--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac <https://github.com/lisaac/luci-app-dockerman> ]]-- local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local dk = docker.new() local m, s, o local res, containers, volumes function get_volumes() local data = {} for i, v in ipairs(volumes) do local index = v.Name data[index]={} data[index]["_selected"] = 0 data[index]["_nameraw"] = v.Name data[index]["_name"] = v.Name:sub(1,12) for ci,cv in ipairs(containers) do if cv.Mounts and type(cv.Mounts) ~= "table" then break end for vi, vv in ipairs(cv.Mounts) do if v.Name == vv.Name then data[index]["_containers"] = (data[index]["_containers"] and (data[index]["_containers"] .. " | ") or "").. '<a href='..luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/container/"..cv.Id)..' class="dockerman_link" title="'..translate("Container detail")..'">'.. cv.Names[1]:sub(2)..'</a>' end end end data[index]["_driver"] = v.Driver data[index]["_mountpoint"] = nil for v1 in v.Mountpoint:gmatch('[^/]+') do if v1 == index then data[index]["_mountpoint"] = data[index]["_mountpoint"] .."/" .. v1:sub(1,12) .. "..." else data[index]["_mountpoint"] = (data[index]["_mountpoint"] and data[index]["_mountpoint"] or "").."/".. v1 end end data[index]["_created"] = v.CreatedAt end return data end res = dk.volumes:list() if res.code <300 then volumes = res.body.Volumes else return end res = dk.containers:list({ query = { all=true } }) if res.code <300 then containers = res.body else return end local volume_list = get_volumes() m = SimpleForm("docker", translate("Docker")) m.submit=false m.reset=false s = m:section(Table, volume_list, translate("Volumes")) o = s:option(Flag, "_selected","") o.disabled = 0 o.enabled = 1 o.default = 0 o.write = function(self, section, value) volume_list[section]._selected = value end o = s:option(DummyValue, "_name", translate("Name")) o = s:option(DummyValue, "_driver", translate("Driver")) o = s:option(DummyValue, "_containers", translate("Containers")) o.rawhtml = true o = s:option(DummyValue, "_mountpoint", translate("Mount Point")) o = s:option(DummyValue, "_created", translate("Created")) s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/apply_widget" s.err=docker:read_status() s.err=s.err and s.err:gsub("\n","<br>"):gsub(" "," ") if s.err then docker:clear_status() end s = m:section(Table,{{}}) s.notitle=true s.rowcolors=false s.template="cbi/nullsection" o = s:option(Button, "remove") o.inputtitle= translate("Remove") o.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton" o.inputstyle = "remove" o.forcewrite = true o.write = function(self, section) local volume_selected = {} for k in pairs(volume_list) do if volume_list[k]._selected == 1 then volume_selected[#volume_selected+1] = k end end if next(volume_selected) ~= nil then local success = true docker:clear_status() for _,vol in ipairs(volume_selected) do docker:append_status("Volumes: " .. "remove" .. " " .. vol .. "...") local msg = dk.volumes["remove"](dk, {id = vol}) if msg.code ~= 204 then docker:append_status("code:" .. msg.code.." ".. (msg.body.message and msg.body.message or msg.message).. "\n") success = false else docker:append_status("done\n") end end if success then docker:clear_status() end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/volumes")) end end return m