--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org> Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net> Copyright 2014 Christian Schoenebeck <christian dot schoenebeck at gmail dot com> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- module("luci.controller.ddns", package.seeall) local NX = require "nixio" local NXFS = require "nixio.fs" local DISP = require "luci.dispatcher" local HTTP = require "luci.http" local UCI = require "luci.model.uci" local SYS = require "luci.sys" local DDNS = require "luci.tools.ddns" -- ddns multiused functions local UTIL = require "luci.util" local luci_ddns_version = "2.1.0-1" -- luci-app-ddns / openwrt Makefile compatible version local ddns_scripts_min = "2.1.0-1" -- minimum version of ddns-scripts required function index() -- above 'require "mod"' definitions are not recognized -- inside index() during initialisation -- no configuration file, don't start if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/ddns") then return end -- ddns-scripts 1.0.0 installed, run old luci app if not nixio.fs.access("/usr/lib/ddns/services_ipv6") or nixio.fs.access("/usr/lib/ddns/url_escape.sed") then local page page = entry({"admin", "services", "ddns"}, cbi("ddns/ddns"), _("Dynamic DNS"), 60) page.dependent = true page = entry({"mini", "network", "ddns"}, cbi("ddns/ddns", {autoapply=true}), _("Dynamic DNS"), 60) page.dependent = true -- it looks like ddns-scripts 2.x.x are installed else entry( {"admin", "services", "ddns"}, cbi("ddns/overview"), _("Dynamic DNS"), 59) entry( {"admin", "services", "ddns", "detail"}, cbi("ddns/detail"), nil ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "ddns", "hints"}, cbi("ddns/hints", {hideapplybtn=true, hidesavebtn=true, hideresetbtn=true}), nil ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "ddns", "logview"}, call("logread") ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "ddns", "startstop"}, call("startstop") ).leaf = true entry( {"admin", "services", "ddns", "status"}, call("status") ).leaf = true end end -- function to read all sections status and return data array local function _get_status() local uci = UCI.cursor() local service = SYS.init.enabled("ddns") and 1 or 0 local url_start = DISP.build_url("admin", "system", "startup") local luci_build = DDNS.ipkg_version("luci-app-ddns").version local ddns_act = DDNS.ipkg_version("ddns-scripts").version local data = {} -- Array to transfer data to javascript data[#data+1] = { enabled = service, -- service enabled url_up = url_start, -- link to enable DDS (System-Startup) luci_ver = luci_ddns_version, -- luci-app-ddns / openwrt Makefile compatible version luci_build = luci_build, -- installed luci build script_min = ddns_scripts_min, -- minimum version of ddns-scripts needed script_ver = ddns_act -- installed ddns-scripts } uci:foreach("ddns", "service", function (s) -- Get section we are looking at -- and enabled state local section = s[".name"] local enabled = tonumber(s["enabled"]) or 0 local datelast = "_empty_" -- formated date of last update local datenext = "_empty_" -- formated date of next update -- get force seconds local force_seconds = DDNS.calc_seconds( tonumber(s["force_interval"]) or 72 , s["force_unit"] or "hours" ) -- get/validate pid and last update local pid = DDNS.get_pid(section) local uptime = SYS.uptime() local lasttime = DDNS.get_lastupd(section) if lasttime > uptime then -- /var might not be linked to /tmp lasttime = 0 -- and/or not cleared on reboot end -- no last update happen if lasttime == 0 then datelast = "_never_" -- we read last update else -- calc last update -- sys.epoch - sys uptime + lastupdate(uptime) local epoch = os.time() - uptime + lasttime -- use linux date to convert epoch datelast = DDNS.epoch2date(epoch) -- calc and fill next update datenext = DDNS.epoch2date(epoch + force_seconds) end -- process running but update needs to happen -- problems it force_seconds > uptime force_seconds = (force_seconds > uptime) and uptime or force_seconds