(function(window, document, undefined) {
	/* Object.assign polyfill for IE */
	if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') {
		Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {
			value: function assign(target, varArgs) {
				if (target == null)
					throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');

				var to = Object(target);

				for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++)
					if (arguments[index] != null)
						for (var nextKey in arguments[index])
							if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(arguments[index], nextKey))
								to[nextKey] = arguments[index][nextKey];

				return to;
			writable: true,
			configurable: true

	 * Class declaration and inheritance helper

	var toCamelCase = function(s) {
		return s.replace(/(?:^|[\. -])(.)/g, function(m0, m1) { return m1.toUpperCase() });

	var superContext = null, Class = Object.assign(function() {}, {
		extend: function(properties) {
			var props = {
				__base__: { value: this.prototype },
				__name__: { value: properties.__name__ || 'anonymous' }

			var ClassConstructor = function() {
				if (!(this instanceof ClassConstructor))
					throw new TypeError('Constructor must not be called without "new"');

				if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('__init__')) {
					if (typeof(this.__init__) != 'function')
						throw new TypeError('Class __init__ member is not a function');

					this.__init__.apply(this, arguments)
				else {
					this.super('__init__', arguments);

			for (var key in properties)
				if (!props[key] && properties.hasOwnProperty(key))
					props[key] = { value: properties[key], writable: true };

			ClassConstructor.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype, props);
			ClassConstructor.prototype.constructor = ClassConstructor;
			Object.assign(ClassConstructor, this);
			ClassConstructor.displayName = toCamelCase(props.__name__.value + 'Class');

			return ClassConstructor;

		singleton: function(properties /*, ... */) {
			return Class.extend(properties)
				.instantiate(Class.prototype.varargs(arguments, 1));

		instantiate: function(args) {
			return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(this,
				Class.prototype.varargs(args, 0, null)))();

		call: function(self, method) {
			if (typeof(this.prototype[method]) != 'function')
				throw new ReferenceError(method + ' is not defined in class');

			return this.prototype[method].apply(self, self.varargs(arguments, 1));

		isSubclass: function(_class) {
			return (_class != null &&
			        typeof(_class) == 'function' &&
			        _class.prototype instanceof this);

		prototype: {
			varargs: function(args, offset /*, ... */) {
				return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
					.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args, offset));

			super: function(key, callArgs) {
				for (superContext = Object.getPrototypeOf(superContext ||
				     superContext && !superContext.hasOwnProperty(key);
				     superContext = Object.getPrototypeOf(superContext)) { }

				if (!superContext)
					return null;

				var res = superContext[key];

				if (arguments.length > 1) {
					if (typeof(res) != 'function')
						throw new ReferenceError(key + ' is not a function in base class');

					if (typeof(callArgs) != 'object')
						callArgs = this.varargs(arguments, 1);

					res = res.apply(this, callArgs);

				superContext = null;

				return res;

			toString: function() {
				var s = '[' + this.constructor.displayName + ']', f = true;
				for (var k in this) {
					if (this.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
						s += (f ? ' {\n' : '') + '  ' + k + ': ' + typeof(this[k]) + '\n';
						f = false;
				return s + (f ? '' : '}');

	 * HTTP Request helper

	Headers = Class.extend({
		__name__: 'LuCI.XHR.Headers',
		__init__: function(xhr) {
			var hdrs = this.headers = {};
			xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split(/\r\n/).forEach(function(line) {
				var m = /^([^:]+):(.*)$/.exec(line);
				if (m != null)
					hdrs[m[1].trim().toLowerCase()] = m[2].trim();

		has: function(name) {
			return this.headers.hasOwnProperty(String(name).toLowerCase());

		get: function(name) {
			var key = String(name).toLowerCase();
			return this.headers.hasOwnProperty(key) ? this.headers[key] : null;

