceState(flush) {
if (_cache.interfacedump == null || flush)
return callNetworkInterfaceStatus().then(function(state) {
if (!Array.isArray(state))
throw !1;
return (_cache.interfacedump = state);
}).catch(function() {
return (_cache.interfacedump = []);
return Promise.resolve(_cache.interfacedump);
function getDeviceState(flush) {
if (_cache.devicedump == null || flush)
return callNetworkDeviceStatus().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return (_cache.devicedump = state);
}).catch(function() {
return (_cache.devicedump = {});
return Promise.resolve(_cache.devicedump);
function getIfaddrState(flush) {
if (_cache.ifaddrs == null || flush)
return callLuciIfaddrs().then(function(addrs) {
if (!Array.isArray(addrs))
throw !1;
return (_cache.ifaddrs = addrs);
}).catch(function() {
return (_cache.ifaddrs = []);
return Promise.resolve(_cache.ifaddrs);
function getNetdevState(flush) {
if (_cache.devices == null || flush)
return callLuciNetdevs().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return (_cache.devices = state);
}).catch(function() {
return (_cache.devices = {});
return Promise.resolve(_cache.devices);
function getBoardState(flush) {
if (_cache.board == null || flush)
return callLuciBoardjson().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return (_cache.board = state);
}).catch(function() {
return (_cache.board = {});
return Promise.resolve(_cache.board);
function getWifiStateBySid(sid) {
var s = uci.get('wireless', sid);
if (s != null && s['.type'] == 'wifi-iface') {
for (var radioname in _cache.wifi) {
for (var i = 0; i < _cache.wifi[radioname].interfaces.length; i++) {
var netstate = _cache.wifi[radioname].interfaces[i];
if (typeof(netstate.section) != 'string')
var s2 = uci.get('wireless', netstate.section);
if (s2 != null && s['.type'] == s2['.type'] && s['.name'] == s2['.name'])
return [ radioname, _cache.wifi[radioname], netstate ];
return null;
function getWifiStateByIfname(ifname) {
for (var radioname in _cache.wifi) {
for (var i = 0; i < _cache.wifi[radioname].interfaces.length; i++) {
var netstate = _cache.wifi[radioname].interfaces[i];
if (typeof(netstate.ifname) != 'string')
if (netstate.ifname == ifname)
return [ radioname, _cache.wifi[radioname], netstate ];
return null;
function isWifiIfname(ifname) {
for (var i = 0; i < iface_patterns_wireless.length; i++)
if (iface_patterns_wireless[i].test(ifname))
return true;
return false;
function getWifiIwinfoByIfname(ifname, forcePhyOnly) {
var tasks = [ callIwinfoInfo(ifname) ];
if (!forcePhyOnly)
return Promise.all(tasks).then(function(info) {
var iwinfo = info[0],
devstate = info[1],
phyonly = forcePhyOnly || !devstate[ifname] || (devstate[ifname].type != 1);
if (L.isObject(iwinfo)) {
if (phyonly) {
delete iwinfo.bitrate;
delete iwinfo.quality;
delete iwinfo.quality_max;
delete iwinfo.mode;
delete iwinfo.ssid;
delete iwinfo.bssid;
delete iwinfo.encryption;
iwinfo.ifname = ifname;
return iwinfo;
}).catch(function() {
return null;
function getWifiSidByNetid(netid) {
var m = /^(\w+)\.network(\d+)$/.exec(netid);
if (m) {
var sections = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (sections[i].device != m[1])
if (++n == +m[2])
return sections[i]['.name'];
return null;
function getWifiSidByIfname(ifname) {
var sid = getWifiSidByNetid(ifname);
if (sid != null)
return sid;
var res = getWifiStateByIfname(ifname);
if (res != null && L.isObject(res[2]) && typeof(res[2].section) == 'string')
return res[2].section;
return null;
function getWifiNetidBySid(sid) {
var s = uci.get('wireless', sid);
if (s != null && s['.type'] == 'wifi-iface') {
var radioname = s.device;
if (typeof(s.device) == 'string') {
var i = 0, netid = null, sections = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (sections[i].device != s.device)
if (sections[i]['.name'] != s['.name'])
return [ ''.format(s.device, n), s.device ];
return null;
function getWifiNetidByNetname(name) {
var sections = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (typeof(sections[i].network) != 'string')
var nets = sections[i].network.split(/\s+/);
for (var j = 0; j < nets.length; j++) {
if (nets[j] != name)
return getWifiNetidBySid(sections[i]['.name']);
return null;
function isVirtualIfname(ifname) {
for (var i = 0; i < iface_patterns_virtual.length; i++)
if (iface_patterns_virtual[i].test(ifname))
return true;
return false;
function isIgnoredIfname(ifname) {
for (var i = 0; i < iface_patterns_ignore.length; i++)
if (iface_patterns_ignore[i].test(ifname))
return true;
return false;
function appendValue(config, section, option, value) {
var values = uci.get(config, section, option),
isArray = Array.isArray(values),
