-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <yszhou4tech@gmail.com> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local ds = require "luci.dispatcher" local ss = require "luci.model.shadowsocks-libev" local sname = arg[1] local redirect_url = ds.build_url("admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/instances") local s, o local m = Map("shadowsocks-libev") local sdata = m:get(sname) if not sdata then luci.http.redirect(redirect_url) return end local stype = sdata[".type"] m.redirect = redirect_url m.title = "shadowsocks-libev - %s - %s" % {stype, sname} s = m:section(NamedSection, sname, stype) s:tab("general", translate("General Settings")) s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings")) s:taboption("general", Flag, "disabled", translate("Disable")) ss.option_install_package(s, "general") ss.options_common(s, "advanced") if stype == "ss_server" then ss.options_server(s, "general") o = s:taboption("general", Value, "bind_address", translate("Bind address"), translate("The address ss-server will initiate connection from")) o.datatype = "ipaddr" o.placeholder = "" ss.values_ipaddr(o) else ss.options_client(s, "general") if stype == "ss_tunnel" then o = s:taboption("general", Value, "tunnel_address", translate("Tunnel address"), translate("The address ss-tunnel will forward traffic to")) o.datatype = "hostport" end end return m