Currently translated at 47.1% (90 of 191 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acl Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acl Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 6.3% (4 of 63 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frps Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 5.3% (4 of 75 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 9.6% (5 of 52 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ttyd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 3.2% (6 of 182 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 23.5% (4 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/udpxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 9.4% (16 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 42.8% (3 of 7 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/squid Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 100.0% (13 of 13 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shairplay Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 7.4% (6 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 16.1% (10 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 8.3% (4 of 48 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 20.0% (4 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 5.3% (3 of 56 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dump1090 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 9.2% (6 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dnscrypt-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 10.9% (21 of 191 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 1.5% (2 of 133 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 7.1% (14 of 195 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 2.6% (5 of 191 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 4.0% (3 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 36.9% (126 of 341 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (1577 of 1577 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 53.8% (7 of 13 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/hd-idle Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 2.1% (4 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 8.3% (16 of 191 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 14.5% (7 of 48 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 7.2% (9 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 34.6% (9 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/advanced-reboot Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 16.6% (8 of 48 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 15.3% (10 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 33.3% (9 of 27 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpnbypass Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 18.1% (8 of 44 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ser2net Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 12.0% (14 of 116 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 11.2% (12 of 107 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/simple-adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 6.7% (4 of 59 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 9.7% (8 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 18.5% (15 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 6.4% (22 of 341 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (29 of 29 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acl Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 8.6% (5 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 36.3% (4 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (14 of 14 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 13.3% (26 of 195 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 28.0% (7 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cshark Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 19.3% (12 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (195 of 195 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 6.9% (12 of 173 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 34.6% (9 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/wireguard Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 22.4% (11 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bmx7 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (166 of 166 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 9.0% (6 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/yggdrasil Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 19.3% (18 of 93 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpn-policy-routing Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 27.7% (5 of 18 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nextdns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 7.5% (3 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/clamav Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 25.1% (48 of 191 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 20.7% (35 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 8.8% (9 of 102 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (50 of 50 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acme Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.9% (1576 of 1577 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 6.0% (3 of 50 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acme Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 1.3% (1 of 75 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frpc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 4.5% (2 of 44 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ser2net Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 16.0% (4 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ksmbd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 7.1% (2 of 28 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vnstat2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 3.0% (2 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/yggdrasil Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 5.3% (5 of 93 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpn-policy-routing Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 1.5% (1 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 22.2% (4 of 18 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nextdns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 3.7% (1 of 27 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vpnbypass Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 2.7% (5 of 182 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 13.6% (23 of 169 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 28.5% (2 of 7 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/squid Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 1.8% (2 of 107 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/simple-adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 6.1% (5 of 81 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/shadowsocks-libev Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 3.4% (4 of 116 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 12.9% (8 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 4.8% (6 of 123 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 10.7% (7 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dnscrypt-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 11.5% (3 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 62.5% (25 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/clamav Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 12.5% (24 of 191 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 26.7% (51 of 191 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 16.1% (28 of 173 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 5.4% (2 of 37 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/advanced-reboot Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 27.1% (45 of 166 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 6.1% (12 of 195 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 59 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 7.0% (8 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 41.6% (20 of 48 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 85.7% (42 of 49 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 51.2% (100 of 195 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 9.6% (3 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 80.1% (153 of 191 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 90.9% (10 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 29.1% (21 of 72 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 36.3% (77 of 212 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 65.8% (54 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 87.9% (51 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 45.7% (156 of 341 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 43.2% (16 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (1577 of 1577 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 37.6% (594 of 1577 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.2% (204 of 212 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 3.2% (1 of 31 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 45.6% (89 of 195 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 22.8% (38 of 166 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 8.1% (3 of 37 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/sqm Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.4% (1568 of 1577 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/simple-adblock Translate-URL: Co-authored-by: Allan Nordhøy <> Co-authored-by: BenRoura <> Co-authored-by: Evoluzione <> Co-authored-by: Glax <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: MS-PC <> Co-authored-by: Meano Lee <> Co-authored-by: Mohammed Abu Hassan <> Co-authored-by: Said Zakaria <> Co-authored-by: Wellington Terumi Uemura <> Co-authored-by: zhanhb <> Signed-off-by: Allan Nordhøy <> Signed-off-by: BenRoura <> Signed-off-by: Evoluzione <> Signed-off-by: Glax <> Signed-off-by: MS-PC <> Signed-off-by: Meano Lee <> Signed-off-by: Mohammed Abu Hassan <> Signed-off-by: Said Zakaria <> Signed-off-by: Wellington Terumi Uemura <> Signed-off-by: zhanhb <> Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/firewall Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/minidlna Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ntpc Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nut Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openvpn Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/opkg Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/p910nd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/polipo Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale2 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/samba4 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/splash Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/statistics Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/transmission Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/uhttpd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/upnp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/watchcat
969 lines
34 KiB
969 lines
34 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-03-08 13:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: BenRoura <>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan <"
"Language: ca\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.5.1\n"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:404
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:419
msgid "- unspecified -"
msgstr "- no especificat -"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:258
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Acció"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:229
msgid "Active Sources"
msgstr "Fonts actives"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/controller/adblock.lua:6
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-adblock.json:3
msgid "Adblock"
msgstr "Blocador d’anuncis"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:36
msgid "Adblock action"
msgstr "Acció d'Adblock"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:11
msgid "Add Blacklist Domain"
msgstr "Afegir domini a la llista negra"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:46
msgid "Add Whitelist Domain"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:12
msgid "Add this (sub-)domain to your local blacklist."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:47
msgid "Add this (sub-)domain to your local whitelist."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:447
msgid "Additional Jail Blocklist"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:296
msgid "Additional Settings"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:375
msgid "Additional trigger delay in seconds before adblock processing begins."