rv = false;
if (isArray == false)
values = String(values || '').split(/\s+/);
if (values.indexOf(value) == -1) {
rv = true;
uci.set(config, section, option, isArray ? values : values.join(' '));
return rv;
function removeValue(config, section, option, value) {
var values = uci.get(config, section, option),
isArray = Array.isArray(values),
rv = false;
if (isArray == false)
values = String(values || '').split(/\s+/);
for (var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (values[i] == value) {
values.splice(i, 1);
rv = true;
if (values.length > 0)
uci.set(config, section, option, isArray ? values : values.join(' '));
uci.unset(config, section, option);
return rv;
function prefixToMask(bits, v6) {
var w = v6 ? 128 : 32,
m = [];
if (bits > w)
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < w / 16; i++) {
var b = Math.min(16, bits);
m.push((0xffff << (16 - b)) & 0xffff);
bits -= b;
if (v6)
return String.prototype.format.apply('%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x', m).replace(/:0(?::0)+$/, '::');
return '%d.%d.%d.%d'.format(m[0] >>> 8, m[0] & 0xff, m[1] >>> 8, m[1] & 0xff);
function maskToPrefix(mask, v6) {
var m = v6 ? validation.parseIPv6(mask) : validation.parseIPv4(mask);
if (!m)
return null;
var bits = 0;
for (var i = 0, z = false; i < m.length; i++) {
z = z || !m[i];
while (!z && (m[i] & (v6 ? 0x8000 : 0x80))) {
m[i] = (m[i] << 1) & (v6 ? 0xffff : 0xff);
if (m[i])
return null;
return bits;
function initNetworkState() {
var flush = _flush;
_flush = false;
if (_state != null && !flush)
return Promise.resolve(_state);
if (_cache.pendingInit != null)
return Promise.resolve(_cache.pendingInit);
return (_cache.pendingInit = Promise.all([
getInterfaceState(flush), getDeviceState(flush), getBoardState(flush),
getWifiState(flush), getIfaddrState(flush), getNetdevState(flush), getProtocolHandlers(flush),
uci.load('network'), uci.load('wireless'), uci.load('luci')
]).finally(function() {
var ifaddrs = _cache.ifaddrs,
devices = _cache.devices,
board = _cache.board,
s = { isTunnel: {}, isBridge: {}, isSwitch: {}, isWifi: {}, interfaces: {}, bridges: {}, switches: {} };
for (var i = 0, a; (a = ifaddrs[i]) != null; i++) {
var name =$/, '');
if (isVirtualIfname(name))
s.isTunnel[name] = true;
if (s.isTunnel[name] || !(isIgnoredIfname(name) || isVirtualIfname(name))) {
s.interfaces[name] = s.interfaces[name] || {
idx: a.ifindex || i,
name: name,
flags: [],
ipaddrs: [],
ip6addrs: []
if ( == 'packet') {
s.interfaces[name].flags = a.flags;
s.interfaces[name].stats =;
s.interfaces[name].macaddr = a.addr;
else if ( == 'inet') {
s.interfaces[name].ipaddrs.push(a.addr + '/' + a.netmask);
else if ( == 'inet6') {
s.interfaces[name].ip6addrs.push(a.addr + '/' + a.netmask);
for (var devname in devices) {
var dev = devices[devname];
if (dev.bridge) {
var b = {
name: devname,
stp: dev.stp,
ifnames: []
for (var i = 0; dev.ports && i < dev.ports.length; i++) {
var subdev = s.interfaces[dev.ports[i]];
if (subdev == null)
subdev.bridge = b;
s.bridges[devname] = b;
if (L.isObject(board.switch)) {
for (var switchname in board.switch) {
var layout = board.switch[switchname],
netdevs = {},
nports = {},
ports = [],
pnum = null,
role = null;
if (L.isObject(layout) && Array.isArray(layout.ports)) {
for (var i = 0, port; (port = layout.ports[i]) != null; i++) {
if (typeof(port) == 'object' && typeof(port.num) == 'number' &&
(typeof(port.role) == 'string' || typeof(port.device) == 'string')) {
var spec = {
num: port.num,
role: port.role || 'cpu',
index: (port.index != null) ? port.index : port.num
if (port.device != null) {
spec.device = port.device;
spec.tagged = spec.need_tag;
netdevs[port.num] = port.device;
if (port.role != null)
nports[port.role] = (nports[port.role] || 0) + 1;
ports.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.role != b.role)
return (a.role < b.role) ? -1 : 1;
return (a.index - b.index);
for (var i = 0, port; (port = ports[i]) != null; i++) {
if (port.role != role) {
role = port.role;
pnum = 1;
if (role == 'cpu')
port.label = 'CPU (%s)'.format(port.device);
else if (nports[role] > 1)
port.label = '%s %d'.format(role.toUpperCase(), pnum++);
port.label = role.toUpperCase();
delete port.role;
delete port.index;
s.switches[switchname] = {
ports: ports,
netdevs: netdevs
delete _cache.pendingInit;
return (_state = s);
function ifnameOf(obj) {
if (obj instanceof Protocol)
return obj.getIfname();
else if (obj instanceof Device)
return obj.getName();
else if (obj instanceof WifiDevice)
return obj.getName();
else if (obj instanceof WifiNetwork)
return obj.getIfname();
else if (typeof(obj) == 'string')
return obj.replace(/:.+$/, '');
