#!/usr/bin/lua --[[ Luci statistics - collectd configuration generator (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- require("luci.model.uci") require("luci.sys.iptparser") require("luci.util") local ipt = luci.sys.iptparser.IptParser() local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor() local sections = uci:get_all( "luci_statistics" ) function print(...) nixio.stdout:write(...) nixio.stdout:write("\n") end function section( plugin ) local config = sections[ "collectd_" .. plugin ] or sections["collectd"] if type(config) == "table" and ( plugin == "collectd" or config.enable == "1" ) then local params = "" if type( plugins[plugin] ) == "function" then params = plugins[plugin]( config ) else params = config_generic( config, plugins[plugin][1], plugins[plugin][2], plugins[plugin][3], plugin == "collectd" ) end if plugin ~= "collectd" then print( "LoadPlugin " .. plugin ) if params:len() > 0 then print( "\n" .. params .. "\n" ) else print( "" ) end else print( params .. "\n" ) end end end function config_generic( c, singles, bools, lists, nopad ) local str = "" if type(c) == "table" then if type(singles) == "table" then for i, key in ipairs( singles ) do if preprocess[key] then c[key] = preprocess[key](c[key]) end str = str .. _string( c[key], key, nopad ) end end if type(bools) == "table" then for i, key in ipairs( bools ) do if preprocess[key] then c[key] = preprocess[key](c[key]) end str = str .. _bool( c[key], key, nopad ) end end if type(lists) == "table" then str = str .. _list_expand( c, lists, nopad ) end end return str end function config_exec( c ) local str = "" for s in pairs(sections) do for key, type in pairs({ Exec="collectd_exec_input", NotificationExec="collectd_exec_notify" }) do if sections[s][".type"] == type then cmd = sections[s].cmdline if cmd then cmd = cmd:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "") user = sections[s].cmduser or "nobody" group = sections[s].cmdgroup str = str .. "\t" .. key .. ' "' .. user .. ( group and ":" .. group or "" ) .. '" "' .. cmd:gsub('%s+', '" "') .. '"\n' end end end end return str end function config_iptables( c ) local str = "" for s in pairs(sections) do if sections[s][".type"] == "collectd_iptables_match" then search = { } for i, k in ipairs( { "table", "chain", "target", "protocol", "source", "destination", "inputif", "outputif", "options" } ) do v = sections[s][k] if type(v) == "string" then if k == "options" then v = luci.util.split( v, "%s+", nil, true ) end search[k] = v end end for i, rule in ipairs( ipt:find( search ) ) do name = sections[s].name:gsub( "%s+", "_" ) if i > 1 then name = name .. "_(" .. i .. ")" end str = str .. "\tChain " .. rule.table .. " " .. rule.chain .. " " .. rule.index .. ' "' .. name .. "\"\n" end end end return str end function config_network( c ) local str = "" for s in pairs(sections) do for key, type in pairs({ Listen="collectd_network_listen", Server="collectd_network_server" }) do if sections[s][".type"] == type then host = sections[s].host port = sections[s].port if host then if port then str = str .. "\t" .. key .. " \"" .. host .. "\" \"" .. port .. "\"\n" else str = str .. "\t" .. key .. " \"" .. host .. "\"\n" end end end end end return str .. _string( c["TimeToLive"], "TimeToLive" ) .. _string( c["CacheFlush"], "CacheFlush" ) .. _bool( c["Forward"], "Forward" ) end function _list_expand( c, l, nopad ) local str = "" for i, n in ipairs(l) do if c[n] then if preprocess[n] then c[n] = preprocess[n](c[n]) end if n:find("(%w+)ses") then k = n:gsub("(%w+)ses$", "%1s") else k = n:gsub("(%w+)s$", "%1") end str = str .. _expand( c[n], k, nopad ) end end return str end function _expand( s, n, nopad ) local str = "" if type(s) == "string" then for i, v in ipairs( luci.util.split( s, "%s+", nil, true ) ) do str = str .. _string( v, n, nopad ) end elseif type(s) == "table" then for i, v in ipairs(s) do str = str .. _string( v, n, nopad ) end end return str end function _bool( s, n, nopad ) local str = "" local pad = "" if not nopad then pad = "\t" end if s and s == "1" then str = pad .. n .. " true" else str = pad .. n .. " false" end return str .. "\n" end function _string( s, n, nopad ) local str = "" local pad = "" if not nopad then pad = "\t" end if s then if s:find("[^%d]") or n == "Port" then if not s:find("[^%w]") and n ~= "Port" then str = pad .. n .. " " .. luci.util.trim(s) else str = pad .. n .. ' "' .. luci.util.trim(s) .. '"' end else str = pad .. n .. " " .. luci.util.trim(s) end str = str .. "\n" end return str end plugins = { collectd = { { "BaseDir", "Include", "PIDFile", "PluginDir", "TypesDB", "Interval", "ReadThreads", "Hostname" }, { }, { } }, conntrack = { { }, { }, { } }, cpu = { { }, { }, { } }, cpufreq = { { }, { }, { } }, contextswitch = { { }, { }, { } }, csv = { { "DataDir" }, { "StoreRates" }, { } }, df = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Devices", "MountPoints", "FSTypes" } }, disk = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Disks" } }, dns = { { }, { }, { "Interfaces", "IgnoreSources" } }, email = { { "SocketFile", "SocketGroup", "SocketPerms", "MaxConns" }, { }, { } }, entropy = { { }, { }, { } }, exec = config_exec, interface = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Interfaces" } }, iptables = config_iptables, irq = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Irqs" } }, iwinfo = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Interfaces" } }, load = { { }, { }, { } }, logfile = { { "LogLevel", "File" }, { "Timestamp" }, { } }, memory = { { }, { }, { } }, netlink = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Interfaces", "VerboseInterfaces", "QDiscs", "Classes", "Filters" } }, network = config_network, nut = { { "UPS" }, { }, { } }, olsrd = { { "Host", "Port", "CollectLinks","CollectRoutes","CollectTopology"}, { }, { } }, openvpn = { { }, { "CollectIndividualUsers", "CollectUserCount", "CollectCompression", "ImprovedNamingSchema" }, { "StatusFile" } }, ping = { { "TTL", "Interval" }, { }, { "Hosts" } }, processes = { { }, { }, { "Processes" } }, rrdtool = { { "DataDir", "StepSize", "HeartBeat", "RRARows", "XFF", "CacheFlush", "CacheTimeout" }, { "RRASingle" }, { "RRATimespans" } }, sensors = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Sensor" } }, splash_leases = { { }, { }, { } }, tcpconns = { { }, { "ListeningPorts" }, { "LocalPorts", "RemotePorts" } }, thermal = { { }, { "IgnoreSelected" }, { "Device" } }, unixsock = { { "SocketFile", "SocketGroup", "SocketPerms" }, { }, { } }, uptime = { { }, { }, { } }, wireless = { { }, { }, { } }, } preprocess = { RRATimespans = function(val) local rv = { } for time in val:gmatch("[^%s]+") do table.insert( rv, luci.util.parse_units(time) ) end return table.concat(rv, " ") end } section("collectd") section("logfile") for plugin in pairs(plugins) do if (plugin ~= "collectd") and (plugin ~= "logfile") then section( plugin ) end end