msgstr ""
"Retard addicional en segons de l’activador abans que comenci el processament "
"del blocador d’anuncis."
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:297
msgid "Advanced DNS Settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres DNS avançats"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:299
msgid "Advanced E-Mail Settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres de correu avançats"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:298
msgid "Advanced Report Settings"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:257
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Resposta"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:398
msgid "Backup Directory"
msgstr "Directori de còpies de seguretat"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:389
msgid "Base Temp Directory"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:389
msgid ""
"Base Temp Directory for all adblock related runtime operations, e.g. "
"downloading, sorting, merging etc."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/blacklist.js:15
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:34
msgid ""
"Blacklist changes have been saved. Refresh your adblock lists that changes "
"take effect."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:282
msgid "Blacklist..."
msgstr "Llista negra..."
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:313
msgid "Blocked DNS Requests"
msgstr "Peticions DNS blocades"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:211
msgid "Blocked Domain"
msgstr "Domini blocat"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:225
msgid "Blocked Domains"
msgstr "Dominis blocats"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:394
msgid "Blocklist Backup"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:81
msgid "Blocklist Query"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:322
msgid "Blocklist Query..."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:300
msgid "Blocklist Sources"
msgstr "Fonts de la llista negra"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:447
msgid ""
"Builds an additional DNS blocklist to block access to all domains except "
"those listed in the whitelist. Please note: You can use this restrictive "
"blocklist e.g. for guest wifi or kidsafe configurations."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:22
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:57
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:109
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:163
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:68
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel•lar"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:551
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:566
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categories"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:255
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Client"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:132
msgid ""
"Configuration of the adblock package to block ad/abuse domains by using DNS. "
"For further information <a href=\""
"master/net/adblock/files/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer "
"noopener\" >check the online documentation</a>"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:206
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:208
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:210
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Recompte"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:394
msgid ""
"Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download "
"errors or during startup."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:233
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:417
msgid "DNS Backend"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:427
msgid "DNS Directory"
msgstr "Directori del DNS"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:351
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/controller/adblock.lua:8
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-adblock.json:27
msgid "DNS Report"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:431
msgid "DNS Restart Timeout"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:253
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:444
msgid "Disable DNS Allow"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:456
msgid "Disable DNS Restarts"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:456
msgid ""
"Disable adblock triggered restarts for dns backends with autoload/inotify "
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:444
msgid "Disable selective DNS whitelisting (RPZ pass through)."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:209
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:256
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domini"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:411
msgid "Download Parameters"
msgstr "Paràmetres de descàrrega"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:380
msgid "Download Queue"
msgstr "Cua de descàrregues"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:403
msgid "Download Utility"
msgstr "Utilitat de baixades"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:355
msgid "E-Mail Notification"
msgstr "Notificació de correu"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:505
msgid "E-Mail Notification Count"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:501
msgid "E-Mail Profile"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:359
msgid "E-Mail Receiver Address"
msgstr "Adreça del destinatari de correu"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:493
msgid "E-Mail Sender Address"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:497
msgid "E-Mail Topic"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/controller/adblock.lua:9
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-adblock.json:35
msgid "Edit Blacklist"
msgstr "Edita la llista negra"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/controller/adblock.lua:10
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-adblock.json:43
msgid "Edit Whitelist"
msgstr "Edita la llista blanca"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:335
msgid "Enable SafeSearch"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:347
msgid "Enable moderate SafeSearch filters for youtube."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:305
msgid "Enable the adblock service."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:367
msgid "Enable verbose debug logging in case of any processing errors."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:305
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activat"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:305
msgid "End Timestamp"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:335
msgid ""
"Enforcing SafeSearch for google, bing, duckduckgo, yandex, youtube and "
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:18
msgid "Existing job(s)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:436
msgid "External DNS Lookup Domain"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:436
msgid ""
"External domain to check for a successful DNS backend restart. Please note: "
"To disable this check set this option to 'false'."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:157
msgid "Filter criteria like date, domain or client (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:324
msgid "Firewall ports that should be forced locally."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:317
msgid "Firewall source zones that should be forced locally."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:441
msgid "Flush DNS Cache"
msgstr "Purga la memòria cau del DNS"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:441
msgid "Flush the DNS Cache before adblock processing as well."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:314
msgid "Force Local DNS"
msgstr "Força el DNS local"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:324
msgid "Forced Ports"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:317
msgid "Forced Zones"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:351
msgid ""
"Gather DNS related network traffic via tcpdump and provide a DNS Report on "
