--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- require "luci.util" local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local dk = docker.new() container_id = arg[1] local action = arg[2] or "info" local m, s, o local images, networks, container_info, res if not container_id then return end res = dk.containers:inspect({id = container_id}) if res.code < 300 then container_info = res.body else return end res = dk.networks:list() if res.code < 300 then networks = res.body else return end local get_ports = function(d) local data if d.HostConfig and d.HostConfig.PortBindings then for inter, out in pairs(d.HostConfig.PortBindings) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. out[1]["HostPort"] .. ":" .. inter end end return data end local get_env = function(d) local data if d.Config and d.Config.Env then for _,v in ipairs(d.Config.Env) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. v end end return data end local get_command = function(d) local data if d.Config and d.Config.Cmd then for _,v in ipairs(d.Config.Cmd) do data = (data and (data .. " ") or "") .. v end end return data end local get_mounts = function(d) local data if d.Mounts then for _,v in ipairs(d.Mounts) do local v_sorce_d, v_dest_d local v_sorce = "" local v_dest = "" for v_sorce_d in v["Source"]:gmatch('[^/]+') do if v_sorce_d and #v_sorce_d > 12 then v_sorce = v_sorce .. "/" .. v_sorce_d:sub(1,12) .. "..." else v_sorce = v_sorce .."/".. v_sorce_d end end for v_dest_d in v["Destination"]:gmatch('[^/]+') do if v_dest_d and #v_dest_d > 12 then v_dest = v_dest .. "/" .. v_dest_d:sub(1,12) .. "..." else v_dest = v_dest .."/".. v_dest_d end end data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. v_sorce .. ":" .. v["Destination"] .. (v["Mode"] ~= "" and (":" .. v["Mode"]) or "") end end return data end local get_device = function(d) local data if d.HostConfig and d.HostConfig.Devices then for _,v in ipairs(d.HostConfig.Devices) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. v["PathOnHost"] .. ":" .. v["PathInContainer"] .. (v["CgroupPermissions"] ~= "" and (":" .. v["CgroupPermissions"]) or "") end end return data end local get_links = function(d) local data if d.HostConfig and d.HostConfig.Links then for _,v in ipairs(d.HostConfig.Links) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. v end end return data end local get_tmpfs = function(d) local data if d.HostConfig and d.HostConfig.Tmpfs then for k, v in pairs(d.HostConfig.Tmpfs) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. k .. (v~="" and ":" or "")..v end end return data end local get_dns = function(d) local data if d.HostConfig and d.HostConfig.Dns then for _, v in ipairs(d.HostConfig.Dns) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. v end end return data end local get_sysctl = function(d) local data if d.HostConfig and d.HostConfig.Sysctls then for k, v in pairs(d.HostConfig.Sysctls) do data = (data and (data .. "
") or "") .. k..":"..v end end return data end local get_networks = function(d) local data={} if d.NetworkSettings and d.NetworkSettings.Networks and type(d.NetworkSettings.Networks) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(d.NetworkSettings.Networks) do data[k] = v.IPAddress or "" end end return data end local start_stop_remove = function(m, cmd) local res docker:clear_status() docker:append_status("Containers: " .. cmd .. " " .. container_id .. "...") if cmd ~= "upgrade" then res = dk.containers[cmd](dk, {id = container_id}) else res = dk.containers_upgrade(dk, {id = container_id}) end if res and res.code >= 300 then docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message)) luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/container/"..container_id)) else docker:clear_status() if cmd ~= "remove" and cmd ~= "upgrade" then luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/container/"..container_id)) else luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/containers")) end end end m=SimpleForm("docker", container_info.Name:sub(2), translate("Docker Container") ) m.redirect = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/containers") s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/apply_widget" s.err=docker:read_status() s.err=s.err and s.err:gsub("\n","