	Response = Class.extend({
		__name__: 'LuCI.XHR.Response',
		__init__: function(xhr, url, duration) {
			this.ok = (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299);
			this.status = xhr.status;
			this.statusText = xhr.statusText;
			this.responseText = xhr.responseText;
			this.headers = new Headers(xhr);
			this.duration = duration;
			this.url = url;
			this.xhr = xhr;

		json: function() {
			return JSON.parse(this.responseText);

		text: function() {
			return this.responseText;

	Request = Class.singleton({
		__name__: 'LuCI.Request',

		interceptors: [],

		request: function(target, options) {
			var state = { xhr: new XMLHttpRequest(), url: target, start: Date.now() },
			    opt = Object.assign({}, options, state),
			    content = null,
			    contenttype = null,
			    callback = this.handleReadyStateChange;

			return new Promise(function(resolveFn, rejectFn) {
				opt.xhr.onreadystatechange = callback.bind(opt, resolveFn, rejectFn);
				opt.method = String(opt.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();

				if ('query' in opt) {
					var q = (opt.query != null) ? Object.keys(opt.query).map(function(k) {
						if (opt.query[k] != null) {
							var v = (typeof(opt.query[k]) == 'object')
								? JSON.stringify(opt.query[k])
								: String(opt.query[k]);

							return '%s=%s'.format(encodeURIComponent(k), encodeURIComponent(v));
						else {
							return encodeURIComponent(k);
					}).join('&') : '';

					if (q !== '') {
						switch (opt.method) {
						case 'GET':
						case 'HEAD':
						case 'OPTIONS':
							opt.url += ((/\?/).test(opt.url) ? '&' : '?') + q;

							if (content == null) {
								content = q;
								contenttype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

				if (!opt.cache)
					opt.url += ((/\?/).test(opt.url) ? '&' : '?') + (new Date()).getTime();

				if (!/^(?:[^/]+:)?\/\//.test(opt.url))
					opt.url = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + opt.url;

				if ('username' in opt && 'password' in opt)
					opt.xhr.open(opt.method, opt.url, true, opt.username, opt.password);
					opt.xhr.open(opt.method, opt.url, true);

				opt.xhr.responseType = 'text';

				if ('timeout' in opt)
					opt.xhr.timeout = +opt.timeout;

				if ('credentials' in opt)
					opt.xhr.withCredentials = !!opt.credentials;

				if (opt.content != null) {
					switch (typeof(opt.content)) {
					case 'function':
						content = opt.content(xhr);

					case 'object':
						content = JSON.stringify(opt.content);
						contenttype = 'application/json';

						content = String(opt.content);

				if ('headers' in opt)
					for (var header in opt.headers)
						if (opt.headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
							if (header.toLowerCase() != 'content-type')
								opt.xhr.setRequestHeader(header, opt.headers[header]);
								contenttype = opt.headers[header];

				if (contenttype != null)
					opt.xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contenttype);

				try {
				catch (e) {
					rejectFn.call(opt, e);

		handleReadyStateChange: function(resolveFn, rejectFn, ev) {
			var xhr = this.xhr;

			if (xhr.readyState !== 4)

			if (xhr.status === 0 && xhr.statusText === '') {
				rejectFn.call(this, new Error('XHR request aborted by browser'));
			else {
				var response = new Response(
					xhr, xhr.responseURL || this.url, Date.now() - this.start);

				Promise.all(Request.interceptors.map(function(fn) { return fn(response) }))
					.then(resolveFn.bind(this, response))

			try {
			catch(e) {}

		get: function(url, options) {
			return this.request(url, Object.assign({ method: 'GET' }, options));

		post: function(url, data, options) {
			return this.request(url, Object.assign({ method: 'POST', content: data }, options));

		addInterceptor: function(interceptorFn) {
			if (typeof(interceptorFn) == 'function')
			return interceptorFn;

		removeInterceptor: function(interceptorFn) {
			var oldlen = this.interceptors.length, i = oldlen;
			while (i--)
				if (this.interceptors[i] === interceptorFn)
					this.interceptors.splice(i, 1);
			return (this.interceptors.length < oldlen);

