--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- local docker = require "luci.model.docker" module("luci.controller.dockerman",package.seeall) function index() local e = entry({"admin", "docker"}, firstchild(), "Docker", 40) e.dependent = false e.acl_depends = { "luci-app-dockerman" } entry({"admin", "docker", "overview"},cbi("dockerman/overview"),_("Overview"),0).leaf=true local remote = luci.model.uci.cursor():get_bool("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint") if remote then local host = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host") local port = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port") if not host or not port then return end else local socket = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") if socket and not nixio.fs.access(socket) then return end end if (require "luci.model.docker").new():_ping().code ~= 200 then return end entry({"admin", "docker", "containers"}, form("dockerman/containers"), _("Containers"),1).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images"}, form("dockerman/images"), _("Images"),2).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "networks"}, form("dockerman/networks"), _("Networks"),3).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "volumes"}, form("dockerman/volumes"), _("Volumes"),4).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "events"}, call("action_events"), _("Events"),5) entry({"admin", "docker", "newcontainer"}, form("dockerman/newcontainer")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "newnetwork"}, form("dockerman/newnetwork")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "container"}, form("dockerman/container")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "container_stats"}, call("action_get_container_stats")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "container_get_archive"}, call("download_archive")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "container_put_archive"}, call("upload_archive")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images_save"}, call("save_images")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images_load"}, call("load_images")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images_import"}, call("import_images")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images_get_tags"}, call("get_image_tags")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images_tag"}, call("tag_image")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "images_untag"}, call("untag_image")).leaf=true entry({"admin", "docker", "confirm"}, call("action_confirm")).leaf=true end function action_events() local logs = "" local query ={} local dk = docker.new() query["until"] = os.time() local events = dk:events({query = query}) if events.code == 200 then for _, v in ipairs(events.body) do local date = "unknown" if v and v.time then date = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", v.time) end local name = v.Actor.Attributes.name or "unknown" local action = v.Action or "unknown" if v and v.Type == "container" then local id = v.Actor.ID or "unknown" logs = logs .. string.format("[%s] %s %s Container ID: %s Container Name: %s\n", date, v.Type, action, id, name) elseif v.Type == "network" then local container = v.Actor.Attributes.container or "unknown" local network = v.Actor.Attributes.type or "unknown" logs = logs .. string.format("[%s] %s %s Container ID: %s Network Name: %s Network type: %s\n", date, v.Type, action, container, name, network) elseif v.Type == "image" then local id = v.Actor.ID or "unknown" logs = logs .. string.format("[%s] %s %s Image: %s Image name: %s\n", date, v.Type, action, id, name) end end end luci.template.render("dockerman/logs", {self={syslog = logs, title="Events"}}) end local calculate_cpu_percent = function(d) if type(d) ~= "table" then return end local cpu_count = tonumber(d["cpu_stats"]["online_cpus"]) local cpu_percent = 0.0 local cpu_delta = tonumber(d["cpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"]) - tonumber(d["precpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"]) local system_delta = tonumber(d["cpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"]) - tonumber(d["precpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"]) if system_delta > 0.0 then cpu_percent = string.format("%.2f", cpu_delta / system_delta * 100.0 * cpu_count) end return cpu_percent end local get_memory = function(d) if type(d) ~= "table" then return end local limit =tonumber(d["memory_stats"]["limit"]) local usage = tonumber(d["memory_stats"]["usage"]) - tonumber(d["memory_stats"]["stats"]["total_cache"]) return usage, limit end local get_rx_tx = function(d) if type(d) ~="table" then return end local data = {} if type(d["networks"]) == "table" then for e, v in pairs(d["networks"]) do data[e] = { bw_tx = tonumber(v.tx_bytes), bw_rx = tonumber(v.rx_bytes) } end end return data end function action_get_container_stats(container_id) if container_id then local dk = docker.new() local response = dk.containers:inspect({id = container_id}) if response.code == 200 and response.body.State.Running then response = dk.containers:stats({id = container_id, query = {stream = false}}) if response.code == 200 then local container_stats = response.body local cpu_percent = calculate_cpu_percent(container_stats) local mem_useage, mem_limit = get_memory(container_stats) local bw_rxtx = get_rx_tx(container_stats) luci.http.status(response.code, response.body.message) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({ cpu_percent = cpu_percent, memory = { mem_useage = mem_useage, mem_limit = mem_limit }, bw_rxtx = bw_rxtx }) else luci.http.status(response.code, response.body.message) luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain") luci.http.write(response.body.message) end else if response.code == 200 then luci.http.status(500, "container "..container_id.." not running") luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain") luci.http.write("Container "..container_id.." not running") else luci.http.status(response.code, response.body.message) luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain") luci.http.write(response.body.message) end end else luci.http.status(404, "No container name or id") luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain") luci.http.write("No container name or id") end end function action_confirm() local data = docker:read_status() if data then data = data:gsub("\n","