return null;
function networkSort(a, b) {
return a.getName() > b.getName();
function deviceSort(a, b) {
var typeWeigth = { wifi: 2, alias: 3 },
weightA = typeWeigth[a.getType()] || 1,
weightB = typeWeigth[b.getType()] || 1;
if (weightA != weightB)
return weightA - weightB;
return a.getName() > b.getName();
var Network, Protocol, Device, WifiDevice, WifiNetwork;
Network = L.Class.extend({
flushCache: function() {
return Promise.resolve(_state).then(function() {
_flush = true;
getProtocol: function(protoname, netname) {
var v = _protocols[protoname];
if (v != null)
return v(netname || '__dummy__');
return null;
getProtocols: function() {
var rv = [];
for (var protoname in _protocols)
return rv;
registerProtocol: function(protoname, methods) {
var proto = Protocol.extend(Object.assign({}, methods, {
__init__: function(name) {
this.sid = name;
proto: function() {
return protoname;
_protocols[protoname] = proto;
return proto;
registerPatternVirtual: function(pat) {
registerErrorCode: function(code, message) {
if (typeof(code) == 'string' &&
typeof(message) == 'string' &&
proto_errors.hasOwnProperty(code)) {
proto_errors[code] = message;
return true;
return false;
addNetwork: function(name, options) {
return this.getNetwork(name).then(L.bind(function(existingNetwork) {
if (name != null && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/.test(name) && existingNetwork == null) {
var sid = uci.add('network', 'interface', name);
if (sid != null) {
if (L.isObject(options))
for (var key in options)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
uci.set('network', sid, key, options[key]);
return this.instantiateNetwork(sid);
else if (existingNetwork != null && existingNetwork.isEmpty()) {
if (L.isObject(options))
for (var key in options)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
existingNetwork.set(key, options[key]);
return existingNetwork;
}, this));
getNetwork: function(name) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var section = (name != null) ? uci.get('network', name) : null;
if (section != null && section['.type'] == 'interface') {
return this.instantiateNetwork(name);
else if (name != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < _cache.interfacedump.length; i++)
if (_cache.interfacedump[i].interface == name)
return this.instantiateNetwork(name, _cache.interfacedump[i].proto);
return null;
}, this));
getNetworks: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var uciInterfaces = uci.sections('network', 'interface'),
networks = {};
for (var i = 0; i < uciInterfaces.length; i++)
networks[uciInterfaces[i]['.name']] = this.instantiateNetwork(uciInterfaces[i]['.name']);
for (var i = 0; i < _cache.interfacedump.length; i++)
if (networks[_cache.interfacedump[i].interface] == null)
networks[_cache.interfacedump[i].interface] =
this.instantiateNetwork(_cache.interfacedump[i].interface, _cache.interfacedump[i].proto);
var rv = [];
for (var network in networks)
if (networks.hasOwnProperty(network))
return rv;
}, this));
deleteNetwork: function(name) {
return Promise.all([ L.require('firewall').catch(function() { return null }), initNetworkState() ]).then(function() {
var uciInterface = uci.get('network', name);
if (uciInterface != null && uciInterface['.type'] == 'interface') {
uci.remove('network', name);
uci.sections('luci', 'ifstate', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('luci', s['.name']);
uci.sections('network', 'alias', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('network', s['.name']);
uci.sections('network', 'route', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('network', s['.name']);
uci.sections('network', 'route6', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('network', s['.name']);
uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) {
var networks = L.toArray( { return network != name });
if (networks.length > 0)
uci.set('wireless', s['.name'], 'network', networks.join(' '));
uci.unset('wireless', s['.name'], 'network');
if (L.firewall)
return L.firewall.deleteNetwork(name).then(function() { return true });
return true;
return false;
renameNetwork: function(oldName, newName) {
return initNetworkState().then(function() {
if (newName == null || !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/.test(newName) || uci.get('network', newName) != null)
return false;
var oldNetwork = uci.get('network', oldName);
if (oldNetwork == null || oldNetwork['.type'] != 'interface')
return false;
var sid = uci.add('network', 'interface', newName);
for (var key in oldNetwork)
if (oldNetwork.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.charAt(0) != '.')
