-- ------ extra functions ------ -- function interfaceCheck() -- find issues with too many interfaces, reliability and metric uci.cursor():foreach("mwan3", "interface", function (section) local interfaceName = section[".name"] interfaceNumber = interfaceNumber+1 -- count number of mwan interfaces configured -- create list of metrics for none and duplicate checking local metricValue = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -p /var/state get network." .. interfaceName .. ".metric")) if metricValue == "" then errorFound = 1 errorNoMetricList = errorNoMetricList .. interfaceName .. " " else metricList = metricList .. interfaceName .. " " .. metricValue .. "\n" end -- check if any interfaces have a higher reliability requirement than tracking IPs configured local trackingNumber = tonumber(ut.trim(sys.exec("echo $(uci -p /var/state get mwan3." .. interfaceName .. ".track_ip) | wc -w"))) if trackingNumber > 0 then local reliabilityNumber = tonumber(ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -p /var/state get mwan3." .. interfaceName .. ".reliability"))) if reliabilityNumber and reliabilityNumber > trackingNumber then errorFound = 1 errorReliabilityList = errorReliabilityList .. interfaceName .. " " end end -- check if any interfaces are not properly configured in /etc/config/network or have no default route in main routing table if ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -p /var/state get network." .. interfaceName)) == "interface" then local interfaceDevice = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -p /var/state get network." .. interfaceName .. ".ifname")) if interfaceDevice == "uci: Entry not found" or interfaceDevice == "" then errorFound = 1 errorNetConfigList = errorNetConfigList .. interfaceName .. " " errorRouteList = errorRouteList .. interfaceName .. " " else local routeCheck = ut.trim(sys.exec("route -n | awk '{if ($8 == \"" .. interfaceDevice .. "\" && $1 == \"\" && $3 == \"\") print $1}'")) if routeCheck == "" then errorFound = 1 errorRouteList = errorRouteList .. interfaceName .. " " end end else errorFound = 1 errorNetConfigList = errorNetConfigList .. interfaceName .. " " errorRouteList = errorRouteList .. interfaceName .. " " end end ) -- check if any interfaces have duplicate metrics local metricDuplicateNumbers = sys.exec("echo '" .. metricList .. "' | awk '{print $2}' | uniq -d") if metricDuplicateNumbers ~= "" then errorFound = 1 local metricDuplicates = "" for line in metricDuplicateNumbers:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do metricDuplicates = sys.exec("echo '" .. metricList .. "' | grep '" .. line .. "' | awk '{print $1}'") errorDuplicateMetricList = errorDuplicateMetricList .. metricDuplicates end errorDuplicateMetricList = sys.exec("echo '" .. errorDuplicateMetricList .. "' | tr '\n' ' '") end end function interfaceWarnings() -- display status and warning messages at the top of the page local warnings = "" if interfaceNumber <= 250 then warnings = "<strong>" .. translatef("There are currently %d of 250 supported interfaces configured", interfaceNumber) .. "</strong>" else warnings = "<font color=\"ff0000\"><strong>" .. translatef("WARNING: %d interfaces are configured exceeding the maximum of 250!", interfaceNumber) .. "</strong></font>" end if errorReliabilityList ~= " " then warnings = warnings .. "<br /><br /><font color=\"ff0000\"><strong>" .. translate("WARNING: Some interfaces have a higher reliability requirement than there are tracking IP addresses!") .. "</strong></font>" end if errorRouteList ~= " " then warnings = warnings .. "<br /><br /><font color=\"ff0000\"><strong>" .. translate("WARNING: Some interfaces have no default route in the main routing table!") .. "</strong></font>" end if errorNetConfigList ~= " " then warnings = warnings .. "<br /><br /><font color=\"ff0000\"><strong>" .. translate("WARNING: Some interfaces are configured incorrectly or not at all in /etc/config/network!") .. "</strong></font>" end if errorNoMetricList ~= " " then warnings = warnings .. "<br /><br /><font color=\"ff0000\"><strong>" .. translate("WARNING: Some interfaces have no metric configured in /etc/config/network!") .. "</strong></font>" end if errorDuplicateMetricList ~= " " then warnings = warnings .. "<br /><br /><font color=\"ff0000\"><strong>" .. translate("WARNING: Some interfaces have duplicate metrics configured in /etc/config/network!") .. "</strong></font>" end return warnings end -- ------ interface configuration ------ -- dsp = require "luci.dispatcher" sys = require "luci.sys" ut = require "luci.util" interfaceNumber = 0 metricList = "" errorFound = 0 errorDuplicateMetricList = " " errorNetConfigList = " " errorNoMetricList = " " errorReliabilityList = " " errorRouteList = " " interfaceCheck() m5 = Map("mwan3", translate("MWAN - Interfaces"), interfaceWarnings()) m5:append(Template("mwan/config_css")) mwan_interface = m5:section(TypedSection, "interface", nil, translate("MWAN supports up