"):gsub(" "," ") if s.err then docker:clear_status() end s = m:section(Table,{{}}) s.notitle=true s.rowcolors=false s.template = "cbi/nullsection" o = s:option(Button, "_start") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Start") o.inputstyle = "apply" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"start") end o = s:option(Button, "_restart") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Restart") o.inputstyle = "reload" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"restart") end o = s:option(Button, "_stop") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Stop") o.inputstyle = "reset" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"stop") end o = s:option(Button, "_kill") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Kill") o.inputstyle = "reset" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"kill") end o = s:option(Button, "_upgrade") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Upgrade") o.inputstyle = "reload" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"upgrade") end o = s:option(Button, "_duplicate") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Duplicate/Edit") o.inputstyle = "add" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/newcontainer/duplicate/"..container_id)) end o = s:option(Button, "_remove") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputtitle=translate("Remove") o.inputstyle = "remove" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) start_stop_remove(m,"remove") end s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/container" if action == "info" then m.submit = false m.reset = false table_info = { ["01name"] = { _key = translate("Name"), _value = container_info.Name:sub(2) or "-", _button=translate("Update") }, ["02id"] = { _key = translate("ID"), _value = container_info.Id or "-" }, ["03image"] = { _key = translate("Image"), _value = container_info.Config.Image .. "
" .. container_info.Image }, ["04status"] = { _key = translate("Status"), _value = container_info.State and container_info.State.Status or "-" }, ["05created"] = { _key = translate("Created"), _value = container_info.Created or "-" }, } if container_info.State.Status == "running" then table_info["06start"] = { _key = translate("Start Time"), _value = container_info.State and container_info.State.StartedAt or "-" } else table_info["06start"] = { _key = translate("Finish Time"), _value = container_info.State and container_info.State.FinishedAt or "-" } end table_info["07healthy"] = { _key = translate("Healthy"), _value = container_info.State and container_info.State.Health and container_info.State.Health.Status or "-" } table_info["08restart"] = { _key = translate("Restart Policy"), _value = container_info.HostConfig and container_info.HostConfig.RestartPolicy and container_info.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name or "-", _button=translate("Update") } table_info["081user"] = { _key = translate("User"), _value = container_info.Config and (container_info.Config.User ~="" and container_info.Config.User or "-") or "-" } table_info["09mount"] = { _key = translate("Mount/Volume"), _value = get_mounts(container_info) or "-" } table_info["10cmd"] = { _key = translate("Command"), _value = get_command(container_info) or "-" } table_info["11env"] = { _key = translate("Env"), _value = get_env(container_info) or "-" } table_info["12ports"] = { _key = translate("Ports"), _value = get_ports(container_info) or "-" } table_info["13links"] = { _key = translate("Links"), _value = get_links(container_info) or "-" } table_info["14device"] = { _key = translate("Device"), _value = get_device(container_info) or "-" } table_info["15tmpfs"] = { _key = translate("Tmpfs"), _value = get_tmpfs(container_info) or "-" } table_info["16dns"] = { _key = translate("DNS"), _value = get_dns(container_info) or "-" } table_info["17sysctl"] = { _key = translate("Sysctl"), _value = get_sysctl(container_info) or "-" } info_networks = get_networks(container_info) list_networks = {} for _, v in ipairs (networks) do if v.Name then local parent = v.Options and v.Options.parent or nil local ip = v.IPAM and v.IPAM.Config and v.IPAM.Config[1] and v.IPAM.Config[1].Subnet or nil ipv6 = v.IPAM and v.IPAM.Config and v.IPAM.Config[2] and v.IPAM.Config[2].Subnet or nil local network_name = v.Name .. " | " .. v.Driver .. (parent and (" | " .. parent) or "") .. (ip and (" | " .. ip) or "").. (ipv6 and (" | " .. ipv6) or "") list_networks[v.Name] = network_name end end if type(info_networks)== "table" then for k,v in pairs(info_networks) do table_info["14network"..k] = { _key = translate("Network"), value = k.. (v~="" and (" | ".. v) or ""), _button=translate("Disconnect") } list_networks[k]=nil end end table_info["15connect"] = { _key = translate("Connect Network"), _value = list_networks ,_opts = "", _button=translate("Connect") } s = m:section(Table,table_info) s.nodescr=true s.formvalue=function(self, section) return table_info end o = s:option(DummyValue, "_key", translate("Info")) o.width = "20%" o = s:option(ListValue, "_value") o.render = function(self, section, scope) if table_info[section]._key == translate("Name") then self:reset_values() self.template = "cbi/value" self.size = 30 self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} self.default=table_info[section]._value Value.render(self, section, scope) elseif table_info[section]._key == translate("Restart Policy") then self.template = "cbi/lvalue" self:reset_values() self.size = nil self:value("no", "No") self:value("unless-stopped", "Unless