<%- if firstmap and messages then local msg; for _, msg in ipairs(messages) do -%> <div class="errorbox"><%=pcdata(msg)%></div> <%- end end -%> <%-+cbi/apply_xhr-%> <div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>"> <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then %><h2 name="content"><%=self.title%></h2><% end %> <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then %><div class="cbi-map-descr"><%=self.description%></div><% end %> <%- if firstmap and applymap then cbi_apply_xhr(self.config, parsechain, redirect) end -%> <% if self.tabbed then %> <ul class="cbi-tabmenu map"> <%- self.selected_tab = luci.http.formvalue("tab.m-" .. self.config) %> <% for i, section in ipairs(self.children) do %> <%- if not self.selected_tab then self.selected_tab = section.sectiontype end %> <li id="tab.m-<%=self.config%>.<%=section.sectiontype%>" class="cbi-tab<%=(section.sectiontype == self.selected_tab) and '' or '-disabled'%>"> <a onclick="this.blur(); return cbi_t_switch('m-<%=self.config%>', '<%=section.sectiontype%>')" href="<%=REQUEST_URI%>?tab.m-<%=self.config%>=<%=section.sectiontype%>"><%=section.title or section.sectiontype %></a> <% if section.sectiontype == self.selected_tab then %><input type="hidden" id="tab.m-<%=self.config%>" name="tab.m-<%=self.config%>" value="<%=section.sectiontype%>" /><% end %> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% for i, section in ipairs(self.children) do %> <div class="cbi-tabcontainer" id="container.m-<%=self.config%>.<%=section.sectiontype%>"<% if section.sectiontype ~= self.selected_tab then %> style="display:none"<% end %>> <% section:render() %> </div> <script type="text/javascript">cbi_t_add('m-<%=self.config%>', '<%=section.sectiontype%>')</script> <% end %> <% else %> <%- self:render_children() %> <% end %> <br /> </div>