--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2008-2011 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local fs = require "nixio.fs" local ut = require "luci.util" local nw = require "luci.model.network" local fw = require "luci.model.firewall" arg[1] = arg[1] or "" local has_dnsmasq = fs.access("/etc/config/dhcp") local has_firewall = fs.access("/etc/config/firewall") m = Map("network", translate("Interfaces") .. " - " .. arg[1]:upper(), translate("On this page you can configure the network interfaces. You can bridge several interfaces by ticking the \"bridge interfaces\" field and enter the names of several network interfaces separated by spaces. You can also use VLAN notation INTERFACE.VLANNR (e.g.: eth0.1).")) m:chain("wireless") if has_firewall then m:chain("firewall") end nw.init(m.uci) fw.init(m.uci) local net = nw:get_network(arg[1]) local function backup_ifnames(is_bridge) if not net:is_floating() and not m:get(net:name(), "_orig_ifname") then local ifcs = net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() } if ifcs then local _, ifn local ifns = { } for _, ifn in ipairs(ifcs) do ifns[#ifns+1] = ifn:name() end if #ifns > 0 then m:set(net:name(), "_orig_ifname", table.concat(ifns, " ")) m:set(net:name(), "_orig_bridge", tostring(net:is_bridge())) end end end end -- redirect to overview page if network does not exist anymore (e.g. after a revert) if not net then luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/network/network")) return end -- protocol switch was requested, rebuild interface config and reload page if m:formvalue("cbid.network.%s._switch" % net:name()) then -- get new protocol local ptype = m:formvalue("cbid.network.%s.proto" % net:name()) or "-" local proto = nw:get_protocol(ptype, net:name()) if proto then -- backup default backup_ifnames() -- if current proto is not floating and target proto is not floating, -- then attempt to retain the ifnames --error(net:proto() .. " > " .. proto:proto()) if not net:is_floating() and not proto:is_floating() then -- if old proto is a bridge and new proto not, then clip the -- interface list to the first ifname only if net:is_bridge() and proto:is_virtual() then local _, ifn local first = true for _, ifn in ipairs(net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() }) do if first then first = false else net:del_interface(ifn) end end m:del(net:name(), "type") end -- if the current proto is floating, the target proto not floating, -- then attempt to restore ifnames from backup elseif net:is_floating() and not proto:is_floating() then -- if we have backup data, then re-add all orphaned interfaces -- from it and restore the bridge choice local br = (m:get(net:name(), "_orig_bridge") == "true") local ifn local ifns = { } for ifn in ut.imatch(m:get(net:name(), "_orig_ifname")) do ifn = nw:get_interface(ifn) if ifn and not ifn:get_network() then proto:add_interface(ifn) if not br then break end end end if br then m:set(net:name(), "type", "bridge") end -- in all other cases clear the ifnames else local _, ifc for _, ifc in ipairs(net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() }) do net:del_interface(ifc) end m:del(net:name(), "type") end -- clear options local k, v for k, v in pairs(m:get(net:name())) do if k:sub(1,1) ~= "." and k ~= "type" and k ~= "ifname" and k ~= "_orig_ifname" and k ~= "_orig_bridge" then m:del(net:name(), k) end end -- set proto m:set(net:name(), "proto", proto:proto()) m.uci:save("network") m.uci:save("wireless") -- reload page luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/network/network", arg[1])) return end end -- dhcp setup was requested, create section and reload page if m:formvalue("cbid.dhcp._enable._enable") then m.uci:section("dhcp", "dhcp", nil, { interface = arg[1], start = "100", limit = "150", leasetime = "12h" }) m.uci:save("dhcp") luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/network/network", arg[1])) return end local ifc = net:get_interface() s = m:section(NamedSection, arg[1], "interface", translate("Common Configuration")) s.addremove = false s:tab("general", translate("General Setup")) s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings")) s:tab("physical", translate("Physical Settings")) if has_firewall then s:tab("firewall", translate("Firewall Settings")) end -- if current network is empty, print a warning if not net:is_floating() and net:is_empty() then st = s:taboption("general", DummyValue, "__status", translate("Status")) st.value = translate("There is no device assigned yet, please attach a network device in the \"Physical Settings\" tab") else st = s:taboption("general", DummyValue, "__status", translate("Status")) st.template = "admin_network/iface_status" st.network = arg[1] end p = s:taboption("general", ListValue, "proto", translate("Protocol")) p.default = net:proto() if not net:is_installed() then p_install = s:taboption("general", Button, "_install") p_install.title = translate("Protocol support is not installed") p_install.inputtitle = translate("Install package %q" % net:opkg_package()) p_install.inputstyle = "apply" p_install:depends("proto", net:proto()) function p_install.write() return luci.http.redirect( luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/packages") .. "?submit=1&install=%s" % net:opkg_package() ) end end p_switch = s:taboption("general", Button, "_switch") p_switch.title = translate("Really switch protocol?") p_switch.inputtitle = translate("Switch protocol") p_switch.inputstyle = "apply" local _, pr for _, pr in ipairs(nw:get_protocols()) do p:value(pr:proto(), pr:get_i18n()) if pr:proto() ~= net:proto() then p_switch:depends("proto", pr:proto()) end end auto = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "auto", translate("Bring up on boot")) auto.default = (net:proto() == "none") and auto.disabled or auto.enabled if not net:is_virtual() then br = s:taboption("physical", Flag, "type", translate("Bridge interfaces"), translate("creates a bridge over specified interface(s)")) br.enabled = "bridge" br.rmempty = true br:depends("proto", "static") br:depends("proto", "dhcp") br:depends("proto", "none") stp = s:taboption("physical", Flag, "stp", translate("Enable STP"), translate("Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol on this bridge")) stp:depends("type", "bridge") stp.rmempty = true end if not net:is_floating() then ifname_single = s:taboption("physical", Value, "ifname_single", translate("Interface")) ifname_single.template = "cbi/network_ifacelist" ifname_single.widget = "radio" ifname_single.nobridges = true ifname_single.rmempty = false ifname_single.network = arg[1] ifname_single:depends("type", "") function ifname_single.cfgvalue(self, s) -- let the template figure out the related ifaces through the network model return nil end function ifname_single.write(self, s, val) local i local new_ifs = { } local old_ifs = { } for _, i in ipairs(net:get_interfaces() or { net:get_interface() }) do old_ifs[#old_ifs+1] = i:name() end for i in ut.imatch(val) do new_ifs[#new_ifs+1] = i -- if this is not a bridge, only assign first interface if self.option == "ifname_single" then break end end table.sort(old_ifs) table.sort(new_ifs) for i = 1, math.max(#old_ifs, #new_ifs) do if old_ifs[i] ~= new_ifs[i] then backup_ifnames() for i = 1, #old_ifs do net:del_interface(old_ifs[i]) end for i = 1, #new_ifs do net:add_interface(new_ifs[i]) end break end end end end if not net:is_virtual() then ifname_multi = s:taboption("physical", Value, "ifname_multi", translate("Interface")) ifname_multi.template = "cbi/network_ifacelist" ifname_multi.nobridges = true ifname_multi.rmempty = false ifname_multi.network = arg[1] ifname_multi.widget = "checkbox" ifname_multi:depends("type", "bridge") ifname_multi.cfgvalue = ifname_single.cfgvalue ifname_multi.write = ifname_single.write end if has_firewall then fwzone = s:taboption("firewall", Value, "_fwzone", translate("Create / Assign firewall-zone"), translate("Choose the firewall zone you want to assign to this interface. Select unspecified to remove the interface from the associated zone or fill out the create field to define a new zone and attach the interface to it.")) fwzone.template = "cbi/firewall_zonelist" fwzone.network = arg[1] fwzone.rmempty = false function fwzone.cfgvalue(self, section) self.iface = section local z = fw:get_zone_by_network(section) return z and z:name() end function fwzone.write(self, section, value) local zone = fw:get_zone(value) if not zone and value == '-' then value = m:formvalue(self:cbid(section) .. ".newzone") if value and #value > 0 then zone = fw:add_zone(value) else fw:del_network(section) end end if zone then fw:del_network(section) zone:add_network(section) end end end function p.write() end function p.remove() end function p.validate(self, value, section) if value == net:proto() then if not net:is_floating() and net:is_empty() then local ifn = ((br and (br:formvalue(section) == "bridge")) and ifname_multi:formvalue(section) or ifname_single:formvalue(section)) for ifn in ut.imatch(ifn) do return value end return nil, translate("The selected protocol needs a device assigned") end end return value end local form, ferr = loadfile( ut.libpath() .. "/model/cbi/admin_network/proto_%s.lua" % net:proto() ) if