stopped") self:value("always", "Always") self:value("on-failure", "On failure") self.default=table_info[section]._value ListValue.render(self, section, scope) elseif table_info[section]._key == translate("Connect Network") then self.template = "cbi/lvalue" self:reset_values() self.size = nil for k,v in pairs(list_networks) do if k ~= "host" then self:value(k,v) end end self.default=table_info[section]._value ListValue.render(self, section, scope) else self:reset_values() self.rawhtml=true self.template = "cbi/dvalue" self.default=table_info[section]._value DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section, value) table_info[section]._value=value end o.validate = function(self, value) return value end o = s:option(Value, "_opts") o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section, value) table_info[section]._opts=value end o.validate = function(self, value) return value end o.render = function(self, section, scope) if table_info[section]._key==translate("Connect Network") then self.template = "cbi/value" self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} self.placeholder = "" self.datatype = "ip4addr" self.default=table_info[section]._opts Value.render(self, section, scope) else self.rawhtml=true self.template = "cbi/dvalue" self.default=table_info[section]._opts DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end o = s:option(Button, "_button") o.forcewrite = true o.render = function(self, section, scope) if table_info[section]._button and table_info[section]._value ~= nil then self.inputtitle=table_info[section]._button self.template = "cbi/button" self.inputstyle = "edit" Button.render(self, section, scope) else self.template = "cbi/dvalue" self.default="" DummyValue.render(self, section, scope) end end o.write = function(self, section, value) local res docker:clear_status() if section == "01name" then docker:append_status("Containers: rename " .. container_id .. "...") local new_name = table_info[section]._value res = dk.containers:rename({ id = container_id, query = { name=new_name } }) elseif section == "08restart" then docker:append_status("Containers: update " .. container_id .. "...") local new_restart = table_info[section]._value res = dk.containers:update({ id = container_id, body = { RestartPolicy = { Name = new_restart } } }) elseif table_info[section]._key == translate("Network") then local _,_,leave_network _, _, leave_network = table_info[section]._value:find("(.-) | .+") leave_network = leave_network or table_info[section]._value docker:append_status("Network: disconnect " .. leave_network .. container_id .. "...") res = dk.networks:disconnect({ name = leave_network, body = { Container = container_id } }) elseif section == "15connect" then local connect_network = table_info[section]._value local network_opiton if connect_network ~= "none" and connect_network ~= "bridge" and connect_network ~= "host" then network_opiton = table_info[section]._opts ~= "" and { IPAMConfig={ IPv4Address=table_info[section]._opts } } or nil end docker:append_status("Network: connect " .. connect_network .. container_id .. "...") res = dk.networks:connect({ name = connect_network, body = { Container = container_id, EndpointConfig= network_opiton } }) end if res and res.code > 300 then docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message)) else docker:clear_status() end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/container/"..container_id.."/info")) end elseif action == "resources" then s = m:section(SimpleSection) o = s:option( Value, "cpus", translate("CPUs"), translate("Number of CPUs. Number is a fractional number. 0.000 means no limit.")) o.placeholder = "1.5" o.rmempty = true o.datatype="ufloat" o.default = container_info.HostConfig.NanoCpus / (10^9) o = s:option(Value, "cpushares", translate("CPU Shares Weight"), translate("CPU shares relative weight, if 0 is set, the system will ignore the value and use the default of 1024.")) o.placeholder = "1024" o.rmempty = true o.datatype="uinteger" o.default = container_info.HostConfig.CpuShares o = s:option(Value, "memory", translate("Memory"), translate("Memory limit (format: []). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g. Minimum is 4M.")) o.placeholder = "128m" o.rmempty = true o.default = container_info.HostConfig.Memory ~=0 and ((container_info.HostConfig.Memory / 1024 /1024) .. "M") or 0 o = s:option(Value, "blkioweight", translate("Block IO Weight"), translate("Block IO weight (relative weight) accepts a weight value between 10 and 1000.")) o.placeholder = "500" o.rmempty = true o.datatype="uinteger" o.default = container_info.HostConfig.BlkioWeight m.handle = function(self, state, data) if state == FORM_VALID then local memory = data.memory if memory and memory ~= 0 then _,_,n,unit = memory:find("([%d%.]