/** * Material is a clean HTML5 theme for LuCI. It is based on luci-theme-bootstrap and MUI * * luci-theme-material * Copyright 2015 Lutty Yang * * Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub! * https://github.com/LuttyYang/luci-theme-material/issues * * luci-theme-bootstrap: * Copyright 2008 Steven Barth * Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich * Copyright 2012 David Menting * * MUI: * https://github.com/muicss/mui * * Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0 */ (function ($) { var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", a256 = '', r64 = [256], r256 = [256], i = 0; var UTF8 = { /** * Encode multi-byte Unicode string into utf-8 multiple single-byte characters * (BMP / basic multilingual plane only) * * Chars in range U+0080 - U+07FF are encoded in 2 chars, U+0800 - U+FFFF in 3 chars * * @param {String} strUni Unicode string to be encoded as UTF-8 * @returns {String} encoded string */ encode: function (strUni) { // use regular expressions & String.replace callback function for better efficiency // than procedural approaches var strUtf = strUni.replace(/[\u0080-\u07ff]/g, // U+0080 - U+07FF => 2 bytes 110yyyyy, 10zzzzzz function (c) { var cc = c.charCodeAt(0); return String.fromCharCode(0xc0 | cc >> 6, 0x80 | cc & 0x3f); }) .replace(/[\u0800-\uffff]/g, // U+0800 - U+FFFF => 3 bytes 1110xxxx, 10yyyyyy, 10zzzzzz function (c) { var cc = c.charCodeAt(0); return String.fromCharCode(0xe0 | cc >> 12, 0x80 | cc >> 6 & 0x3F, 0x80 | cc & 0x3f); }); return strUtf; }, /** * Decode utf-8 encoded string back into multi-byte Unicode characters * * @param {String} strUtf UTF-8 string to be decoded back to Unicode * @returns {String} decoded string */ decode: function (strUtf) { // note: decode 3-byte chars first as decoded 2-byte strings could appear to be 3-byte char! var strUni = strUtf.replace(/[\u00e0-\u00ef][\u0080-\u00bf][\u0080-\u00bf]/g, // 3-byte chars function (c) { // (note parentheses for precence) var cc = ((c.charCodeAt(0) & 0x0f) << 12) | ((c.charCodeAt(1) & 0x3f) << 6) | (c.charCodeAt(2) & 0x3f); return String.fromCharCode(cc); }) .replace(/[\u00c0-\u00df][\u0080-\u00bf]/g, // 2-byte chars function (c) { // (note parentheses for precence) var cc = (c.charCodeAt(0) & 0x1f) << 6 | c.charCodeAt(1) & 0x3f; return String.fromCharCode(cc); }); return strUni; } }; while (i < 256) { var c = String.fromCharCode(i); a256 += c; r256[i] = i; r64[i] = b64.indexOf(c); ++i; } function code(s, discard, alpha, beta, w1, w2) { s = String(s); var buffer = 0, i = 0, length = s.length, result = '', bitsInBuffer = 0; while (i < length) { var c = s.charCodeAt(i); c = c < 256 ? alpha[c] : -1; buffer = (buffer << w1) + c; bitsInBuffer += w1; while (bitsInBuffer >= w2) { bitsInBuffer -= w2; var tmp = buffer >> bitsInBuffer; result += beta.charAt(tmp); buffer ^= tmp << bitsInBuffer; } ++i; } if (!discard && bitsInBuffer > 0) result += beta.charAt(buffer << (w2 - bitsInBuffer)); return result; } var Plugin = $.base64 = function (dir, input, encode) { return input ? Plugin[dir](input, encode) : dir ? null : this; }; Plugin.btoa = Plugin.encode = function (plain, utf8encode) { plain = Plugin.raw === false || Plugin.utf8encode || utf8encode ? UTF8.encode(plain) : plain; plain = code(plain, false, r256, b64, 8, 6); return plain + '===='.slice((plain.length % 4) || 4); }; Plugin.atob = Plugin.decode = function (coded, utf8decode) { coded = String(coded).split('='); var i = coded.length; do { --i; coded[i] = code(coded[i], true, r64, a256, 6, 8); } while (i > 0); coded = coded.join(''); return Plugin.raw === false || Plugin.utf8decode || utf8decode ? UTF8.decode(coded) : coded; }; }(jQuery)); (function ($) { $(".main > .loading").fadeOut(); /** * trim text, Remove spaces, wrap * @param text * @returns {string} */ function trimText(text) { return text.replace(/[ \t\n\r]+/g, " "); } var tree = undefined; var lastNode = undefined; var mainNodeName = undefined; /** * get the current node by Burl (primary) * @returns {boolean} success? */ function getCurrentNodeByUrl() { var ret = false; var getUrlNode = function (href){ if (!