		poll: Class.singleton({
			__name__: 'LuCI.Request.Poll',

			queue: [],

			add: function(interval, url, options, callback) {
				if (isNaN(interval) || interval <= 0)
					throw new TypeError('Invalid poll interval');

				var e = {
					interval: interval,
					url: url,
					options: options,
					callback: callback

				return e;

			remove: function(entry) {
				var oldlen = this.queue.length, i = oldlen;

				while (i--)
					if (this.queue[i] === entry) {
						delete this.queue[i].running;
						this.queue.splice(i, 1);

				if (!this.queue.length)

				return (this.queue.length < oldlen);

			start: function() {
				if (!this.queue.length || this.active())
					return false;

				this.tick = 0;
				this.timer = window.setInterval(this.step, 1000);
				document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('poll-start'));
				return true;

			stop: function() {
				if (!this.active())
					return false;

				document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('poll-stop'));
				delete this.timer;
				delete this.tick;
				return true;

			step: function() {
				Request.poll.queue.forEach(function(e) {
					if ((Request.poll.tick % e.interval) != 0)

					if (e.running)

					var opts = Object.assign({}, e.options,
						{ timeout: e.interval * 1000 - 5 });

					e.running = true;
					Request.request(e.url, opts)
						.then(function(res) {
							if (!e.running || !Request.poll.active())

							try {
								e.callback(res, res.json(), res.duration);
							catch (err) {
								e.callback(res, null, res.duration);
						.finally(function() { delete e.running });

				Request.poll.tick = (Request.poll.tick + 1) % Math.pow(2, 32);

			active: function() {
				return (this.timer != null);

	var modalDiv = null,
	    tooltipDiv = null,
	    tooltipTimeout = null,
	    dummyElem = null,
	    domParser = null;

	LuCI.prototype = {
		/* URL construction helpers */
		path: function(prefix, parts) {
			var url = [ prefix || '' ];

			for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
				if (/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_.%,;-]+\/)*[a-zA-Z0-9_.%,;-]+$/.test(parts[i]))
					url.push('/', parts[i]);

			if (url.length === 1)

			return url.join('');

		url: function() {
			return this.path(this.env.scriptname, arguments);

		resource: function() {
			return this.path(this.env.resource, arguments);

		location: function() {
			return this.path(this.env.scriptname, this.env.requestpath);

		/* HTTP resource fetching */
		get: function(url, args, cb) {
			return this.poll(null, url, args, cb, false);

		post: function(url, args, cb) {
			return this.poll(null, url, args, cb, true);

		poll: function(interval, url, args, cb, post) {
			if (interval !== null && interval <= 0)
				interval = this.env.pollinterval;

			var data = post ? { token: this.env.token } : null,
			    method = post ? 'POST' : 'GET';

			if (!/^(?:\/|\S+:\/\/)/.test(url))
				url = this.url(url);

			if (args != null)
				data = Object.assign(data || {}, args);

			if (interval !== null)
				return Request.poll.add(interval, url, { method: method, query: data }, cb);
				return Request.request(url, { method: method, query: data })
					.then(function(res) {
						var json = null;
						if (/^application\/json\b/.test(res.headers.get('Content-Type')))
							try { json = res.json() } catch(e) {}
						cb(res.xhr, json, res.duration);

		stop: function(entry) { return Request.poll.remove(entry) },
		halt: function() { return Request.poll.stop() },
		run: function() { return Request.poll.start() },

