/* Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. */ 'use strict'; return L.Class.extend({ title: _('Interfaces'), rrdargs: function(graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype) { /* * traffic diagram */ var traffic = { /* draw this diagram for each plugin instance */ per_instance: true, title: "%H: Transfer on %pi", vlabel: "Bytes/s", /* diagram data description */ data: { /* defined sources for data types, if omitted assume a single DS named "value" (optional) */ sources: { if_octets: [ "tx", "rx" ] }, /* special options for single data lines */ options: { if_octets__tx: { total: true, /* report total amount of bytes */ color: "00ff00", /* tx is green */ title: "Bytes (TX)" }, if_octets__rx: { flip : true, /* flip rx line */ total: true, /* report total amount of bytes */ color: "0000ff", /* rx is blue */ title: "Bytes (RX)" } } } }; /* * packet diagram */ var packets = { /* draw this diagram for each plugin instance */ per_instance: true, title: "%H: Packets on %pi", vlabel: "Packets/s", /* diagram data description */ data: { /* data type order */ types: [ "if_packets", "if_errors" ], /* defined sources for data types */ sources: { if_packets: [ "tx", "rx" ], if_errors : [ "tx", "rx" ] }, /* special options for single data lines */ options: { /* processed packets (tx DS) */ if_packets__tx: { weight : 1, overlay: true, /* don't summarize */ total : true, /* report total amount of bytes */ color : "00ff00", /* processed tx is green */ title : "Processed (TX)" }, /* processed packets (rx DS) */ if_packets__rx: { weight : 2, overlay: true, /* don't summarize */ flip : true, /* flip rx line */ total : true, /* report total amount of bytes */ color : "0000ff", /* processed rx is blue */ title : "Processed (RX)" }, /* packet errors (tx DS) */ if_errors__tx: { weight : 0, overlay: true, /* don't summarize */ total : true, /* report total amount of packets */ color : "ff5500", /* tx errors are orange */ title : "Errors (TX)" }, /* packet errors (rx DS) */ if_errors__rx: { weight : 3, overlay: true, /* don't summarize */ flip : true, /* flip rx line */ total : true, /* report total amount of packets */ color : "ff0000", /* rx errors are red */ title : "Errors (RX)" } } } }; return [ traffic, packets ]; } });