$('body').hasClass('logged-in')){ return "login"; }else{ if (href == "/cgi-bin/luci/"){ return "overview"; }else{ var link = href.substr(href.indexOf("admin/")); if (link == "/") return "overview"; else return link; } } }; var currentNode = getUrlNode(window.location.pathname); if (currentNode == "login"){ tree = ["Main", "Login"]; return false; }else if(currentNode == "overview"){ tree = ["Status", "Overview"]; lastNode = $($($(".main > .main-left > .nav > .slide > .menu")[0]).next().find("a")[0]).parent(); return false; } $(".main > .main-left > .nav > .slide > .menu").each(function () { var ulNode = $(this); ulNode.next().find("a").each(function () { var that = $(this); var href = that.attr("href"); if (currentNode.indexOf(getUrlNode(href)) != -1){ ulNode.click(); ulNode.next(".slide-menu").stop(true,true); lastNode = that.parent(); tree = [trimText(ulNode.data("title")), trimText(that.data("title"))]; lastNode.addClass("active"); ret = true; return true; } }); }); return ret; } /** * menu click */ $(".main > .main-left > .nav > .slide > .menu").click(function () { var ul = $(this).next(".slide-menu"); var menu = $(this); if (!ul.is(":visible")) { menu.addClass("active"); ul.addClass("active"); ul.stop(true).slideDown("fast"); } else { ul.stop(true).slideUp("fast", function () { menu.removeClass("active"); ul.removeClass("active"); }); } }); /** * hook menu click and add the hash */ $(".main > .main-left > .nav > .slide > .slide-menu > li > a").click(function () { if (lastNode != undefined) lastNode.removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); $(".main > .loading").fadeIn("fast"); return true; }); /** * fix menu click */ $(".main > .main-left > .nav > .slide > .slide-menu > li").click(function () { if (lastNode != undefined) lastNode.removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $(".main > .loading").fadeIn("fast"); window.location = $($(this).find("a")[0]).attr("href"); return; }); /** * get current node and open it */ if (!getCurrentNodeByUrl()){ if (tree != undefined && tree[0] == "Status" && tree[1] == "Overview"){ //overview lastNode.addClass("active"); $($(".main > .main-left > .nav > .slide > .menu")[0]).click(); } } if (tree != undefined){ mainNodeName = "node-"+ tree[0] + "-" + tree[1]; mainNodeName = mainNodeName.replace(/[ \t\n\r\/]+/g,"_").toLowerCase(); $("body").addClass(mainNodeName); } $(".cbi-button-up").val(""); $(".cbi-button-down").val(""); /** * hook other "A Label" and add hash to it. */ $("#maincontent > .container").find("a").each(function () { var that = $(this); var onclick = that.attr("onclick"); if (onclick == undefined || onclick == ""){ that.click(function () { var href = that.attr("href"); if (href.indexOf("#") == -1){ $(".main > .loading").fadeIn("fast"); return true; } }); } }); /** * Sidebar expand */ var showSide = false; $(".showSide").click(function () { if (showSide){ $(".darkMask").stop(true).fadeOut("fast"); $(".main-left").stop(true).animate({ width: "0" },"fast"); $(".main-right").css("overflow-y", "auto"); showSide = false; }else{ $(".darkMask").stop(true).fadeIn("fast"); $(".main-left").stop(true).animate({ width: "15rem" },"fast"); $(".main-right").css("overflow-y", "hidden"); showSide = true; } }); $(".darkMask").click(function () { if (showSide){ showSide = false; $(".darkMask").stop(true).fadeOut("fast"); $(".main-left").stop(true).animate({ width: "0" },"fast"); $(".main-right").css("overflow-y", "auto"); } }); $(window).resize(function() { if ($(window).width() > 921) { $(".main-left").css("width", ""); $(".darkMask").stop(true); $(".darkMask").css("display", "none"); showSide = false; } }); /** * fix legend position */ $("legend").each(function () { var that = $(this); that.after("" + that.text() + ""); }); $(".main-right").focus(); $(".main-right").blur(); $("input").attr("size", "0"); if (mainNodeName != undefined){ console.log(mainNodeName); switch (mainNodeName){ case "node-status-system_log": case "node-status-kernel_log": $("#syslog").focus(function () { $("#syslog").blur(); $(".main-right").focus(); $(".main-right").blur(); }); break; case "node-status-firewall": var button = $(".node-status-firewall > .main fieldset li > a"); button.addClass("cbi-button cbi-button-reset a-to-btn"); break; case "node-system-reboot": var button = $(".node-system-reboot > .main > .main-right p > a"); button.addClass("cbi-button cbi-input-reset a-to-btn"); break; } } })(jQuery);