uci.set('network', sid, key, oldNetwork[key]);
uci.sections('luci', 'ifstate', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('luci', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('network', 'alias', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('network', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('network', 'route', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('network', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('network', 'route6', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('network', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) {
var networks = L.toArray( { return (network == oldName ? newName : network) });
if (networks.length > 0)
uci.set('wireless', s['.name'], 'network', networks.join(' '));
uci.remove('network', oldName);
return true;
getDevice: function(name) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
if (name == null)
return null;
if (_state.interfaces.hasOwnProperty(name) || isWifiIfname(name))
return this.instantiateDevice(name);
var netid = getWifiNetidBySid(name);
if (netid != null)
return this.instantiateDevice(netid[0]);
return null;
}, this));
getDevices: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var devices = {};
/* find simple devices */
var uciInterfaces = uci.sections('network', 'interface');
for (var i = 0; i < uciInterfaces.length; i++) {
var ifnames = L.toArray(uciInterfaces[i].ifname);
for (var j = 0; j < ifnames.length; j++) {
if (ifnames[j].charAt(0) == '@')
if (isIgnoredIfname(ifnames[j]) || isVirtualIfname(ifnames[j]) || isWifiIfname(ifnames[j]))
devices[ifnames[j]] = this.instantiateDevice(ifnames[j]);
for (var ifname in _state.interfaces) {
if (devices.hasOwnProperty(ifname))
if (isIgnoredIfname(ifname) || isVirtualIfname(ifname) || isWifiIfname(ifname))
devices[ifname] = this.instantiateDevice(ifname);
/* find VLAN devices */
var uciSwitchVLANs = uci.sections('network', 'switch_vlan');
for (var i = 0; i < uciSwitchVLANs.length; i++) {
if (typeof(uciSwitchVLANs[i].ports) != 'string' ||
typeof(uciSwitchVLANs[i].device) != 'string' ||
var ports = uciSwitchVLANs[i].ports.split(/\s+/);
for (var j = 0; j < ports.length; j++) {
var m = ports[j].match(/^(\d+)([tu]?)$/);
if (m == null)
var netdev = _state.switches[uciSwitchVLANs[i].device].netdevs[m[1]];
if (netdev == null)
if (!devices.hasOwnProperty(netdev))
devices[netdev] = this.instantiateDevice(netdev);
_state.isSwitch[netdev] = true;
if (m[2] != 't')
var vid = uciSwitchVLANs[i].vid || uciSwitchVLANs[i].vlan;
vid = (vid != null ? +vid : null);
if (vid == null || vid < 0 || vid > 4095)
var vlandev = '%s.%d'.format(netdev, vid);
if (!devices.hasOwnProperty(vlandev))
devices[vlandev] = this.instantiateDevice(vlandev);
_state.isSwitch[vlandev] = true;
/* find wireless interfaces */
var uciWifiIfaces = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface'),
networkCount = {};
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiIfaces.length; i++) {
if (typeof(uciWifiIfaces[i].device) != 'string')
networkCount[uciWifiIfaces[i].device] = (networkCount[uciWifiIfaces[i].device] || 0) + 1;
var netid = ''.format(uciWifiIfaces[i].device, networkCount[uciWifiIfaces[i].device]);
devices[netid] = this.instantiateDevice(netid);
var rv = [];
for (var netdev in devices)
if (devices.hasOwnProperty(netdev))
return rv;
}, this));
isIgnoredDevice: function(name) {
return isIgnoredIfname(name);
getWifiDevice: function(devname) {
return Promise.all([ getWifiIwinfoByIfname(devname, true), initNetworkState() ]).then(L.bind(function(res) {
var existingDevice = uci.get('wireless', devname);
if (existingDevice == null || existingDevice['.type'] != 'wifi-device')
return null;
return this.instantiateWifiDevice(devname, res[0]);
}, this));
getWifiDevices: function() {
var deviceNames = [];
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var uciWifiDevices = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-device'),
tasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiDevices.length; i++) {
tasks.push(callIwinfoInfo(uciWifiDevices['.name'], true));
return Promise.all(tasks);
}, this)).then(L.bind(function(iwinfos) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < deviceNames.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(iwinfos[i]))
rv.push(this.instantiateWifiDevice(deviceNames[i], iwinfos[i]));
rv.sort(function(a, b) { return a.getName() < b.getName() });
return rv;
}, this));
getWifiNetwork: function(netname) {
var sid, res, netid, radioname, radiostate, netstate;
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
sid = getWifiSidByNetid(netname);
if (sid != null) {
res = getWifiStateBySid(sid);
netid = netname;
radioname = res ? res[0] : null;
radiostate = res ? res[1] : null;
netstate = res ? res[2] : null;
else {
res = getWifiStateByIfname(netname);
if (res != null) {
radioname = res[0];
radiostate = res[1];
netstate = res[2];
sid = netstate.section;
netid = L.toArray(getWifiNetidBySid(sid))[0];
else {
res = getWifiStateBySid(netname);
if (res != null) {
radioname = res[0];
radiostate = res[1];
netstate = res[2];
sid = netname;
netid = L.toArray(getWifiNetidBySid(sid))[0];
else {
res = getWifiNetidBySid(netname);
if (res != null) {
netid = res[0];
radioname = res[1];
sid = netname;
return (netstate ? getWifiIwinfoByIfname(netstate.ifname) : Promise.reject())
.catch(function() { return radioname ? getWifiIwinfoByIfname(radioname) : Promise.reject() })
.catch(function() { return Promise.resolve({ ifname: netid || sid || netname }) });
