LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at




		<% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then -%>
			<% if not luci.util.instanceof(self, luci.cbi.DynamicList) and (not luci.util.instanceof(self, luci.cbi.Flag) or self.orientation == "horizontal") then -%>
				<br />
			<%- end %>
			<div class="cbi-value-description">
				<span class="cbi-value-helpicon"><img src="<%=resource%>/cbi/help.gif" alt="<%:help%>" /></span>
		<%- end %>
	<%- if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
	<%- end -%>

<% if #self.deps > 0 or #self.subdeps > 0 then -%>
	<script type="text/javascript" id="cbip-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option%>">
		<% for j, d in ipairs(self.subdeps) do -%>
			cbi_d_add("cbi-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option..d.add%>", {
			for k,v in pairs(d.deps) do
				local depk
				if k:find("!", 1, true) then
					depk = string.format('"%s"', k)
				elseif k:find(".", 1, true) then
					depk = string.format('"cbid.%s"', k)
					depk = string.format('"cbid.%s.%s.%s"', self.config, section, k)
			<%-= depk .. ":" .. string.format("%q", v)-%>
			<%-if next(d.deps, k) then-%>,<%-end-%>
			}, "cbip-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option..d.add%>");
		<%- end %>
		<% for j, d in ipairs(self.deps) do -%>
			cbi_d_add("cbi-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option..d.add%>", {
			for k,v in pairs(d.deps) do
				local depk
				if k:find("!", 1, true) then
					depk = string.format('"%s"', k)
				elseif k:find(".", 1, true) then
					depk = string.format('"cbid.%s"', k)
					depk = string.format('"cbid.%s.%s.%s"', self.config, section, k)
			<%-= depk .. ":" .. string.format("%q", v)-%>
			<%-if next(d.deps, k) then-%>,<%-end-%>
			}, "cbip-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option..d.add%>");
		<%- end %>
<%- end %>