-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <yszhou4tech@gmail.com> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local ds = require "luci.dispatcher" local ss = require "luci.model.shadowsocks-libev" local ut = require "luci.util" local m, s, o m = Map("shadowsocks-libev", translate("Local Instances"), translate("Instances of shadowsocks-libev components, e.g. ss-local, \ ss-redir, ss-tunnel, ss-server, etc. To enable an instance it \ is required to enable both the instance itself and the remote \ server it refers to.")) local instances = {} local cfgtypes = { "ss_local", "ss_redir", "ss_server", "ss_tunnel" } for sname, sdata in pairs(m:get()) do local key, value = ss.cfgvalue_overview(sdata) if key ~= nil then instances[key] = value end end s = m:section(Table, instances) s.addremove = true s.template_addremove = "shadowsocks-libev/add_instance" s.extedit = function(self, section) local value = instances[section] if type(value) == "table" then return ds.build_url(unpack(ds.context.requestpath), "services/shadowsocks-libev/instances", value[".name"]) end end s.parse = function(self, ...) Table.parse(self, ...) local crval = REMOVE_PREFIX .. self.config local name = self.map:formvaluetable(crval) for k,v in pairs(name) do local value = instances[k] local sname = value[".name"] if type(value) == "table" then m:del(sname) instances[k] = nil for _, oname in ipairs({"redir_tcp", "redir_udp"}) do local ovalue = m:get("ss_rules", oname) if ovalue == sname then m:del("ss_rules", oname) end end end end local stype = m:formvalue("_newinst.type") local sname = m:formvalue("_newinst.name") if ut.contains(cfgtypes, stype) then local created if sname and #sname > 0 then created = m:set(sname, nil, stype) else created = m:add(stype) sname = created end if created then m.uci:save("shadowsocks-libev") luci.http.redirect(ds.build_url( "admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/instances", sname )) end end end o = s:option(DummyValue, "name", translate("Name")) o.rawhtml = true o = s:option(DummyValue, "overview", translate("Overview")) o.rawhtml = true s:option(DummyValue, "running", translate("Running")) o = s:option(Button, "disabled", translate("Enable/Disable")) o.render = function(self, section, scope) if instances[section].disabled then self.title = translate("Disabled") self.inputstyle = "reset" else self.title = translate("Enabled") self.inputstyle = "save" end Button.render(self, section, scope) end o.write = function(self, section) local sdata = instances[section] if type(sdata) == "table" then local sname = sdata[".name"] local disabled = not sdata["disabled"] sdata["disabled"] = disabled m:set(sname, "disabled", tostring(disabled)) end end return m