}, this)).then(L.bind(function(iwinfo) {
return this.instantiateWifiNetwork(sid || netname, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo);
}, this));
addWifiNetwork: function(options) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
if (options == null ||
typeof(options) != 'object' ||
typeof(options.device) != 'string')
return null;
var existingDevice = uci.get('wireless', options.device);
if (existingDevice == null || existingDevice['.type'] != 'wifi-device')
return null;
var sid = uci.add('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var key in options)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
uci.set('wireless', sid, key, options[key]);
var radioname = existingDevice['.name'],
netid = getWifiNetidBySid(sid) || [];
return this.instantiateWifiNetwork(sid, radioname, _cache.wifi[radioname], netid[0], null, { ifname: netid });
}, this));
deleteWifiNetwork: function(netname) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var sid = getWifiSidByIfname(netname);
if (sid == null)
return false;
uci.remove('wireless', sid);
return true;
}, this));
getStatusByRoute: function(addr, mask) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _state.interfacedump.length; i++) {
if (!Array.isArray(_state.interfacedump[i].route))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.interfacedump[i].route.length; j++) {
if (typeof(_state.interfacedump[i].route[j]) != 'object' ||
typeof(_state.interfacedump[i].route[j].target) != 'string' ||
typeof(_state.interfacedump[i].route[j].mask) != 'number')
if (_state.interfacedump[i].route[j].table)
return rv;
}, this));
getStatusByAddress: function(addr) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _state.interfacedump.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv4-address']))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.interfacedump[i]['ipv4-address'].length; j++)
if (typeof(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv4-address'][j]) == 'object' &&
_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv4-address'][j].address == addr)
return _state.interfacedump[i];
if (Array.isArray(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-address']))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-address'].length; j++)
if (typeof(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-address'][j]) == 'object' &&
_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-address'][j].address == addr)
return _state.interfacedump[i];
if (Array.isArray(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment']))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'].length; j++)
if (typeof(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'][j]) == 'object' &&
typeof(_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'][j]['local-address']) == 'object' &&
_state.interfacedump[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'][j]['local-address'].address == addr)
return _state.interfacedump[i];
return null;
}, this));
getWANNetworks: function() {
return this.getStatusByRoute('', 0).then(L.bind(function(statuses) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++)
rv.push(this.instantiateNetwork(statuses[i].interface, statuses[i].proto));
return rv;
}, this));
getWAN6Networks: function() {
return this.getStatusByRoute('::', 0).then(L.bind(function(statuses) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++)
rv.push(this.instantiateNetwork(statuses[i].interface, statuses[i].proto));
return rv;
}, this));
getSwitchTopologies: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(function() {
return _state.switches;
instantiateNetwork: function(name, proto) {
if (name == null)
return null;
proto = (proto == null ? uci.get('network', name, 'proto') : proto);
var protoClass = _protocols[proto] || Protocol;
return new protoClass(name);
instantiateDevice: function(name, network) {
return new Device(name, network);
instantiateWifiDevice: function(radioname, iwinfo) {
return new WifiDevice(radioname, iwinfo);
instantiateWifiNetwork: function(sid, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo) {
return new WifiNetwork(sid, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo);
getIfnameOf: function(obj) {
return ifnameOf(obj);
Protocol = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(name) {
this.sid = name;
_get: function(opt) {
var val = uci.get('network', this.sid, opt);
if (Array.isArray(val))
return val.join(' ');
return val || '';
_ubus: function(field) {
for (var i = 0; i < _cache.interfacedump.length; i++) {
if (_cache.interfacedump[i].interface != this.sid)
return (field != null ? _cache.interfacedump[i][field] : _cache.interfacedump[i]);
get: function(opt) {
return uci.get('network', this.sid, opt);
set: function(opt, val) {
return uci.set('network', this.sid, opt, val);
getIfname: function() {
var ifname;
if (this.isFloating())
ifname = this._ubus('l3_device');
ifname = this._ubus('device');
if (ifname != null)
return ifname;
var res = getWifiNetidByNetname(this.sid);
return (res != null ? res[0] : null);
getProtocol: function() {
return 'none';
getI18n: function() {
switch (this.getProtocol()) {
case 'none': return _('Unmanaged');
case 'static': return _('Static address');
case 'dhcp': return _('DHCP client');
default: return _('Unknown');
getType: function() {
return this._get('type');
getName: function() {
return this.sid;
getUptime: function() {
return this._ubus('uptime') || 0;
getExpiry: function() {
var u = this._ubus('uptime'),
d = this._ubus('data');