"):gsub(" "," ") code = 202 msg = data else code = 200 msg = "finish" data = "finish" end luci.http.status(code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({info = data}) end function download_archive() local id = luci.http.formvalue("id") local path = luci.http.formvalue("path") local dk = docker.new() local first local cb = function(res, chunk) if res.code == 200 then if not first then first = true luci.http.header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="archive.tar"') luci.http.header('Content-Type', 'application\/x-tar') end luci.ltn12.pump.all(chunk, luci.http.write) else if not first then first = true luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain") end luci.ltn12.pump.all(chunk, luci.http.write) end end local res = dk.containers:get_archive({ id = id, query = { path = path } }, cb) end function upload_archive(container_id) local path = luci.http.formvalue("upload-path") local dk = docker.new() local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local rec_send = function(sinkout) luci.http.setfilehandler(function (meta, chunk, eof) if chunk then ltn12.pump.step(ltn12.source.string(chunk), sinkout) end end) end local res = dk.containers:put_archive({ id = container_id, query = { path = path }, body = rec_send }) local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.status(res.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end function save_images(container_id) local names = luci.http.formvalue("names") local dk = docker.new() local first local cb = function(res, chunk) if res.code == 200 then if not first then first = true luci.http.status(res.code, res.message) luci.http.header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="images.tar"') luci.http.header('Content-Type', 'application\/x-tar') end luci.ltn12.pump.all(chunk, luci.http.write) else if not first then first = true luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain") end luci.ltn12.pump.all(chunk, luci.http.write) end end docker:write_status("Images: saving" .. " " .. container_id .. "...") local res = dk.images:get({ id = container_id, query = { names = names } }, cb) docker:clear_status() local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.status(res.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end function load_images() local path = luci.http.formvalue("upload-path") local dk = docker.new() local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local rec_send = function(sinkout) luci.http.setfilehandler(function (meta, chunk, eof) if chunk then ltn12.pump.step(ltn12.source.string(chunk), sinkout) end end) end docker:write_status("Images: loading...") local res = dk.images:load({body = rec_send}) local msg = res and res.body and ( res.body.message or res.body.stream or res.body.error ) or nil if res.code == 200 and msg and msg:match("Loaded image ID") then docker:clear_status() luci.http.status(res.code, msg) else docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. msg) luci.http.status(300, msg) end luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end function import_images() local src = luci.http.formvalue("src") local itag = luci.http.formvalue("tag") local dk = docker.new() local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local rec_send = function(sinkout) luci.http.setfilehandler(function (meta, chunk, eof) if chunk then ltn12.pump.step(ltn12.source.string(chunk), sinkout) end end) end docker:write_status("Images: importing".. " ".. itag .."...\n") local repo = itag and itag:match("^([^:]+)") local tag = itag and itag:match("^[^:]-:([^:]+)") local res = dk.images:create({ query = { fromSrc = src or "-", repo = repo or nil, tag = tag or nil }, body = not src and rec_send or nil }, docker.import_image_show_status_cb) local msg = res and res.body and ( res.body.message )or nil if not msg and #res.body == 0 then msg = res.body.status or res.body.error elseif not msg and #res.body >= 1 then msg = res.body[#res.body].status or res.body[#res.body].error end if res.code == 200 and msg and msg:match("sha256:") then docker:clear_status() else docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. msg) end luci.http.status(res.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end function get_image_tags(image_id) if not image_id then luci.http.status(400, "no image id") luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = "no image id"}) return end local dk = docker.new() local res = dk.images:inspect({ id = image_id }) local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.status(res.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") if res.code == 200 then local tags = res.body.RepoTags luci.http.write_json({tags = tags}) else local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end end function tag_image(image_id) local src = luci.http.formvalue("tag") local image_id = image_id or luci.http.formvalue("id") if type(src) ~= "string" or not image_id then luci.http.status(400, "no image id or tag") luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = "no image id or tag"}) return end local repo = src:match("^([^:]+)") local tag = src:match("^[^:]-:([^:]+)") local dk = docker.new() local res = dk.images:tag({ id = image_id, query={ repo=repo, tag=tag } }) local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.status(res.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") if res.code == 201 then local tags = res.body.RepoTags luci.http.write_json({tags = tags}) else local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end end function untag_image(tag) local tag = tag or luci.http.formvalue("tag") if not tag then luci.http.status(400, "no tag name") luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = "no tag name"}) return end local dk = docker.new() local res = dk.images:inspect({name = tag}) if res.code == 200 then local tags = res.body.RepoTags if #tags > 1 then local r = dk.images:remove({name = tag}) local msg = r and r.body and r.body.message or nil luci.http.status(r.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) else luci.http.status(500, "Cannot remove the last tag") luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = "Cannot remove the last tag"}) end else local msg = res and res.body and res.body.message or nil luci.http.status(res.code, msg) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({message = msg}) end end