-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth -- Copyright 2008-2011 Jo-Philipp Wich -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. module("luci.controller.admin.system", package.seeall) function index() local fs = require "nixio.fs" entry({"admin", "system"}, alias("admin", "system", "system"), _("System"), 30).index = true entry({"admin", "system", "system"}, cbi("admin_system/system"), _("System"), 1) entry({"admin", "system", "clock_status"}, post_on({ set = true }, "action_clock_status")) entry({"admin", "system", "admin"}, cbi("admin_system/admin"), _("Administration"), 2) if fs.access("/bin/opkg") then entry({"admin", "system", "packages"}, post_on({ exec = "1" }, "action_packages"), _("Software"), 10) entry({"admin", "system", "packages", "ipkg"}, form("admin_system/ipkg")) end entry({"admin", "system", "startup"}, form("admin_system/startup"), _("Startup"), 45) entry({"admin", "system", "crontab"}, form("admin_system/crontab"), _("Scheduled Tasks"), 46) if fs.access("/sbin/block") and fs.access("/etc/config/fstab") then entry({"admin", "system", "fstab"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab"), _("Mount Points"), 50) entry({"admin", "system", "fstab", "mount"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab/mount"), nil).leaf = true entry({"admin", "system", "fstab", "swap"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab/swap"), nil).leaf = true end local nodes, number = nixio.fs.glob("/sys/class/leds/*") if number > 0 then entry({"admin", "system", "leds"}, cbi("admin_system/leds"), _("LED Configuration"), 60) end entry({"admin", "system", "flashops"}, call("action_flashops"), _("Backup / Flash Firmware"), 70) entry({"admin", "system", "flashops", "reset"}, post("action_reset")) entry({"admin", "system", "flashops", "backup"}, post("action_backup")) entry({"admin", "system", "flashops", "backupfiles"}, form("admin_system/backupfiles")) -- call() instead of post() due to upload handling! entry({"admin", "system", "flashops", "restore"}, call("action_restore")) entry({"admin", "system", "flashops", "sysupgrade"}, call("action_sysupgrade")) entry({"admin", "system", "reboot"}, template("admin_system/reboot"), _("Reboot"), 90) entry({"admin", "system", "reboot", "call"}, post("action_reboot")) end function action_clock_status() local set = tonumber(luci.http.formvalue("set")) if set ~= nil and set > 0 then local date = os.date("*t", set) if date then luci.sys.call("date -s '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d'" %{ date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.min, date.sec }) luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/sysfixtime restart") end end luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json({ timestring = os.date("%c") }) end function action_packages() local fs = require "nixio.fs" local ipkg = require "luci.model.ipkg" local submit = (luci.http.formvalue("exec") == "1") local update, upgrade local changes = false local install = { } local remove = { } local stdout = { "" } local stderr = { "" } local out, err -- Display local display = luci.http.formvalue("display") or "installed" -- Letter local letter = string.byte(luci.http.formvalue("letter") or "A", 1) letter = (letter == 35 or (letter >= 65 and letter <= 90)) and letter or 65 -- Search query local query = luci.http.formvalue("query") query = (query ~= '') and query or nil -- Modifying actions if submit then -- Packets to be installed local ninst = luci.http.formvalue("install") local uinst = nil -- Install from URL local url = luci.http.formvalue("url") if url and url ~= '' then uinst = url end -- Do install if ninst then install[ninst], out, err = ipkg.install(ninst) stdout[#stdout+1] = out stderr[#stderr+1] = err changes = true end if uinst then local pkg for pkg in luci.util.imatch(uinst) do install[uinst], out, err = ipkg.install(pkg) stdout[#stdout+1] = out stderr[#stderr+1] = err changes = true end end -- Remove packets local rem = luci.http.formvalue("remove") if rem then remove[rem], out, err = ipkg.remove(rem) stdout[#stdout+1] = out stderr[#stderr+1] = err changes = true end -- Update all packets update = luci.http.formvalue("update") if update then update, out, err = ipkg.update() stdout[#stdout+1] = out stderr[#stderr+1] = err end -- Upgrade all packets upgrade = luci.http.formvalue("upgrade") if upgrade then upgrade, out, err = ipkg.upgrade() stdout[#stdout+1] = out stderr[#stderr+1] = err end end -- List state local no_lists = true local old_lists = false if fs.access("/var/opkg-lists/") then local list for list in fs.dir("/var/opkg-lists/") do no_lists = false if (fs.stat("/var/opkg-lists/"..list, "mtime") or 0) < (os.time() - (24 * 60 * 60)) then old_lists = true break end end end luci.template.render("admin_system/packages", { display = display, letter = letter, query = query, install = install, remove = remove, update = update, upgrade = upgrade, no_lists = no_lists, old_lists = old_lists, stdout = table.concat(stdout, ""), stderr = table.concat(stderr, "") }) -- Remove index cache if changes then fs.unlink("/tmp/luci-indexcache") end end local function image_supported(image) return (os.execute("sysupgrade -T %q >/dev/null" % image) == 0) end local function image_checksum(image) return (luci.sys.exec("md5sum %q" % image):match("^([^%s]+)")) end local function image_sha256_checksum(image) return (luci.sys.exec("sha256sum %q" % image):match("^([^%s]+)")) end