if (typeof(u) == 'number' && d != null &&
typeof(d) == 'object' && typeof(d.leasetime) == 'number') {
var r = d.leasetime - (u % d.leasetime);
return (r > 0 ? r : 0);
return -1;
getMetric: function() {
return this._ubus('metric') || 0;
getZoneName: function() {
var d = this._ubus('data');
if (L.isObject(d) && typeof( == 'string')
return null;
getIPAddr: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv4-address');
return ((Array.isArray(addrs) && addrs.length) ? addrs[0].address : null);
getIPAddrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv4-address'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
rv.push('%s/%d'.format(addrs[i].address, addrs[i].mask));
return rv;
getNetmask: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv4-address');
if (Array.isArray(addrs) && addrs.length)
return prefixToMask(addrs[0].mask, false);
getGatewayAddr: function() {
var routes = this._ubus('route');
if (Array.isArray(routes))
for (var i = 0; i < routes.length; i++)
if (typeof(routes[i]) == 'object' &&
routes[i].target == '' &&
routes[i].mask == 0)
return routes[i].nexthop;
return null;
getDNSAddrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('dns-server'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (!/:/.test(addrs[i]))
return rv;
getIP6Addr: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-address');
if (Array.isArray(addrs) && L.isObject(addrs[0]))
return '%s/%d'.format(addrs[0].address, addrs[0].mask);
addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-prefix-assignment');
if (Array.isArray(addrs) && L.isObject(addrs[0]) && L.isObject(addrs[0]['local-address']))
return '%s/%d'.format(addrs[0]['local-address'].address, addrs[0]['local-address'].mask);
return null;
getIP6Addrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-address'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(addrs[i]))
rv.push('%s/%d'.format(addrs[i].address, addrs[i].mask));
addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-prefix-assignment');
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(addrs[i]) && L.isObject(addrs[i]['local-address']))
rv.push('%s/%d'.format(addrs[i]['local-address'].address, addrs[i]['local-address'].mask));
return rv;
getDNS6Addrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('dns-server'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (/:/.test(addrs[i]))
return rv;
getIP6Prefix: function() {
var prefixes = this._ubus('ipv6-prefix');
if (Array.isArray(prefixes) && L.isObject(prefixes[0]))
return '%s/%d'.format(prefixes[0].address, prefixes[0].mask);
return null;
getErrors: function() {
var errors = this._ubus('errors'),
rv = null;
if (Array.isArray(errors)) {
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
if (!L.isObject(errors[i]) || typeof(errors[i].code) != 'string')
rv = rv || [];
rv.push(proto_errors[errors[i].code] || _('Unknown error (%s)').format(errors[i].code));
return rv;
isBridge: function() {
return (!this.isVirtual() && this.getType() == 'bridge');
getOpkgPackage: function() {
return null;
isInstalled: function() {
return true;
isVirtual: function() {
return false;
isFloating: function() {
return false;
isDynamic: function() {
return (this._ubus('dynamic') == true);
isAlias: function() {
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname')),
parent = null;
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++)
if (ifnames[i].charAt(0) == '@')
parent = ifnames[i].substr(1);
else if (parent != null)
parent = null;
return parent;
isEmpty: function() {
if (this.isFloating())
return false;
var empty = true,
ifname = this._get('ifname');
if (ifname != null && ifname.match(/\S+/))
empty = false;
if (empty == true && getWifiNetidBySid(this.sid) != null)
empty = false;
return empty;
isUp: function() {
return (this._ubus('up') == true);
addDevice: function(ifname) {
ifname = ifnameOf(ifname);
if (ifname == null || this.isFloating())
return false;
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null)
return appendValue('wireless', wif, 'network', this.sid);
return appendValue('network', this.sid, 'ifname', ifname);
deleteDevice: function(ifname) {
var rv = false;
ifname = ifnameOf(ifname);
if (ifname == null || this.isFloating())
return false;
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null)
rv = removeValue('wireless', wif, 'network', this.sid);
if (removeValue('network', this.sid, 'ifname', ifname))
rv = true;
return rv;
getDevice: function() {
if (this.isVirtual()) {
var ifname = '%s-%s'.format(this.getProtocol(), this.sid);
_state.isTunnel[this.getProtocol() + '-' + this.sid] = true;
return, this);
else if (this.isBridge()) {
var ifname = 'br-%s'.format(this.sid);
_state.isBridge[ifname] = true;
return new Device(ifname, this);
else {
var ifname = this._ubus('l3_device') || this._ubus('device');
if (ifname != null)
return, this);
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname'));
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++) {
var m = ifnames[i].match(/^([^:/]+)/);
return ((m && m[1]) ?[1], this) : null);
ifname = getWifiNetidByNetname(this.sid);
return (ifname != null ?[0], this) : null);
getDevices: function() {
var rv = [];
if (!this.isBridge() && !(this.isVirtual() && !this.isFloating()))
return null;
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname'));
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++) {
if (ifnames[i].charAt(0) == '@')
var m = ifnames[i].match(/^([^:/]+)/);
if (m != null)
rv.push([1], this));
var uciWifiIfaces = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiIfaces.length; i++) {