if pid > 0 and ( lasttime + force_seconds - uptime ) <= 0 then datenext = "_verify_" -- run once elseif force_seconds == 0 then datenext = "_runonce_" -- no process running and NOT enabled elseif pid == 0 and enabled == 0 then datenext = "_disabled_" -- no process running and NOT elseif pid == 0 and enabled ~= 0 then datenext = "_stopped_" end -- get/set monitored interface and IP version local iface = s["interface"] or "_nonet_" local use_ipv6 = tonumber(s["use_ipv6"]) or 0 if iface ~= "_nonet_" then local ipv = (use_ipv6 == 1) and "IPv6" or "IPv4" iface = ipv .. " / " .. iface end -- try to get registered IP local domain = s["domain"] or "_nodomain_" local dnsserver = s["dns_server"] or "" local force_ipversion = tonumber(s["force_ipversion"] or 0) local force_dnstcp = tonumber(s["force_dnstcp"] or 0) local command = [[/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh]] command = command .. [[ get_registered_ip ]] .. domain .. [[ ]] .. use_ipv6 .. [[ ]] .. force_ipversion .. [[ ]] .. force_dnstcp .. [[ ]] .. dnsserver local reg_ip = SYS.exec(command) if reg_ip == "" then reg_ip = "_nodata_" end -- fill transfer array data[#data+1] = { section = section, enabled = enabled, iface = iface, domain = domain, reg_ip = reg_ip, pid = pid, datelast = datelast, datenext = datenext } end) uci:unload("ddns") return data end -- called by XHR.get from detail_logview.htm function logread(section) -- read application settings local uci = UCI.cursor() local log_dir = uci:get("ddns", "global", "log_dir") or "/var/log/ddns" local lfile=log_dir .. "/" .. section .. ".log" local ldata=NXFS.readfile(lfile) if not ldata or #ldata == 0 then ldata="_nodata_" end uci:unload("ddns") HTTP.write(ldata) end -- called by XHR.get from overview_status.htm function startstop(section, enabled) local uci = UCI.cursor() local data = {} -- Array to transfer data to javascript -- if process running we want to stop and return local pid = DDNS.get_pid(section) if pid > 0 then local tmp = NX.kill(pid, 15) -- terminate NX.nanosleep(2) -- 2 second "show time" -- status changed so return full status data = _get_status() HTTP.prepare_content("application/json") HTTP.write_json(data) return end -- read uncommited changes -- we don't save and commit data from other section or other options -- only enabled will be done local exec = true local changed = uci:changes("ddns") for k_config, v_section in pairs(changed) do -- security check because uci.changes only gets our config if k_config ~= "ddns" then exec = false break end for k_section, v_option in pairs(v_section) do -- check if only section of button was changed if k_section ~= section then exec = false break end for k_option, v_value in pairs(v_option) do -- check if only enabled was changed if k_option ~= "enabled" then exec = false break end end end end -- we can not execute because other -- uncommited changes pending, so exit here if not exec then HTTP.write("_uncommited_") return end -- save enable state uci:set("ddns", section, "enabled", ( (enabled == "true") and "1" or "0") ) uci:save("ddns") uci:commit("ddns") uci:unload("ddns") -- start dynamic_dns_updater.sh script os.execute ([[/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh %s 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &]] % section) NX.nanosleep(3) -- 3 seconds "show time" -- status changed so return full status data = _get_status() HTTP.prepare_content("application/json") HTTP.write_json(data) end -- called by XHR.poll from overview_status.htm function status() local data = _get_status() HTTP.prepare_content("application/json") HTTP.write_json(data) end -- check if installed ddns-scripts version < required version function update_needed() local sver = DDNS.ipkg_version("ddns-scripts") local rver = UTIL.split(ddns_scripts_min, "[%.%-]", nil, true) return (sver.major < (tonumber(rver[1]) or 0)) or (sver.minor < (tonumber(rver[2]) or 0)) or (sver.patch < (tonumber(rver[3]) or 0)) or (sver.build < (tonumber(rver[4]) or 0)) end