--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org> Copyright 2010 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@subsignal.org> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- m = Map("network", translate("Switch"), translate("The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network.")) m.uci:foreach("network", "switch", function(x) local switch_name = x.name or x['.name'] local has_vlan4k = nil local has_ptpvid = nil local has_jumbo3 = nil local min_vid = 0 local max_vid = 16 local num_vlans = 16 local num_ports = 5 local cpu_port = 5 local enable_vlan4k = false -- Parse some common switch properties from swconfig help output. local swc = io.popen("swconfig dev %q help 2>/dev/null" % switch_name) if swc then local is_port_attr = false local is_vlan_attr = false while true do local line = swc:read("*l") if not line then break end if line:match("^%s+%-%-vlan") then is_vlan_attr = true elseif line:match("^%s+%-%-port") then is_vlan_attr = false is_port_attr = true elseif line:match("^Switch %d+:") then num_ports, cpu_port, num_vlans = line:match("ports: (%d+) %(cpu @ (%d+)%), vlans: (%d+)") num_ports = tonumber(num_ports) or 5 num_vlans = tonumber(num_vlans) or 16 cpu_port = tonumber(cpu_port) or 5 min_vid = 1 elseif line:match(": pvid") or line:match(": tag") or line:match(": vid") then if is_vlan_attr then has_vlan4k = line:match(": (%w+)") end if is_port_attr then has_ptpvid = line:match(": (%w+)") end elseif line:match(": enable_vlan4k") then enable_vlan4k = true elseif line:match(": max_length") then has_jumbo3 = true end end swc:close() end -- The PVID options (if any) are added to this table so that -- section create below can add the just created vlan to the -- choice list of the PVID options... local pvid_opts = { } -- This function re-reads all existing vlan ids and populates -- PVID options choice lists local function populate_pvids() local vlan_ids = { } m.uci:foreach("network", "switch_vlan", function(s) local vid = s[has_vlan4k or "vlan"] or s["vlan"] if vid ~= nil then vlan_ids[#vlan_ids+1] = vid end end) local opt, vid for _, opt in ipairs(pvid_opts) do opt:reset_values() opt:value("", translate("none")) for _, vid in luci.util.vspairs(vlan_ids) do opt:value(vid, translatef("VLAN %d", tonumber(vid))) end end end -- Switch properties s = m:section(NamedSection, x['.name'], "switch", translatef("Switch %q", switch_name)) s.addremove = false s:option(Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this switch")).default = "1" s:option(Flag, "enable_vlan", translate("Enable VLAN functionality")).default = "1" if enable_vlan4k then s:option(Flag, "enable_vlan4k", translate("Enable 4K VLANs")) end if has_jumbo3 then j = s:option(Flag, "max_length", translate("Enable Jumbo Frame passthrough")) j.enabled = "3" j.rmempty = true end s:option(Flag, "reset", translate("Reset switch during setup")).default = "1" -- VLAN table s = m:section(TypedSection, "switch_vlan", translatef("VLANs on %q", switch_name)) s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true -- Override cfgsections callback to enforce row ordering by vlan id. s.cfgsections = function(self) local osections = TypedSection.cfgsections(self) local sections = { } local section for _, section in luci.util.spairs( osections, function(a, b) return (tonumber(m.uci:get("network", osections[a], has_vlan4k or "vlan")) or 9999) < (tonumber(m.uci:get("network", osections[b], has_vlan4k or "vlan")) or 9999) end ) do sections[#sections+1] = section end return sections end -- When creating a new vlan, preset it with the highest found vid + 1. -- Repopulate the PVID choice lists afterwards. s.create = function(self, section) local sid = TypedSection.create(self, section) local max_nr = 0 local max_id = 0 m.uci:foreach("network", "switch_vlan", function(s) local nr = tonumber(s.vlan) local id = has_vlan4k and tonumber(s[has_vlan4k]) if nr ~= nil and nr > max_nr then max_nr = nr end if id ~= nil and id > max_id then max_id = id end end) m.uci:set("network", sid, "vlan", max_nr + 1) if has_vlan4k then m.uci:set("network", sid, has_vlan4k, max_id + 1) end -- add newly created vlan to the pvid choice list populate_pvids() return sid end -- Repopulate PVId choice lists if a vlan gets removed. s.remove = function(self, section) local rv = TypedSection.remove(self, section) -- repopulate pvid choices populate_pvids() return rv end local port_opts = { } local untagged = { } -- Parse current tagging state from the "ports" option. local portvalue = function(self, section) local pt for pt in (m.uci:get("network", section, "ports") or ""):gmatch("%w+") do local pc, tu = pt:match("^(%d+)([tu]*)") if pc == self.option then return (#tu > 0) and tu or "u" end end return "" end -- Validate port tagging. Ensure that a port is only untagged once, -- bail out if not. local portvalidate = function(self, value, section) -- ensure that the ports appears untagged only once if value == "u" then if not untagged[self.option] then untagged[self.option] = true else return nil, translatef("Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!", tonumber(self.option) + 1) end end return value end local vid = s:option(Value, has_vlan4k or "vlan", "VLAN ID") vid.rmempty = false vid.forcewrite = true -- Validate user provided VLAN ID, make sure its within the bounds -- allowed by the switch. vid.validate = function(self, value, section) local v = tonumber(value) local m = has_vlan4k and 4094 or (num_vlans - 1) if v ~= nil and v >= min_vid and v <= m then return value else return nil, translatef("Invalid VLAN ID given! Only IDs between %d and %d are allowed.", min_vid, m) end end -- When writing the "vid" or "vlan" option, serialize the port states -- as well and write them as "ports" option to uci. vid.write = function(self, section, value) local o local p = { } for _, o in ipairs(port_opts) do local v = o:formvalue(section) if v == "t" then p[#p+1] = o.option .. v elseif v == "u" then p[#p+1] = o.option end end m.uci:set("network", section, "ports", table.concat(p, " ")) return Value.write(self, section, value) end -- Fallback to "vlan" option if "vid" option is supported but unset. vid.cfgvalue = function(self, section) return m.uci:get("network", section, has_vlan4k or "vlan") or m.uci:get("network", section, "vlan") end -- Build per-port off/untagged/tagged choice lists. local pt for pt = 0, num_ports - 1 do local po = s:option(ListValue, tostring(pt), (pt == cpu_port) and translate("CPU") or translatef("Port %d", (pt + 1))) po:value("", translate("off")) po:value("u" % pt, translate("untagged")) po:value("t" % pt, translate("tagged")) po.cfgvalue = portvalue po.validate = portvalidate po.write = function() end port_opts[#port_opts+1] = po end -- Does this switch support PVIDs? if has_ptpvid then -- Spawn a "virtual" section. We just attach it to the global -- switch section here, the overrides below take care of writing -- the actual values to the correct uci sections. s = m:section(TypedSection, "switch", translatef("Port PVIDs on %q", switch_name), translate("Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify " .. "the default VLAN ID added to received untagged frames.")) s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.addremove = false s.anonymous = true -- Build port list, store pointers to the option objects in the -- pvid_opts array so that other callbacks can repopulate their -- choice lists. local pt for pt = 0, num_ports - 1 do local po = s:option(ListValue, tostring(pt), (pt == cpu_port) and translate("CPU") or translatef("Port %d", (pt + 1))) -- When cbi queries the current config value for this post, -- lookup the associated switch_port section (if any) and -- return its "pvid" or "vlan" option value. po.cfgvalue = function(self, section) local val m.uci:foreach("network", "switch_port", function(s) if s.port == self.option then val = s[has_ptpvid] return false end end) return val end -- On write, find the actual switch_port section associated -- to this port and set the value there. Create a new -- switch_port section for this port if there is none yet. po.write = function(self, section, value) local found = false m.uci:foreach("network", "switch_port", function(s) if s.port == self.option then m.uci:set("network", s['.name'], has_ptpvid, value) found = true return false end end) if not found then m.uci:section("network", "switch_port", nil, { ["port"] = self.option, [has_ptpvid] = value }) end end -- If the user cleared the PVID value on this port, find -- the associated switch_port section and clear it. -- If the section does not contain any other unrelated -- options (like led or blinkrate) then remove it completely, -- else just clear out the "pvid" option. po.remove = function(self, section) m.uci:foreach("network", "switch_port", function(s) if s.port == self.option then local k, found local empty = true for k, _ in pairs(s) do if k:sub(1,1) ~= "." and k ~= "port" and k ~= has_ptpvid then empty = false break end end if empty then m.uci:delete("network", s['.name']) else m.uci:delete("network", s['.name'], has_ptpvid) end return false end end) end -- The referenced VLAN might just have been removed, simply -- return "" (none) in this case to avoid triggering a -- validation error. po.validate = function(...) return ListValue.validate(...) or "" end pvid_opts[#pvid_opts+1] = po end populate_pvids() end end ) return m