'use strict'; 'require baseclass'; 'require view'; 'require fs'; 'require ui'; var isReadonlyView = !L.hasViewPermission() || null; var SSHPubkeyDecoder = baseclass.singleton({ lengthDecode: function(s, off) { var l = (s.charCodeAt(off++) << 24) | (s.charCodeAt(off++) << 16) | (s.charCodeAt(off++) << 8) | s.charCodeAt(off++); if (l < 0 || (off + l) > s.length) return -1; return l; }, decode: function(s) { var parts = s.split(/\s+/); if (parts.length < 2) return null; var key = null; try { key = atob(parts[1]); } catch(e) {} if (!key) return null; var off, len; off = 0; len = this.lengthDecode(key, off); if (len <= 0) return null; var type = key.substr(off + 4, len); if (type !== parts[0]) return null; off += 4 + len; var len1 = off < key.length ? this.lengthDecode(key, off) : 0; if (len1 <= 0) return null; var curve = null; if (type.indexOf('ecdsa-sha2-') === 0) { curve = key.substr(off + 4, len1); if (!len1 || type.substr(11) !== curve) return null; type = 'ecdsa-sha2'; curve = curve.replace(/^nistp(\d+)$/, 'NIST P-$1'); } off += 4 + len1; var len2 = off < key.length ? this.lengthDecode(key, off) : 0; if (len2 < 0) return null; if (len1 & 1) len1--; if (len2 & 1) len2--; var comment = parts.slice(2).join(' '), fprint = parts[1].length > 68 ? parts[1].substr(0, 33) + '…' + parts[1].substr(-34) : parts[1]; switch (type) { case 'ssh-rsa': return { type: 'RSA', bits: len2 * 8, comment: comment, fprint: fprint }; case 'ssh-dss': return { type: 'DSA', bits: len1 * 8, comment: comment, fprint: fprint }; case 'ssh-ed25519': return { type: 'ECDH', curve: 'Curve25519', comment: comment, fprint: fprint }; case 'ecdsa-sha2': return { type: 'ECDSA', curve: curve, comment: comment, fprint: fprint }; default: return null; } } }); function renderKeys(keys) { var list = document.querySelector('.cbi-dynlist'); while (!matchesElem(list.firstElementChild, '.add-item')) list.removeChild(list.firstElementChild); keys.forEach(function(key) { var pubkey = SSHPubkeyDecoder.decode(key); if (pubkey) list.insertBefore(E('div', { class: 'item', click: removeKey, 'data-key': key }, [ E('strong', pubkey.comment || _('Unnamed key')), E('br'), E('small', [ '%s, %s'.format(pubkey.type, pubkey.curve || _('%d Bit').format(pubkey.bits)), E('br'), E('code', pubkey.fprint) ]) ]), list.lastElementChild); }); if (list.firstElementChild === list.lastElementChild) list.insertBefore(E('p', _('No public keys present yet.')), list.lastElementChild); } function saveKeys(keys) { return fs.write('/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys', keys.join('\n') + '\n', 384 /* 0600 */) .then(renderKeys.bind(this, keys)) .catch(function(e) { ui.addNotification(null, E('p', e.message)) }) .finally(ui.hideModal); } function addKey(ev) { var list = findParent(ev.target, '.cbi-dynlist'), input = list.querySelector('input[type="text"]'), key = input.value.trim(), pubkey = SSHPubkeyDecoder.decode(key), keys = []; if (!key.length) return; list.querySelectorAll('.item').forEach(function(item) { keys.push(item.getAttribute('data-key')); }); if (keys.indexOf(key) !== -1) { ui.showModal(_('Add key'), [ E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' }, _('The given SSH public key has already been added.')), E('div', { class: 'right' }, E('div', { class: 'btn', click: L.hideModal }, _('Close'))) ]); } else if (!pubkey) { ui.showModal(_('Add key'), [ E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' }, _('The given SSH public key is invalid. Please supply proper public RSA or ECDSA keys.')), E('div', { class: 'right' }, E('div', { class: 'btn', click: L.hideModal }, _('Close'))) ]); } else { keys.push(key); input.value = ''; return saveKeys(keys).then(function() { var added = list.querySelector('[data-key="%s"]'.format(key)); if (added) added.classList.add('flash'); }); } } function removeKey(ev) { var list = findParent(ev.target, '.cbi-dynlist'), delkey = ev.target.getAttribute('data-key'), keys = []; list.querySelectorAll('.item').forEach(function(item) { var key = item.getAttribute('data-key'); if (key !== delkey) keys.push(key); }); L.showModal(_('Delete key'), [ E('div', _('Do you really want to delete the following SSH key?')), E('pre', delkey), E('div', { class: 'right' }, [ E('div', { class: 'btn', click: L.hideModal }, _('Cancel')), ' ', E('div', { class: 'btn danger', click: ui.createHandlerFn(this, saveKeys, keys) }, _('Delete key')), ]) ]); } function dragKey(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; } function dropKey(ev) { var file = ev.dataTransfer.files[0], input = ev.currentTarget.querySelector('input[type="text"]'), reader = new FileReader(); if (file) { reader.onload = function(rev) { input.value = rev.target.result.trim(); addKey(ev); input.value = ''; }; reader.readAsText(file); } ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); } function handleWindowDragDropIgnore(ev) { ev.preventDefault() } return view.extend({ load: function() { return fs.lines('/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys').then(function(lines) { return lines.filter(function(line) { return line.match(/^(ssh-rsa|ssh-dss|ssh-ed25519|ecdsa-sha2)\b/) != null; }); }); }, render: function(keys) { var list = E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-dynlist', 'dragover': isReadonlyView ? null : dragKey, 'drop': isReadonlyView ? null : dropKey }, [ E('div', { 'class': 'add-item' }, [ E('input', { 'class': 'cbi-input-text', 'type': 'text', 'placeholder': _('Paste or drag SSH key file…') , 'keydown': function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode === 13) addKey(ev) }, 'disabled': isReadonlyView }), E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, addKey), 'disabled': isReadonlyView }, _('Add key')) ]) ]); keys.forEach(L.bind(function(key) { var pubkey = SSHPubkeyDecoder.decode(key); if (pubkey) list.insertBefore(E('div', { class: 'item', click: isReadonlyView ? null : ui.createHandlerFn(this, removeKey), 'data-key': key }, [ E('strong', pubkey.comment || _('Unnamed key')), E('br'), E('small', [ '%s, %s'.format(pubkey.type, pubkey.curve || _('%d Bit').format(pubkey.bits)), E('br'), E('code', pubkey.fprint) ]) ]), list.lastElementChild); }, this)); if (list.firstElementChild === list.lastElementChild) list.insertBefore(E('p', _('No public keys present yet.')), list.lastElementChild); window.addEventListener('dragover', handleWindowDragDropIgnore); window.addEventListener('drop', handleWindowDragDropIgnore); return E('div', {}, [ E('h2', _('SSH-Keys')), E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-descr' }, _('Public keys allow for the passwordless SSH logins with a higher security compared to the use of plain passwords. In order to upload a new key to the device, paste an OpenSSH compatible public key line or drag a <code>.pub</code> file into the input field.')), E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-node' }, list) ]); }, handleSaveApply: null, handleSave: null, handleReset: null });