not form then s:taboption("general", DummyValue, "_error", translate("Missing protocol extension for proto %q" % net:proto()) ).value = ferr else setfenv(form, getfenv(1))(m, s, net) end local _, field for _, field in ipairs(s.children) do if field ~= st and field ~= p and field ~= p_install and field ~= p_switch then if next(field.deps) then local _, dep for _, dep in ipairs(field.deps) do dep.deps.proto = net:proto() end else field:depends("proto", net:proto()) end end end -- -- Display IP Aliases -- if not net:is_floating() then s2 = m:section(TypedSection, "alias", translate("IP-Aliases")) s2.addremove = true s2:depends("interface", arg[1]) s2.defaults.interface = arg[1] s2:tab("general", translate("General Setup")) s2.defaults.proto = "static" ip = s2:taboption("general", Value, "ipaddr", translate("IPv4-Address")) ip.optional = true ip.datatype = "ip4addr" nm = s2:taboption("general", Value, "netmask", translate("IPv4-Netmask")) nm.optional = true nm.datatype = "ip4addr" nm:value("") nm:value("") nm:value("") gw = s2:taboption("general", Value, "gateway", translate("IPv4-Gateway")) gw.optional = true gw.datatype = "ip4addr" if has_ipv6 then s2:tab("ipv6", translate("IPv6 Setup")) ip6 = s2:taboption("ipv6", Value, "ip6addr", translate("IPv6-Address"), translate("CIDR-Notation: address/prefix")) ip6.optional = true ip6.datatype = "ip6addr" gw6 = s2:taboption("ipv6", Value, "ip6gw", translate("IPv6-Gateway")) gw6.optional = true gw6.datatype = "ip6addr" end s2:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings")) bcast = s2:taboption("advanced", Value, "bcast", translate("IPv4-Broadcast")) bcast.optional = true bcast.datatype = "ip4addr" dns = s2:taboption("advanced", Value, "dns", translate("DNS-Server")) dns.optional = true dns.datatype = "ip4addr" end -- -- Display DNS settings if dnsmasq is available -- if has_dnsmasq and net:proto() == "static" then m2 = Map("dhcp", "", "") local has_section = false m2.uci:foreach("dhcp", "dhcp", function(s) if s.interface == arg[1] then has_section = true return false end end) if not has_section then s = m2:section(TypedSection, "dhcp", translate("DHCP Server")) s.anonymous = true s.cfgsections = function() return { "_enable" } end x = s:option(Button, "_enable") x.title = translate("No DHCP Server configured for this interface") x.inputtitle = translate("Setup DHCP Server") x.inputstyle = "apply" else s = m2:section(TypedSection, "dhcp", translate("DHCP Server")) s.addremove = false s.anonymous = true s:tab("general", translate("General Setup")) s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings")) function s.filter(self, section) return m2.uci:get("dhcp", section, "interface") == arg[1] end local ignore = s:taboption("general", Flag, "ignore", translate("Ignore interface"), translate("Disable DHCP for " .. "this interface.")) local start = s:taboption("general", Value, "start", translate("Start"), translate("Lowest leased address as offset from the network address.")) start.optional = true start.datatype = "uinteger" start.default = "100" local limit = s:taboption("general", Value, "limit", translate("Limit"), translate("Maximum number of leased addresses.")) limit.optional = true limit.datatype = "uinteger" limit.default = "150" local ltime = s:taboption("general", Value, "leasetime", translate("Leasetime"), translate("Expiry time of leased addresses, minimum is 2 Minutes (2m).")) ltime.rmempty = true ltime.default = "12h" local dd = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "dynamicdhcp", translate("Dynamic DHCP"), translate("Dynamically allocate DHCP addresses for clients. If disabled, only " .. "clients having static leases will be served.")) dd.default = dd.enabled s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "force", translate("Force"), translate("Force DHCP on this network even if another server is detected.")) -- XXX: is this actually useful? --s:taboption("advanced", Value, "name", translate("Name"), -- translate("Define a name for this network.")) mask = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "netmask", translate("IPv4-Netmask"), translate("Override the netmask sent to clients. Normally it is calculated " .. "from the subnet that is served.")) mask.optional = true mask.datatype = "ip4addr" s:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "dhcp_option", translate("DHCP-Options"), translate("Define additional DHCP options, for example \"6,," .. "\" which advertises different DNS servers to clients.")) for i, n in ipairs(s.children) do if n ~= ignore then n:depends("ignore", "") end end end end return m, m2