"demand. Please note: this needs additional 'tcpdump-mini' package "
"installation and a full adblock service restart to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:295
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres generals"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-app-adblock.json:3
msgid "Grant access to LuCI app adblock"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:219
msgid "Information"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:451
msgid "Jail Directory"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:253
msgid "Last Run"
msgstr "Darrera execució"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:341
msgid "Latest DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:338
msgid "Limit SafeSearch"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:338
msgid "Limit SafeSearch to certain providers."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:61
msgid "Line number to remove"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:467
msgid "List of available network devices used by tcpdump."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:308
msgid ""
"List of available network interfaces to trigger the adblock start. Choose "
"'unspecified' to use a classic startup timeout instead of a network trigger."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:417
msgid ""
"List of supported DNS backends with their default list directory. To "
"overwrite the default path use the 'DNS Directory' option."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:403
msgid "List of supported and fully pre-configured download utilities."
msgstr "Llista d’utilitats de descàrrega admeses i plenament preconfigurades."
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/controller/adblock.lua:11
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-adblock.json:51
msgid "Log View"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:370
msgid "Low Priority Service"
msgstr "Servei de prioritat baixa"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:207
msgid "Name / IP Address"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:124
msgid "No Query results!"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/logread.js:21
msgid "No adblock related logs yet!"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/controller/adblock.lua:7
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-adblock.json:19
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Visió de conjunt"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:501
msgid "Profile used by 'msmtp' for adblock notification E-Mails."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:132
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:82
msgid "Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:505
msgid ""
"Raise the notification count, to get E-Mails if the overall blocklist count "
"is less or equal to the given limit."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:359
msgid "Receiver address for adblock notification e-mails."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:314
msgid ""
"Redirect all DNS queries from specified zones to the local DNS resolver, "
"applies to UDP and TCP protocol."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:370
msgid ""
"Reduce the priority of the adblock background processing to take fewer "
"resources from the system. Please note: This change requires a full adblock "
"service restart to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:184
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Actualitza"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:139
msgid "Refresh DNS Report"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:15
msgid "Refresh Timer"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:262
msgid "Refresh Timer..."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:329
msgid "Refresh..."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:347
msgid "Relax SafeSearch"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:277
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Torna a carregar"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:57
msgid "Remove an existing job"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:476
msgid "Report Chunk Count"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:481
msgid "Report Chunk Size"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:472
msgid "Report Directory"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:467
msgid "Report Interface"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:486
msgid "Report Ports"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:476
msgid "Report chunk count used by tcpdump."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:481
msgid "Report chunk size used by tcpdump in MByte."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:284
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Reiniciar"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:96
msgid "Result"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:245
msgid "Run Directories"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:249
msgid "Run Flags"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:241
msgid "Run Interfaces"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:237
msgid "Run Utils"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:39
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:74
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:102
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Desar"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:355
msgid ""
"Send adblock related notification e-mails. Please note: this needs "
"additional 'msmtp' package installation."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:493
msgid "Sender address for adblock notification E-Mails."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:29
msgid "Set a new adblock job"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:293
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paràmetres"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:380
msgid ""
"Size of the download queue for download processing (incl. sorting, merging "
"etc.) in parallel."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:527
msgid "Sources (Size, Focus)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:486
msgid "Space separated list of ports used by tcpdump."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:411
msgid "Special config options for the selected download utility."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:301
msgid "Start Timestamp"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:308
msgid "Startup Trigger Interface"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:221
msgid "Status / Version"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:270
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:472
msgid "Target directory for DNS related report files."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:398
msgid "Target directory for blocklist backups."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:427
msgid "Target directory for the generated blocklist 'adb_list.overall'."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:451
msgid "Target directory for the generated jail blocklist 'adb_list.jail'."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:82
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:91
msgid "The Refresh Timer could not been updated."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:84
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:93
msgid "The Refresh Timer has been updated."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:52
msgid "The day of the week (opt., values: 1-7 possibly sep. by , or -)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:42
msgid "The hours portition (req., range: 0-23)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:47
msgid "The minutes portion (opt., range: 0-59)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/logread.js:28
msgid "The syslog output, pre-filtered for adblock related messages only."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/blacklist.js:23
msgid ""
"This is the local adblock blacklist to always-deny certain (sub) domains."