		/* Modal dialog */
		showModal: function(title, children) {
			var dlg = modalDiv.firstElementChild;

			dlg.setAttribute('class', 'modal');

			this.dom.content(dlg, this.dom.create('h4', {}, title));
			this.dom.append(dlg, children);


			return dlg;

		hideModal: function() {

		/* Tooltip */
		showTooltip: function(ev) {
			var target = findParent(ev.target, '[data-tooltip]');

			if (!target)

			if (tooltipTimeout !== null) {
				tooltipTimeout = null;

			var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect(),
			    x = rect.left              + window.pageXOffset,
			    y = rect.top + rect.height + window.pageYOffset;

			tooltipDiv.className = 'cbi-tooltip';
			tooltipDiv.innerHTML = '▲ ';
			tooltipDiv.firstChild.data += target.getAttribute('data-tooltip');

			if (target.hasAttribute('data-tooltip-style'))

			if ((y + tooltipDiv.offsetHeight) > (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset)) {
				y -= (tooltipDiv.offsetHeight + target.offsetHeight);
				tooltipDiv.firstChild.data = '▼ ' + tooltipDiv.firstChild.data.substr(2);

			tooltipDiv.style.top = y + 'px';
			tooltipDiv.style.left = x + 'px';
			tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 1;

			tooltipDiv.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tooltip-open', {
				bubbles: true,
				detail: { target: target }

		hideTooltip: function(ev) {
			if (ev.target === tooltipDiv || ev.relatedTarget === tooltipDiv ||
			    tooltipDiv.contains(ev.target) || tooltipDiv.contains(ev.relatedTarget))

			if (tooltipTimeout !== null) {
				tooltipTimeout = null;

			tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0;
			tooltipTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { tooltipDiv.removeAttribute('style'); }, 250);

			tooltipDiv.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tooltip-close', { bubbles: true }));

		/* Widget helper */
		itemlist: function(node, items, separators) {
			var children = [];

			if (!Array.isArray(separators))
				separators = [ separators || E('br') ];

			for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) {
				if (items[i+1] !== null && items[i+1] !== undefined) {
					var sep = separators[(i/2) % separators.length],
					    cld = [];

					children.push(E('span', { class: 'nowrap' }, [
						items[i] ? E('strong', items[i] + ': ') : '',

					if ((i+2) < items.length)
						children.push(this.dom.elem(sep) ? sep.cloneNode(true) : sep);

			this.dom.content(node, children);

			return node;

		Class: Class,
		Request: Request

	/* Tabs */
	LuCI.prototype.tabs = {
		init: function() {
			var groups = [], prevGroup = null, currGroup = null;

			document.querySelectorAll('[data-tab]').forEach(function(tab) {
				var parent = tab.parentNode;

				if (!parent.hasAttribute('data-tab-group'))
					parent.setAttribute('data-tab-group', groups.length);

				currGroup = +parent.getAttribute('data-tab-group');

				if (currGroup !== prevGroup) {
					prevGroup = currGroup;

					if (!groups[currGroup])
						groups[currGroup] = [];


			for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)

			document.addEventListener('dependency-update', this.updateTabs.bind(this));


			if (!groups.length)
				this.setActiveTabId(-1, -1);

		initTabGroup: function(panes) {
			if (!Array.isArray(panes) || panes.length === 0)

			var menu = E('ul', { 'class': 'cbi-tabmenu' }),
			    group = panes[0].parentNode,
			    groupId = +group.getAttribute('data-tab-group'),
			    selected = null;

			for (var i = 0, pane; pane = panes[i]; i++) {
				var name = pane.getAttribute('data-tab'),
				    title = pane.getAttribute('data-tab-title'),
				    active = pane.getAttribute('data-tab-active') === 'true';

				menu.appendChild(E('li', {
					'class': active ? 'cbi-tab' : 'cbi-tab-disabled',
					'data-tab': name
				}, E('a', {
					'href': '#',
					'click': this.switchTab.bind(this)
				}, title)));

				if (active)
					selected = i;

			group.parentNode.insertBefore(menu, group);

			if (selected === null) {
				selected = this.getActiveTabId(groupId);

				if (selected < 0 || selected >= panes.length)
					selected = 0;

				panes[selected].setAttribute('data-tab-active', 'true');

				this.setActiveTabId(groupId, selected);

		getActiveTabState: function() {
			var page = document.body.getAttribute('data-page');

