#!/usr/bin/lua --[[ Luci statistics - collectd configuration generator (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- require("ffluci.model.uci") require("ffluci.sys.iptparser") require("ffluci.util") local ipt = ffluci.sys.iptparser.IptParser() local uci = ffluci.model.uci.Session() local sections, names = uci:sections( "luci_statistics" ) function section( plugin ) local config = sections[ "collectd_" .. plugin ] if type(config) == "table" and config.enable == "1" then print( "" ) if type( plugins[plugin] ) == "function" then plugins[plugin]( config ) else config_generic( config, plugins[plugin][1], plugins[plugin][2], plugins[plugin][3] ) end print( "\n" ) end end function config_generic( c, singles, bools, lists ) if type(c) == "table" then if type(singles) == "table" then for i, key in ipairs( singles ) do if c[key] then print( "\t" .. key .. ' "' .. c[key] .. '"' ) end end end if type(bools) == "table" then for i, key in ipairs( bools ) do if c[key] == 1 then print( "\t" .. key .. " true" ) else print( "\t" .. key .. " false" ) end end end if type(lists) == "table" then _list_expand( c, lists ) end end end function config_exec( c ) for s in pairs(sections) do for key, type in pairs({ Exec="collectd_exec_input", NotificationExec="collectd_exec_notify" }) do if sections[s][".type"] == type then cmd = sections[s].cmdline user = sections[s].cmduser or "root" group = sections[s].cmdgroup or "root" print( "\t" .. key .. " " .. user .. ":" .. group .. ' "' .. cmd .. '"' ) end end end end function config_iptables( c ) for s in pairs(sections) do if sections[s][".type"] == "collectd_iptables_match" then search = { } for i, k in ipairs( { "table", "chain", "target", "protocol", "source", "destination", "inputif", "outputif", "options" } ) do v = sections[s][k] if type(v) == "string" then if k == "options" then v = ffluci.util.split( v, "%s+", nil, true ) end search[k] = v end end for i, rule in ipairs( ipt:find( search ) ) do name = sections[s].name if i > 1 then name = name .. " (" .. i .. ")" end print( "\tChain " .. rule.table .. " " .. rule.chain .. " " .. rule.index .. ' "' .. name .. '"' ) end end end end function _list_expand( c, l ) for i, n in ipairs(l) do if c[n] then _expand( c[n], n:gsub( "(%w+)s", "%1" ) ) end end end function _expand( s, n ) if type(s) == "string" then for i, v in ipairs( ffluci.util.split( s, "%s+", nil, true ) ) do print( "\t" .. n .. ' "' .. v .. '"' ) end end end plugins = { csv = { { "DataDir" }, { "StoreRates" }, { } }, df = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Devices", "MountPoints", "FSTypes" } }, disk = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Disks" } }, dns = { { }, { }, { "Interfaces", "IgnoreSources" } }, email = { { "SocketFile", "SocketUser", "SocketPerms", "MaxConns" }, { }, { } }, exec = config_exec, interface = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Interfaces" } }, iptables = config_iptables, } for plugin in pairs(plugins) do section( plugin ) end