"<br /> Please note: add only one domain per line. Comments introduced with "
"'#' are allowed - ip addresses, wildcards and regex are not."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/whitelist.js:23
msgid ""
"This is the local adblock whitelist to always allow certain (sub) domains."
"<br /> Please note: add only one domain per line. Comments introduced with "
"'#' are allowed - ip addresses, wildcards and regex are not."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:298
msgid ""
"This tab shows the last generated DNS Report, press the 'Refresh' button to "
"get a current one."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:254
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:431
msgid "Timeout to wait for a successful DNS backend restart."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:16
msgid ""
"To keep your adblock lists up-to-date, you should setup an automatic update "
"job for these lists."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:334
msgid "Top 10 Statistics"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:497
msgid "Topic for adblock notification E-Mails."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:309
msgid "Total DNS Requests"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:375
msgid "Trigger Delay"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/blacklist.js:17
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/whitelist.js:17
msgid "Unable to save changes: %s"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:581
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:597
msgid "Variants"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:367
msgid "Verbose Debug Logging"
msgstr "Enregistrament detallat de depuració"
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:69
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/whitelist.js:15
msgid ""
"Whitelist changes have been saved. Refresh your adblock lists that changes "
"take effect."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:274
msgid "Whitelist..."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:420
msgid "dnsmasq (/tmp/dnsmasq.d)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:423
msgid "kresd (/etc/kresd)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/dnsreport.js:150
msgid "max. result set size"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:422
msgid "named (/var/lib/bind)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:424
msgid "raw (/tmp)"
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-adblock/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/adblock/overview.js:421
msgid "unbound (/var/lib/unbound)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "DNS File Reset"
#~ msgstr "Reinicialització de fitxers del DNS"
#~ msgid "End Date"
#~ msgstr "Data de finalització"
#~ msgid "Start Date"
#~ msgstr "Data d’inici"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<b>Caution:</b> To prevent OOM exceptions on low memory devices with less "
#~ "than 64 MB free RAM, please only select a few of them!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<b>Precaució:</b> per a evitar excepcions OOM als dispositius amb menys "
#~ "de 64 MB de RAM disponible, seleccioneu només uns quants."
#~ msgid "Adblock Status"
#~ msgstr "Estat del blocador d’anuncis"
#~ msgid "Adblock Version"
#~ msgstr "Versió del blocador d’anuncis"
#~ msgid "Advanced"
#~ msgstr "Avançat"
#~ msgid "Archive Categories"
#~ msgstr "Categories d’arxivament"
#~ msgid "Blacklist"
#~ msgstr "Llista negra"
#~ msgid "Blacklist File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de llista negra"
#~ msgid "Blocked DNS Queries"
#~ msgstr "Consultes DNS blocades"
#~ msgid "Blocklist not found!"
#~ msgstr "No s’ha trobat la llista negra."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Choose 'none' to disable automatic startups, 'timed' to use a classic "
#~ "timeout (default 30 sec.) or select another trigger interface."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Trieu «none» per a desactivar els inicis automàtics, «timed» per a fer "
#~ "servir un temps d’espera clàssic (30 s per defecte) o bé trieu una altra "
#~ "interfície activadora."
#~ msgid "Collecting data..."
#~ msgstr "S’estan recollint dades…"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Configuration of the adblock package to block ad/abuse domains by using "
#~ "DNS."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Configuració del paquet adblock per a blocar dominis publicitaris/abusius "
#~ "mitjançant el DNS."