			try {
				var val = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem('tab'));
				if (val.page === page && Array.isArray(val.groups))
					return val;
			catch(e) {}

			return { page: page, groups: [] };

		getActiveTabId: function(groupId) {
			return +this.getActiveTabState().groups[groupId] || 0;

		setActiveTabId: function(groupId, tabIndex) {
			try {
				var state = this.getActiveTabState();
				    state.groups[groupId] = tabIndex;

			    window.sessionStorage.setItem('tab', JSON.stringify(state));
			catch (e) { return false; }

			return true;

		updateTabs: function(ev) {
			document.querySelectorAll('[data-tab-title]').forEach(function(pane) {
				var menu = pane.parentNode.previousElementSibling,
				    tab = menu.querySelector('[data-tab="%s"]'.format(pane.getAttribute('data-tab'))),
				    n_errors = pane.querySelectorAll('.cbi-input-invalid').length;

				if (!pane.firstElementChild) {
					tab.style.display = 'none';
				else if (tab.style.display === 'none') {
					tab.style.display = '';
					requestAnimationFrame(function() { tab.classList.add('flash') });

				if (n_errors) {
					tab.setAttribute('data-errors', n_errors);
					tab.setAttribute('data-tooltip', _('%d invalid field(s)').format(n_errors));
					tab.setAttribute('data-tooltip-style', 'error');
				else {

		switchTab: function(ev) {
			var tab = ev.target.parentNode,
			    name = tab.getAttribute('data-tab'),
			    menu = tab.parentNode,
			    group = menu.nextElementSibling,
			    groupId = +group.getAttribute('data-tab-group'),
			    index = 0;


			if (!tab.classList.contains('cbi-tab-disabled'))

			menu.querySelectorAll('[data-tab]').forEach(function(tab) {
					tab.getAttribute('data-tab') === name ? 'cbi-tab' : 'cbi-tab-disabled');

			group.childNodes.forEach(function(pane) {
				if (L.dom.matches(pane, '[data-tab]')) {
					if (pane.getAttribute('data-tab') === name) {
						pane.setAttribute('data-tab-active', 'true');
						L.tabs.setActiveTabId(groupId, index);
					else {
						pane.setAttribute('data-tab-active', 'false');


	/* DOM manipulation */
	LuCI.prototype.dom = {
		elem: function(e) {
			return (typeof(e) === 'object' && e !== null && 'nodeType' in e);

		parse: function(s) {
			var elem;

			try {
				domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
				elem = domParser.parseFromString(s, 'text/html').body.firstChild;
			catch(e) {}

			if (!elem) {
				try {
					dummyElem = dummyElem || document.createElement('div');
					dummyElem.innerHTML = s;
					elem = dummyElem.firstChild;
				catch (e) {}

			return elem || null;

		matches: function(node, selector) {
			var m = this.elem(node) ? node.matches || node.msMatchesSelector : null;
			return m ? m.call(node, selector) : false;

		parent: function(node, selector) {
			if (this.elem(node) && node.closest)
				return node.closest(selector);

			while (this.elem(node))
				if (this.matches(node, selector))
					return node;
					node = node.parentNode;

			return null;

		append: function(node, children) {
			if (!this.elem(node))
				return null;

			if (Array.isArray(children)) {
				for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
					if (this.elem(children[i]))
					else if (children !== null && children !== undefined)
						node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + children[i]));

				return node.lastChild;
			else if (typeof(children) === 'function') {
				return this.append(node, children(node));
			else if (this.elem(children)) {
				return node.appendChild(children);
			else if (children !== null && children !== undefined) {
				node.innerHTML = '' + children;
				return node.lastChild;

			return null;

		content: function(node, children) {
			if (!this.elem(node))
				return null;

			while (node.firstChild)

			return this.append(node, children);

		attr: function(node, key, val) {
			if (!this.elem(node))
				return null;

			var attr = null;