local function supports_sysupgrade() return nixio.fs.access("/lib/upgrade/platform.sh") end local function supports_reset() return (os.execute([[grep -sq "^overlayfs:/overlay / overlay " /proc/mounts]]) == 0) end local function storage_size() local size = 0 if nixio.fs.access("/proc/mtd") then for l in io.lines("/proc/mtd") do local d, s, e, n = l:match('^([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+"([^%s]+)"') if n == "linux" or n == "firmware" then size = tonumber(s, 16) break end end elseif nixio.fs.access("/proc/partitions") then for l in io.lines("/proc/partitions") do local x, y, b, n = l:match('^%s*(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)') if b and n and not n:match('[0-9]') then size = tonumber(b) * 1024 break end end end return size end function action_flashops() -- -- Overview -- luci.template.render("admin_system/flashops", { reset_avail = supports_reset(), upgrade_avail = supports_sysupgrade() }) end function action_sysupgrade() local fs = require "nixio.fs" local http = require "luci.http" local image_tmp = "/tmp/firmware.img" local fp http.setfilehandler( function(meta, chunk, eof) if not fp and meta and meta.name == "image" then fp = io.open(image_tmp, "w") end if fp and chunk then fp:write(chunk) end if fp and eof then fp:close() end end ) if not luci.dispatcher.test_post_security() then fs.unlink(image_tmp) return end -- -- Cancel firmware flash -- if http.formvalue("cancel") then fs.unlink(image_tmp) http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/system/flashops')) return end -- -- Initiate firmware flash -- local step = tonumber(http.formvalue("step") or 1) if step == 1 then if image_supported(image_tmp) then luci.template.render("admin_system/upgrade", { checksum = image_checksum(image_tmp), sha256ch = image_sha256_checksum(image_tmp), storage = storage_size(), size = (fs.stat(image_tmp, "size") or 0), keep = (not not http.formvalue("keep")) }) else fs.unlink(image_tmp) luci.template.render("admin_system/flashops", { reset_avail = supports_reset(), upgrade_avail = supports_sysupgrade(), image_invalid = true }) end -- -- Start sysupgrade flash -- elseif step == 2 then local keep = (http.formvalue("keep") == "1") and "" or "-n" luci.template.render("admin_system/applyreboot", { title = luci.i18n.translate("Flashing..."), msg = luci.i18n.translate("The system is flashing now.
Wait a few minutes before you try to reconnect. It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings."), addr = (#keep > 0) and "" or nil }) fork_exec("sleep 1; killall dropbear uhttpd; sleep 1; /sbin/sysupgrade %s %q" %{ keep, image_tmp }) end end function action_backup() local reader = ltn12_popen("sysupgrade --create-backup - 2>/dev/null") luci.http.header( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="backup-%s-%s.tar.gz"' %{ luci.sys.hostname(), os.date("%Y-%m-%d") }) luci.http.prepare_content("application/x-targz") luci.ltn12.pump.all(reader, luci.http.write) end function action_restore() local fs = require "nixio.fs" local http = require "luci.http" local archive_tmp = "/tmp/restore.tar.gz" local fp http.setfilehandler( function(meta, chunk, eof) if not fp and meta and meta.name == "archive" then fp = io.open(archive_tmp, "w") end if fp and chunk then fp:write(chunk) end if fp and eof then fp:close() end end ) if not luci.dispatcher.test_post_security() then fs.unlink(archive_tmp) return end local upload = http.formvalue("archive") if upload and #upload > 0 then luci.template.render("admin_system/applyreboot") os.execute("tar -C / -xzf %q >/dev/null 2>&1" % archive_tmp) luci.sys.reboot() return end http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/system/flashops')) end function action_reset() if supports_reset() then luci.template.render("admin_system/applyreboot", { title = luci.i18n.translate("Erasing..."), msg = luci.i18n.translate("The system is erasing the configuration partition now and will reboot itself when finished."), addr = "" }) fork_exec("sleep 1; killall dropbear uhttpd; sleep 1; jffs2reset -y && reboot") return end http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/system/flashops')) end function action_passwd() local p1 = luci.http.formvalue("pwd1") local p2 = luci.http.formvalue("pwd2") local stat = nil if p1 or p2 then if p1 == p2 then stat = luci.sys.user.setpasswd("root", p1) else stat = 10 end end luci.template.render("admin_system/passwd", {stat=stat}) end function action_reboot() luci.sys.reboot() end function fork_exec(command) local pid = nixio.fork() if pid > 0 then return elseif pid == 0 then -- change to root dir nixio.chdir("/") -- patch stdin, out, err to /dev/null local null = nixio.open("/dev/null", "w+") if null then nixio.dup(null, nixio.stderr) nixio.dup(null, nixio.stdout) nixio.dup(null, nixio.stdin) if null:fileno() > 2 then null:close() end end -- replace with target command nixio.exec("/bin/sh", "-c", command) end end function ltn12_popen(command) local fdi, fdo = nixio.pipe() local pid = nixio.fork() if pid > 0 then fdo:close() local close return function() local buffer = fdi:read(2048) local wpid, stat = nixio.waitpid(pid, "nohang") if not close and wpid and stat == "exited" then close = true end if buffer and #buffer > 0 then return buffer elseif close then fdi:close() return nil end end elseif pid == 0 then nixio.dup(fdo, nixio.stdout) fdi:close() fdo:close() nixio.exec("/bin/sh", "-c", command) end end