+)([%l%u]+)") if n then unit = unit and unit:sub(1,1):upper() or "B" if unit == "M" then memory = tonumber(n) * 1024 * 1024 elseif unit == "G" then memory = tonumber(n) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elseif unit == "K" then memory = tonumber(n) * 1024 else memory = tonumber(n) end end end request_body = { BlkioWeight = tonumber(data.blkioweight), NanoCPUs = tonumber(data.cpus)*10^9, Memory = tonumber(memory), CpuShares = tonumber(data.cpushares) } docker:write_status("Containers: update " .. container_id .. "...") local res = dk.containers:update({id = container_id, body = request_body}) if res and res.code >= 300 then docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message)) else docker:clear_status() end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/container/"..container_id.."/resources")) end end elseif action == "file" then s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/container_file" s.container = container_id m.submit = false m.reset = false elseif action == "inspect" then s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.syslog = luci.jsonc.stringify(container_info, true) s.title = translate("Container Inspect") s.template = "dockerman/logs" m.submit = false m.reset = false elseif action == "logs" then local logs = "" local query ={ stdout = 1, stderr = 1, tail = 1000 } s = m:section(SimpleSection) logs = dk.containers:logs({id = container_id, query = query}) if logs.code == 200 then s.syslog=logs.body else s.syslog="Get Logs ERROR\n"..logs.code..": "..logs.body end s.title=translate("Container Logs") s.template = "dockerman/logs" m.submit = false m.reset = false elseif action == "console" then m.submit = false m.reset = false local cmd_docker = luci.util.exec("which docker"):match("^.+docker") or nil local cmd_ttyd = luci.util.exec("which ttyd"):match("^.+ttyd") or nil if cmd_docker and cmd_ttyd and container_info.State.Status == "running" then local cmd = "/bin/sh" local uid s = m:section(SimpleSection) o = s:option(Value, "command", translate("Command")) o:value("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh") o:value("/bin/ash", "/bin/ash") o:value("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash") o.default = "/bin/sh" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section, value) cmd = value end o = s:option(Value, "uid", translate("UID")) o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section, value) uid = value end o = s:option(Button, "connect") o.render = function(self, section, scope) self.inputstyle = "add" self.title = " " self.inputtitle = translate("Connect") Button.render(self, section, scope) end o.write = function(self, section) local cmd_docker = luci.util.exec("which docker"):match("^.+docker") or nil local cmd_ttyd = luci.util.exec("which ttyd"):match("^.+ttyd") or nil if not cmd_docker or not cmd_ttyd or cmd_docker:match("^%s+$") or cmd_ttyd:match("^%s+$")then return end local kill_ttyd = 'netstat -lnpt | grep ":7682[ \t].*ttyd$" | awk \'{print $NF}\' | awk -F\'/\' \'{print "kill -9 " $1}\' | sh > /dev/null' luci.util.exec(kill_ttyd) local hosts local uci = (require "luci.model.uci").cursor() local remote = uci:get_bool("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint") local host = nil local port = nil local socket = nil if remote then host = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host") or nil port = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port") or nil else socket = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") or nil end if remote and host and port then hosts = host .. ':'.. port elseif socket_path then hosts = "unix://" .. socket_path else return end local start_cmd = cmd_ttyd .. ' -d 2 --once -p 7682 '.. cmd_docker .. ' -H "'.. hosts ..'" exec -it ' .. (uid and uid ~= "" and (" -u ".. uid .. ' ') or "").. container_id .. ' ' .. cmd .. ' &' os.execute(start_cmd) o = s:option(DummyValue, "console") o.container_id = container_id o.template = "dockerman/container_console" end end elseif action == "stats" then local response = dk.containers:top({id = container_id, query = {ps_args="-aux"}}) local container_top if response.code == 200 then container_top=response.body else response = dk.containers:top({id = container_id}) if response.code == 200 then container_top=response.body end end if type(container_top) == "table" then s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.container_id = container_id s.template = "dockerman/container_stats" table_stats = { cpu={ key=translate("CPU Useage"), value='-' }, memory={ key=translate("Memory Useage"), value='-' } } container_top = response.body s = m:section(Table, table_stats, translate("Stats")) s:option(DummyValue, "key", translate("Stats")).width="33%" s:option(DummyValue, "value") top_section = m:section(Table, container_top.Processes, translate("TOP")) for i, v in ipairs(container_top.Titles) do top_section:option(DummyValue, i, translate(v)) end end m.submit = false m.reset = false end return m