			if (typeof(key) === 'object' && key !== null)
				attr = key;
			else if (typeof(key) === 'string')
				attr = {}, attr[key] = val;

			for (key in attr) {
				if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(key) || attr[key] === null || attr[key] === undefined)

				switch (typeof(attr[key])) {
				case 'function':
					node.addEventListener(key, attr[key]);

				case 'object':
					node.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(attr[key]));

					node.setAttribute(key, attr[key]);

		create: function() {
			var html = arguments[0],
			    attr = (arguments[1] instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(arguments[1])) ? arguments[1] : null,
			    data = attr ? arguments[2] : arguments[1],

			if (this.elem(html))
				elem = html;
			else if (html.charCodeAt(0) === 60)
				elem = this.parse(html);
				elem = document.createElement(html);

			if (!elem)
				return null;

			this.attr(elem, attr);
			this.append(elem, data);

			return elem;

	/* Setup */
	LuCI.prototype.setupDOM = function(ev) {

		Request.addInterceptor(function(res) {
			if (res.status != 403 || res.headers.get('X-LuCI-Login-Required') != 'yes')


			L.showModal(_('Session expired'), [
				E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' },
					_('A new login is required since the authentication session expired.')),
				E('div', { class: 'right' },
					E('div', {
						class: 'btn primary',
						click: function() {
							var loc = window.location;
							window.location = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.host + loc.pathname + loc.search;
					}, _('To login…')))

			return Promise.reject(new Error('Session expired'));


	function LuCI(env) {
		this.env = env;

		modalDiv = document.body.appendChild(
			this.dom.create('div', { id: 'modal_overlay' },
				this.dom.create('div', { class: 'modal', role: 'dialog', 'aria-modal': true })));

		tooltipDiv = document.body.appendChild(this.dom.create('div', { class: 'cbi-tooltip' }));

		document.addEventListener('mouseover', this.showTooltip.bind(this), true);
		document.addEventListener('mouseout', this.hideTooltip.bind(this), true);
		document.addEventListener('focus', this.showTooltip.bind(this), true);
		document.addEventListener('blur', this.hideTooltip.bind(this), true);

		document.addEventListener('poll-start', function(ev) {
			document.querySelectorAll('[id^="xhr_poll_status"]').forEach(function(e) {
				e.style.display = (e.id == 'xhr_poll_status_off') ? 'none' : '';

		document.addEventListener('poll-stop', function(ev) {
			document.querySelectorAll('[id^="xhr_poll_status"]').forEach(function(e) {
				e.style.display = (e.id == 'xhr_poll_status_on') ? 'none' : '';

		document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.setupDOM.bind(this));

	XHR = Class.extend({
		__name__: 'LuCI.XHR',
		__init__: function() {
			if (window.console && console.debug)
				console.debug('Direct use XHR() is deprecated, please use L.Request instead');

		_response: function(cb, res, json, duration) {
			if (this.active)
				cb(res, json, duration);
			delete this.active;

		get: function(url, data, callback, timeout) {
			this.active = true;
			L.get(url, data, this._response.bind(this, callback), timeout);

		post: function(url, data, callback, timeout) {
			this.active = true;
			L.post(url, data, this._response.bind(this, callback), timeout);

		cancel: function() { delete this.active },
		busy: function() { return (this.active === true) },
		abort: function() {},
		send_form: function() { throw 'Not implemented' },

	XHR.get = function() { return window.L.get.apply(window.L, arguments) };
	XHR.post = function() { return window.L.post.apply(window.L, arguments) };
	XHR.poll = function() { return window.L.poll.apply(window.L, arguments) };
	XHR.stop = Request.poll.remove.bind(Request.poll);
	XHR.halt = Request.poll.stop.bind(Request.poll);
	XHR.run = Request.poll.start.bind(Request.poll);
	XHR.running = Request.poll.active.bind(Request.poll);

	window.XHR = XHR;
	window.LuCI = LuCI;
})(window, document);