to 250 physical and/or logical interfaces<br />" .. "MWAN requires that all interfaces have a unique metric configured in /etc/config/network<br />" .. "Names must match the interface name found in /etc/config/network (see advanced tab)<br />" .. "Names may contain characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and no spaces<br />" .. "Interfaces may not share the same name as configured members, policies or rules")) mwan_interface.addremove = true mwan_interface.dynamic = false mwan_interface.sectionhead = translate("Interface") mwan_interface.sortable = false mwan_interface.template = "cbi/tblsection" mwan_interface.extedit = dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "mwan", "interface", "%s") function mwan_interface.create(self, section) TypedSection.create(self, section) m5.uci:save("mwan3") luci.http.redirect(dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "mwan", "interface", section)) end enabled = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) enabled.rawhtml = true function enabled.cfgvalue(self, s) if self.map:get(s, "enabled") == "1" then return "Yes" else return "No" end end track_ip = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "track_ip", translate("Tracking IP")) track_ip.rawhtml = true function track_ip.cfgvalue(self, s) tracked = self.map:get(s, "track_ip") if tracked then local ipList = "" for k,v in pairs(tracked) do ipList = ipList .. v .. "<br />" end return ipList else return "—" end end track_method = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "track_method", translate("Tracking method")) track_method.rawhtml = true function track_method.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then return self.map:get(s, "track_method") or "—" else return "—" end end reliability = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "reliability", translate("Tracking reliability")) reliability.rawhtml = true function reliability.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then return self.map:get(s, "reliability") or "—" else return "—" end end count = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "count", translate("Ping count")) count.rawhtml = true function count.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then return self.map:get(s, "count") or "—" else return "—" end end timeout = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "timeout", translate("Ping timeout")) timeout.rawhtml = true function timeout.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then local timeoutValue = self.map:get(s, "timeout") if timeoutValue then return timeoutValue .. "s" else return "—" end else return "—" end end interval = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "interval", translate("Ping interval")) interval.rawhtml = true function interval.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then local intervalValue = self.map:get(s, "interval") if intervalValue then return intervalValue .. "s" else return "—" end else return "—" end end down = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "down", translate("Interface down")) down.rawhtml = true function down.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then return self.map:get(s, "down") or "—" else return "—" end end up = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "up", translate("Interface up")) up.rawhtml = true function up.cfgvalue(self, s) if tracked then return self.map:get(s, "up") or "—" else return "—" end end metric = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "metric", translate("Metric")) metric.rawhtml = true function metric.cfgvalue(self, s) local metricValue = sys.exec("uci -p /var/state get network." .. s .. ".metric") if metricValue ~= "" then return metricValue else return "—" end end errors = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "errors", translate("Errors")) errors.rawhtml = true function errors.cfgvalue(self, s) if errorFound == 1 then local mouseOver, lineBreak = "", "" if string.find(errorReliabilityList, " " .. s .. " ") then mouseOver = "Higher reliability requirement than there are tracking IP addresses" lineBreak = " " end if string.find(errorRouteList, " " .. s .. " ") then mouseOver = mouseOver .. lineBreak .. "No default route in the main routing table" lineBreak = " " end if string.find(errorNetConfigList, " " .. s .. " ") then mouseOver = mouseOver .. lineBreak .. "Configured incorrectly or not at all in /etc/config/network" lineBreak = " " end if string.find(errorNoMetricList, " " .. s .. " ") then mouseOver = mouseOver .. lineBreak .. "No metric configured in /etc/config/network" lineBreak = " " end if string.find(errorDuplicateMetricList, " " .. s .. " ") then mouseOver = mouseOver .. lineBreak .. "Duplicate metric configured in /etc/config/network" end if mouseOver == "" then return "" else return "<span title=\"" .. mouseOver .. "\"><img src=\"/luci-static/resources/cbi/reset.gif\" alt=\"error\"></img></span>" end else return "" end end return m5