if (typeof(uciWifiIfaces[i].device) != 'string')
var networks = L.toArray(uciWifiIfaces[i].network);
for (var j = 0; j < networks.length; j++) {
if (networks[j] != this.sid)
var netid = getWifiNetidBySid(uciWifiIfaces[i]['.name']);
if (netid != null)
rv.push([0], this));
return rv;
containsDevice: function(ifname) {
ifname = ifnameOf(ifname);
if (ifname == null)
return false;
else if (this.isVirtual() && '%s-%s'.format(this.getProtocol(), this.sid) == ifname)
return true;
else if (this.isBridge() && 'br-%s'.format(this.sid) == ifname)
return true;
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname'));
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++) {
var m = ifnames[i].match(/^([^:/]+)/);
if (m != null && m[1] == ifname)
return true;
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null) {
var networks = L.toArray(uci.get('wireless', wif, 'network'));
for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++)
if (networks[i] == this.sid)
return true;
return false;
Device = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(ifname, network) {
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null) {
var res = getWifiStateBySid(wif) || [],
netid = getWifiNetidBySid(wif) || [];
this.wif = new WifiNetwork(wif, res[0], res[1], netid[0], res[2], { ifname: ifname });
this.ifname = this.wif.getIfname();
this.ifname = this.ifname || ifname; = _state.interfaces[this.ifname]; = network;
_ubus: function(field) {
var dump = _cache.devicedump[this.ifname] || {};
return (field != null ? dump[field] : dump);
getName: function() {
return (this.wif != null ? this.wif.getIfname() : this.ifname);
getMAC: function() {
return this._ubus('macaddr');
getIPAddrs: function() {
var addrs = ( != null ? : null);
return (Array.isArray(addrs) ? addrs : []);
getIP6Addrs: function() {
var addrs = ( != null ? : null);
return (Array.isArray(addrs) ? addrs : []);
getType: function() {
if (this.ifname != null && this.ifname.charAt(0) == '@')
return 'alias';
else if (this.wif != null || isWifiIfname(this.ifname))
return 'wifi';
else if (_state.isBridge[this.ifname])
return 'bridge';
else if (_state.isTunnel[this.ifname])
return 'tunnel';
else if (this.ifname.indexOf('.') > -1)
return 'vlan';
else if (_state.isSwitch[this.ifname])
return 'switch';
return 'ethernet';
getShortName: function() {
if (this.wif != null)
return this.wif.getShortName();
return this.ifname;
getI18n: function() {
if (this.wif != null) {
return '%s: %s "%s"'.format(
_('Wireless Network'),
this.wif.getActiveSSID() || this.wif.getActiveBSSID() || this.wif.getID() || '?');
return '%s: "%s"'.format(this.getTypeI18n(), this.getName());
getTypeI18n: function() {
switch (this.getType()) {
case 'alias':
return _('Alias Interface');
case 'wifi':
return _('Wireless Adapter');
case 'bridge':
return _('Bridge');
case 'switch':
return _('Ethernet Switch');
case 'vlan':
return (_state.isSwitch[this.ifname] ? _('Switch VLAN') : _('Software VLAN'));
case 'tunnel':
return _('Tunnel Interface');
return _('Ethernet Adapter');
getPorts: function() {
var br = _state.bridges[this.ifname],
rv = [];
if (br == null || !Array.isArray(br.ifnames))
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < br.ifnames.length; i++)
return rv;
getBridgeID: function() {
var br = _state.bridges[this.ifname];
return (br != null ? : null);
getBridgeSTP: function() {
var br = _state.bridges[this.ifname];
return (br != null ? !!br.stp : false);
isUp: function() {
var up = this._ubus('up');
if (up == null)
up = (this.getType() == 'alias');
return up;
isBridge: function() {
return (this.getType() == 'bridge');
isBridgePort: function() {
return ( != null && != null);
getTXBytes: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.tx_bytes || 0 : 0);
getRXBytes: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.rx_bytes || 0 : 0);
getTXPackets: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.tx_packets || 0 : 0);
getRXPackets: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.rx_packets || 0 : 0);
getNetwork: function() {
return this.getNetworks()[0];
getNetworks: function() {
if (this.networks == null) {
this.networks = [];
var networks =;
for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++)
if (networks[i].containsDevice(this.ifname) || networks[i].getIfname() == this.ifname)
return this.networks;
getWifiNetwork: function() {
return (this.wif != null ? this.wif : null);
WifiDevice = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(name, iwinfo) {
var uciWifiDevice = uci.get('wireless', name);
if (uciWifiDevice != null &&
uciWifiDevice['.type'] == 'wifi-device' &&
uciWifiDevice['.name'] != null) {
this.sid = uciWifiDevice['.name'];
this.iwinfo = iwinfo;
this.sid = this.sid || name;
this.iwinfo = this.iwinfo || { ifname: this.sid };
get: function(opt) {
return uci.get('wireless', this.sid, opt);
set: function(opt, value) {
return uci.set('wireless', this.sid, opt, value);
getName: function() {
return this.sid;
getHWModes: function() {
if (L.isObject(this.iwinfo.hwmodelist))
for (var k in this.iwinfo.hwmodelist)
return this.iwinfo.hwmodelist;
return { b: true, g: true };
getI18n: function() {
var type = this.iwinfo.hardware_name || 'Generic';
if (this.iwinfo.type == 'wl')
type = 'Broadcom';
var hwmodes = this.getHWModes(),
modestr = '';
if (hwmodes.a) modestr += 'a';
if (hwmodes.b) modestr += 'b';
if (hwmodes.g) modestr += 'g';
if (hwmodes.n) modestr += 'n';
if ( modestr += 'ac';
return '%s 802.11%s Wireless Controller (%s)'.format(type, modestr, this.getName());
