84 lines
2.3 KiB
84 lines
2.3 KiB
include build/config.mk
MODULES = applications/* libs/* modules/* themes/* i18n/* contrib/*
OS:=$(shell uname)
export OS
.PHONY: all build gccbuild luabuild clean host gcchost luahost hostcopy hostclean
all: build
build: gccbuild luabuild
for i in $(MODULES); do make -C$$i compile; done
for i in $(MODULES); do make -C$$i luabuild; done
rm -rf docs
for i in $(MODULES); do make -C$$i clean; done
host: build hostcopy
gcchost: gccbuild hostcopy
luahost: luabuild hostcopy
mkdir -p host/tmp
for i in $(MODULES); do cp -pR $$i/dist/* host/ 2>/dev/null || true; done
for i in $(MODULES); do cp -pR $$i/hostfiles/* host/ 2>/dev/null || true; done
rm -f host/luci
ln -s .$(LUCI_MODULEDIR) host/luci
rm -rf /tmp/luci-* || true
hostenv: host ucidefaults
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host)/bin/uci-defaults --exclude luci-community-*"
runboa: hostenv
libs/sgi-webuci/host/buildconfig.sh $(realpath host) > host/etc/boa/boa.conf
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host/usr/bin/boa) -c $(realpath host/etc/boa) -d"
runhttpd: hostenv
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath libs/httpd/host/runluci) $(realpath host) $(HTDOCS)"
runluci: luahost
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath libs/httpd/host/runluci) $(realpath host) $(HTDOCS)"
runlua: hostenv
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) lua
runshell: hostenv
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) $$SHELL
hostclean: clean
rm -rf host
apidocs: hostenv
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "build/makedocs.sh host/luci/ docs"
uvldocs: hostenv
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) \
"build/uvldoc $(realpath host) $(UVL_SCHEMEDIR) uvldocs $(DOCS)"
# make run is deprecated #
# Please use: #
# #
# To run LuCI WebUI using LuCI HTTPD #
# make runhttpd #
# #
# To run LuCI WebUI using Boa/Webuci #
# make runboa #
# #
# To start a shell in the LuCI environment #
# make runshell #
# #
# To run Lua CLI in the LuCI environment #
# make runlua #