// // Rendering of DSL spectrum graphs showing // US/DS SNR and US/DS bits/tone // // This version does depend on an ubus version that support DSL line stattiscis but // does not depend on chart.js or any other package class DataSet { constructor (input, extractFunction) { this.groupSize = input.groupsize; this.numData = input.groups; // needs to be validated with various input this.maxX = this.numData * this.groupSize; this.data = input.data.map(extractFunction, {groupSize: this.groupSize} ); } } function myBitsFunction(value, index, array) { return({x: index, y: value, error: false}); } function mySnrFunction(value, index, array) { let result; if (value == null) { result = { x: index * this.groupSize, y: -40 , error: true } } else { result = { x: index * this.groupSize, y: value, error: false } } return(result); } function myQLNFunction(value, index, array) { let result; if (value == null) { result = { x: index * this.groupSize, y: - 150, error: true } } else { result = { x: index * this.groupSize, y: value, error: false } } return(result); } function myHLOGFunction(value, index, array) { let result; if (value == null) { result = { x: index * this.groupSize, y: -100, error: true } } else { result = { x: index * this.groupSize, y: value, error: false } } return(result); } const usSnrData = new DataSet(window.json['snr']['upstream'], mySnrFunction); const dsSnrData = new DataSet(window.json['snr']['downstream'], mySnrFunction); const usBitsData = new DataSet(window.json['bits']['upstream'], myBitsFunction); const dsBitsData = new DataSet(window.json['bits']['downstream'], myBitsFunction); const usQLNData = new DataSet(window.json['qln']['upstream'], myQLNFunction); const dsQLNData = new DataSet(window.json['qln']['downstream'], myQLNFunction); const usHLOGData = new DataSet(window.json['hlog']['upstream'], myHLOGFunction); const dsHLOGData = new DataSet(window.json['hlog']['downstream'], myHLOGFunction); const marginX = 50; const marginY = 80; let darkMode = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].parentNode.dataset.darkmode; let bitsChart = { "config": { "canvas": document.getElementById("bitsChart"), "ctx" : document.getElementById("bitsChart").getContext("2d"), "minX" : 0, "maxX" : Math.max(dsBitsData.maxX, usBitsData.maxX), "stepX": Math.max(dsBitsData.maxX, usBitsData.maxX) / 16, "graphWidth" : document.getElementById("bitsChart").width - 2 * marginX, "lineWidth" : 1, "titleX" : _("Sub-carrier"), "minY" : 0, "maxY" : 16, "stepY": 2, "graphHeight" : document.getElementById("bitsChart").height - 2 * marginY, "titleY" : _("bits") }, "dataSet" : [ { "data" :usBitsData.data, "color":"YellowGreen", "title": ("Upstream bits allocation") }, { "data" : dsBitsData.data, "color": "navy", "title": _("Downstream bits allocation") } ] }; let dBChart = { "config": { "canvas": document.getElementById("dbChart"), "ctx" : document.getElementById("dbChart").getContext("2d"), "minX" : 0, "maxX" : Math.max(dsSnrData.maxX, usSnrData.maxX), "stepX": Math.max(dsSnrData.maxX, usSnrData.maxX) / 16, "graphWidth" : document.getElementById("dbChart").width - 2 * marginX, "lineWidth": 4, "titleX" : _("Sub-carrier"), "minY" : -40, "maxY" : 100, "stepY": 10, "graphHeight" : document.getElementById("dbChart").height - 2 * marginY, "titleY" : _("dB") }, "dataSet" : [ { "data" :usSnrData.data, "color":"Turquoise", "title": _("Upstream SNR") }, { "data" : dsSnrData.data, "color": "Coral", "title" : _("Downstream SNR") } ] }; let qLNChart = { "config": { "canvas": document.getElementById("qlnChart"), "ctx" : document.getElementById("qlnChart").getContext("2d"), "minX" : 0, "maxX" : Math.max(dsQLNData.maxX, usQLNData.maxX), "stepX": Math.max(dsQLNData.maxX, usQLNData.maxX) / 16, "graphWidth" : document.getElementById("qlnChart").width - 2 * marginX, "lineWidth": 4, "titleX" : _("Sub-carrier"), "minY" : -150, "maxY" : -20, "stepY": 10, "graphHeight" : document.getElementById("qlnChart").height - 2 * marginY, "titleY" : _("dBm/Hz") }, "dataSet" : [ { "data" :usQLNData.data, "color":"brown", "title": _("Upstream QLN") }, { "data" : dsQLNData.data, "color": "teal", "title" : _("Downstream QLN") } ] }; let hLogChart = { "config": { "canvas": document.getElementById("hlogChart"), "ctx" : document.getElementById("hlogChart").getContext("2d"), "minX" : 0, "maxX" : Math.max(dsHLOGData.maxX, usHLOGData.maxX), "stepX": Math.max(dsHLOGData.maxX, usHLOGData.maxX) / 16, "graphWidth" : document.getElementById("hlogChart").width - 2 * marginX, "lineWidth": 4, "titleX" : _("Sub-carrier"), "minY" : -100, "maxY" : 14, "stepY": 10, "graphHeight" : document.getElementById("hlogChart").height - 2 * marginY, "titleY" : _("dB") }, "dataSet" : [ { "data" :usHLOGData.data, "color":"#E8E800", "title": _("Upstream HLOG") }, { "data" : dsHLOGData.data, "color": "darkmagenta", "title" : _("Downstream HLOG") } ] }; function drawChart (info) { drawAxisX(info.config, info.config.minX, info.config.maxX, info.config.stepX, info.config.titleX); drawAxisY(info.config, info.config.minY, info.config.maxY, info.config.stepY, info.config.titleY); drawLegend(info.config, info.dataSet); drawData(info.config, info.dataSet[0].data, info.dataSet[0].color); drawData(info.config, info.dataSet[1].data, info.dataSet[1].color); } function drawBlocks(config, dataPoints, color, borders) { borders.map(drawBlock, {config, dataPoints, color, borders}); } function drawData(config, dataPoints, color) { let ctx = config.ctx; let len = dataPoints.length; let minX =config.minX; let maxX = config.maxX; let minY = config.minY; let maxY = config.maxY; let startX = (dataPoints[0].x - config.minX) / (config.maxX - config.minX) let startY = (config.minY - config.minY) / (config.maxY - config.minY) ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(startX * config.graphWidth + marginX, marginY + config.graphHeight - startY * config.graphHeight); for (let i = 1 ; i < len ; i++) { let relX = (dataPoints[i].x - minX) / (maxX - minX); let relY = (dataPoints[i].y - minY) / (maxY - minY); ctx.lineTo(relX * config.graphWidth + marginX, marginY + config.graphHeight - relY * config.graphHeight); } let endX = (dataPoints[len-1].x - minX) / (maxX - minX) let endY = (config.minY - minY) / (maxY - minY) ctx.lineTo(endX * config.graphWidth + marginX, marginY + config.graphHeight - endY * config.graphHeight); ctx.lineTo(startX * config.graphWidth + marginX, marginY + config.graphHeight - startY * config.graphHeight); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } function drawLegend(config, dataSet){ let ctx = config.ctx; let graphWidth = config.graphWidth; let graphHeight = config.graphHeight; ctx.font = "12px Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = dataSet[0].color; ctx.fillRect(0.5 * graphWidth + marginX - ctx.measureText(dataSet[0].title).width - 50, config.canvas.height - marginY*1/4 - 8, 30, 10); ctx.strokeStyle = "#C0C0C0"; ctx.strokeRect(0.5 * graphWidth + marginX - ctx.measureText(dataSet[0].title).width - 50, config.canvas.height - marginY*1/4 - 8, 30, 10); if (darkMode == "true") { ctx.strokeStyle = "#505050"; ctx.fillStyle = "#A0A0A0"; } else { ctx.strokeStyle = "#303030"; ctx.fillStyle = "#303030"; } ctx.textAlign = "right" ctx.fillText(dataSet[0].title, 0.5 * graphWidth + marginX - 10, config.canvas.height - marginY*1/4); ctx.fillStyle = dataSet[1].color; ctx.fillRect(0.5 * graphWidth + marginX, config.canvas.height - marginY*1/4 - 8, 30, 10); ctx.strokeStyle = "#C0C0C0"; ctx.strokeRect(0.5 * graphWidth + marginX, config.canvas.height - marginY*1/4 - 8, 30, 10); if (darkMode == "true") { ctx.fillStyle = "#A0A0A0"; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#303030"; } ctx.textAlign = "left" ctx.fillText(dataSet[1].title, 0.5 * graphWidth + marginX + 40, config.canvas.height - marginY*1/4); } function drawAxisX(config, minValue, maxValue, step, title) { let ctx = config.ctx; let graphWidth = config.graphWidth; let graphHeight = config.graphHeight; ctx.font = "12px Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; if (darkMode == "true") { ctx.strokeStyle = "#505050"; ctx.fillStyle = "#A0A0A0"; } else { ctx.strokeStyle = "#E0E0E0"; ctx.fillStyle = "#303030"; } for (let x = minValue ; x <= maxValue ; x=x+step) { let relX = (x - config.minX) / (config.maxX - config.minX); ctx.fillText(x , relX * graphWidth + marginX, config.canvas.height - marginY*3/4); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(relX * graphWidth + marginX, marginY); ctx.lineTo(relX * graphWidth + marginX, config.canvas.height - marginY); ctx.stroke(); } ctx.font = "12px Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillText(title, config.canvas.width/2, config.canvas.height - marginY*2/4); } function drawAxisY(config, minValue, maxValue, step, title) { let ctx = config.ctx let graphWidth = config.graphWidth; let graphHeight = config.graphHeight; ctx.font = "12px Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; if (darkMode == "true") { ctx.strokeStyle = "#505050"; ctx.fillStyle = "#A0A0A0"; } else { ctx.strokeStyle = "#E0E0E0"; ctx.fillStyle = "#303030"; } for (let y = minValue ; y <= maxValue ; y=y+step) { let relY = (y - config.minY) / (config.maxY - config.minY); ctx.fillText(y , marginX *2 / 3, marginY + graphHeight - relY * graphHeight + 4); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(marginX, marginY + graphHeight - relY * graphHeight ); ctx.lineTo(config.canvas.width - marginX, marginY + graphHeight - relY * graphHeight); ctx.stroke(); } ctx.font = "12px Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.translate(marginX/3, marginY + graphHeight / 2); ctx.rotate(-3.14 /2); ctx.fillText(title, 0, 0); ctx.rotate(3.14 /2) ctx.translate(-marginX/3,-(marginY + graphHeight / 2)); } drawChart(dBChart); drawChart(bitsChart); drawChart(qLNChart); drawChart(hLogChart);