isUp: function() {
if (L.isObject(_cache.wifi[this.sid]))
return (_cache.wifi[this.sid].up == true);
return false;
getWifiNetwork: function(network) {
return {
var uciWifiIface = (networkInstance.sid ? uci.get('wireless', networkInstance.sid) : null);
if (uciWifiIface == null || uciWifiIface['.type'] != 'wifi-iface' || uciWifiIface.device != this.sid)
return Promise.reject();
return networkInstance;
}, this));
getWifiNetworks: function() {
var uciWifiIfaces = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface'),
tasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiIfaces.length; i++)
if (uciWifiIfaces[i].device == this.sid)
return Promise.all(tasks);
addWifiNetwork: function(options) {
if (!L.isObject(options))
options = {};
options.device = this.sid;
deleteWifiNetwork: function(network) {
var sid = null;
if (network instanceof WifiNetwork) {
sid = network.sid;
else {
var uciWifiIface = uci.get('wireless', network);
if (uciWifiIface == null || uciWifiIface['.type'] != 'wifi-iface')
sid = getWifiSidByIfname(network);
if (sid == null || uci.get('wireless', sid, 'device') != this.sid)
return Promise.resolve(false);
uci.delete('wireless', network);
return Promise.resolve(true);
WifiNetwork = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(sid, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo) {
this.sid = sid;
this.wdev = iwinfo.ifname;
this.iwinfo = iwinfo;
this.netid = netid;
this._ubusdata = {
radio: radioname,
dev: radiostate,
net: netstate
ubus: function(/* ... */) {
var v = this._ubusdata;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(v))
v = v[arguments[i]];
return null;
return v;
get: function(opt) {
return uci.get('wireless', this.sid, opt);
set: function(opt, value) {
return uci.set('wireless', this.sid, opt, value);
getMode: function() {
return this.ubus('net', 'config', 'mode') || this.get('mode') || 'ap';
getSSID: function() {
return this.ubus('net', 'config', 'ssid') || this.get('ssid');
getBSSID: function() {
return this.ubus('net', 'config', 'bssid') || this.get('bssid');
getNetworkNames: function() {
return L.toArray(this.ubus('net', 'config', 'network') || this.get('network'));
getID: function() {
return this.netid;
getName: function() {
return this.sid;
getIfname: function() {
var ifname = this.ubus('net', 'ifname') || this.iwinfo.ifname;
if (ifname == null || ifname.match(/^(wifi|radio)\d/))
ifname = this.netid;
return ifname;
getWifiDevice: function() {
var radioname = this.ubus('radio') || this.get('device');
if (radioname == null)
return Promise.reject();
isUp: function() {
var device = this.getDevice();
if (device == null)
return false;
return device.isUp();
getActiveMode: function() {
var mode = this.iwinfo.mode || this.ubus('net', 'config', 'mode') || this.get('mode') || 'ap';
switch (mode) {
case 'ap': return 'Master';
case 'sta': return 'Client';
case 'adhoc': return 'Ad-Hoc';
case 'mesh': return 'Mesh';
case 'monitor': return 'Monitor';
default: return mode;
getActiveModeI18n: function() {
var mode = this.getActiveMode();
switch (mode) {
case 'Master': return _('Master');
case 'Client': return _('Client');
case 'Ad-Hoc': return _('Ad-Hoc');
case 'Mash': return _('Mesh');
case 'Monitor': return _('Monitor');
default: return mode;
getActiveSSID: function() {
return this.iwinfo.ssid || this.ubus('net', 'config', 'ssid') || this.get('ssid');
getActiveBSSID: function() {
return this.iwinfo.bssid || this.ubus('net', 'config', 'bssid') || this.get('bssid');
getActiveEncryption: function() {
var encryption = this.iwinfo.encryption;
return (L.isObject(encryption) ? encryption.description || '-' : '-');
getAssocList: function() {
// XXX tbd
getFrequency: function() {
var freq = this.iwinfo.frequency;
if (freq != null && freq > 0)
return '%.03f'.format(freq / 1000);
return null;
getBitRate: function() {
var rate = this.iwinfo.bitrate;
if (rate != null && rate > 0)
return (rate / 1000);
return null;
getChannel: function() {
return || this.ubus('dev', 'config', 'channel') || this.get('channel');
getSignal: function() {
return this.iwinfo.signal || 0;
getNoise: function() {
return this.iwinfo.noise || 0;
getCountryCode: function() {
return || this.ubus('dev', 'config', 'country') || '00';
getTXPower: function() {
var pwr = this.iwinfo.txpower || 0;
return (pwr + this.getTXPowerOffset());
getTXPowerOffset: function() {
return this.iwinfo.txpower_offset || 0;
getSignalLevel: function(signal, noise) {
if (this.getActiveBSSID() == '00:00:00:00:00:00')
return -1;
signal = signal || this.getSignal();
noise = noise || this.getNoise();
if (signal < 0 && noise < 0) {
var snr = -1 * (noise - signal);
return Math.floor(snr / 5);
return 0;
getSignalPercent: function() {
var qc = this.iwinfo.quality || 0,
qm = this.iwinfo.quality_max || 0;
if (qc > 0 && qm > 0)
return Math.floor((100 / qm) * qc);
return 0;
getShortName: function() {
return '%s "%s"'.format(
this.getActiveSSID() || this.getActiveBSSID() || this.getID());
getI18n: function() {
return '%s: %s "%s" (%s)'.format(
_('Wireless Network'),
this.getActiveSSID() || this.getActiveBSSID() || this.getID(),
getNetwork: function() {
return this.getNetworks()[0];
getNetworks: function() {
var networkNames = this.getNetworkNames(),
networks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < networkNames.length; i++) {
var uciInterface = uci.get('network', networkNames[i]);
if (uciInterface == null || uciInterface['.type'] != 'interface')
return networks;
getDevice: function() {
return Network;