#~ msgid "DNS Backend (DNS Directory)"
#~ msgstr "Dorsal DNS (directori del DNS)"
#~ msgid "DNS Backend, DNS Directory"
#~ msgstr "Dorsal DNS, directori del DNS"
#~ msgid "DNS Blocking Variant"
#~ msgstr "Variant de blocatge del DNS"
#~ msgid "Description"
#~ msgstr "Descripció"
#~ msgid "Domain/Client/Date/Time"
#~ msgstr "Domini/client/data/hora"
#~ msgid "Download Utility (SSL Library)"
#~ msgstr "Utilitat de baixades (biblioteca SSL)"
#~ msgid "E-mail Notification Count"
#~ msgstr "Recompte de notificacions per correu"
#~ msgid "E-mail Profile"
#~ msgstr "Perfil de correu"
#~ msgid "E-mail Sender Address"
#~ msgstr "Adreça de remitent de correu"
#~ msgid "E-mail Topic"
#~ msgstr "Tema de correu"
#~ msgid "Edit Configuration"
#~ msgstr "Edita la configuració"
#~ msgid "Enable Adblock"
#~ msgstr "Activa el blocador d’anuncis"
#~ msgid "Enable verbose debug logging in case of any processing error."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Activa l’enregistrament detallat de dades de depuració si hi ha errors de "
#~ "processament."
#~ msgid "Extra Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcions addicionals"
#~ msgid "Filter"
#~ msgstr "Filtre"
#~ msgid "Flush DNS cache after adblock processing."
#~ msgstr "Purga la memòria cau del DNS després del processament del blocador."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "For further information <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">check the online "
#~ "documentation</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per a saber-ne més, <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">consulteu la "
#~ "documentació en línia</a>"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "For further performance improvements you can raise this value, e.g. '8' "
#~ "or '16' should be safe."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per a més millores de rendiment, podeu incrementar aquest valor; p. ex., "
#~ "«8» o «16» es poden utilitzar amb seguretat."
#~ msgid "Full path to the blacklist file."
#~ msgstr "Camí complet al fitxer de llista negra."
#~ msgid "Full path to the whitelist file."
#~ msgstr "Camí complet al fitxer de llista blanca."
#~ msgid "Input file not found, please check your configuration."
#~ msgstr "No s’ha trobat el fitxer d’entrada; reviseu la vostra configuració."
#~ msgid "Latest DNS Queries"
#~ msgstr "Darreres consultes DNS"
#~ msgid "Loading"
#~ msgstr "S’està carregant"
#~ msgid "Logfile"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de registre"
#~ msgid "Name / IP-Address"
#~ msgstr "Nom/adreça IP"
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "No"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for "
#~ "you."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si els valors per defecte no són adequats per a vós, modifiqueu aquestes "
#~ "opcions."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please add only one domain per line. Comments introduced with '#' are "
#~ "allowed - ip addresses, wildcards and regex are not."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Afegiu només un domini per línia. Podeu afegir comentaris amb «#». No "
#~ "s’hi permeten les adreces IP, els comodins ni les expressions regulars."
#~ msgid "Please edit this file directly in a terminal session."
#~ msgstr "Editeu aquest fitxer directament en una sessió de terminal."
#~ msgid "Refresh Blocklist Sources"
#~ msgstr "Actualitza les fonts de la llista negra"
#~ msgid "Refresh Report"
#~ msgstr "Actualitza l’informe"
#~ msgid "Runtime Information"
#~ msgstr "Informació de l’entorn d’execució"
#~ msgid "TLD Compression Threshold"
#~ msgstr "Llindar de compressió de TLD"
#~ msgid "The file size is too large for online editing in LuCI (≥ 100 KB)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest fitxer és massa gran i no es pot editar en línia amb el LuCI "
#~ "(≥ 100 kB)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This form allows you to modify the content of the adblock blacklist (%s)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Amb aquest formulari podeu modificar el contingut de la llista negra del "
#~ "blocador d’anuncis (%s)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This form allows you to modify the content of the adblock whitelist (%s)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Amb aquest formulari podeu modificar el contingut de la llista blanca del "
#~ "blocador d’anuncis (%s)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This form allows you to modify the content of the main adblock "
#~ "configuration file (/etc/config/adblock)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Amb aquest formulari podeu modificar el contingut del fitxer principal de "
#~ "configuració del blocador d’anuncis (/etc/config/adblock)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "To overwrite the default path use the 'DNS Directory' option in the extra "
#~ "section below."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per a sobreescriure el camí per defecte, feu servir l’opció «Directori "
#~ "DNS» a la secció addicional a sota."
#~ msgid "Waiting for command to complete..."
#~ msgstr "S’està esperant que l’ordre s’acabi…"
#~ msgid "Whitelist"
#~ msgstr "Llista blanca"
#~ msgid "Whitelist File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de llista blanca"
#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Sí"